Chapter 2837 Real World 187

After the opening of the chapter of the ancient Fan, after seeing the above content, the heart could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Not that!

Wen Xuandi said: "The last time you were in Yanzhou, you did a good job. Just next time you have to be in danger."

Gufan nodded, "Children just want to quickly destroy them, the best way to find their nest is to bait. Others do it, the children are not at ease, so they are in danger. What the people should do, the greatest merit is still the hard work of the generals of these thieves."

In the eyes of everyone, the last time the four emperors were hijacked by the monks was actually a play of his self-directed performance.

This incident is not even known to the North Rain. If it is known that this is the case, it will certainly destroy his plan.

Wen Xuandi is very satisfied with his attitude of not being arrogant and not greedy.

Gu Fan’s feeling is almost the same. He is preparing to talk to Wen Xuandi about the outside world, and he hears the insider coming forward. “Sheng Shang, the Five Emperors and the Six Emperors are looking outside.”

Wen Xuandi raised his eyebrows, "Let them come in."

Gu Fanzhi had a bad premonition, and he was busy facing the Wenxuan Emperor in the upper seat: "The father and the emperor have something to look back."

Wen Xuandi heard some eagerness in his tone, but he was somewhat curious. Today, when three of them come at the same time, something must happen.

"What is it?"

"Children want to..."

As soon as he said half of it, the five emperors and the six emperors had stepped into the study, and they were kneeling down. "The children have seen the father."

The words of Gu Fanzhi were interrupted.

"Get up."

"Thank you father."

The five emperors and the six emperors stood up and smiled as they looked at the four emperors.

"The fourth brother is also here." The six emperors said with surprise.

"Five brothers, six brothers." Four emperors bowed to the two men.

Wen Xuandi looked at the three sons of the next head and asked: "Talk about it, what are you going to find today?"

The four emperors are about to speak, but the five emperors and the six emperors have long been prepared, and the five emperors among the three have the quickest response.

"Father and Emperor, today's children come over there is something to celebrate with you, it is coincident that the fourth brother is here."

One of the ancients heard what he said and knew what they wanted to say.

"What a happy event?" Wen Xuan's deep scorpion swept past the three sons.

The Six Emperors followed, "Father, the fourth brother has a favorite person, just because of the identity of the other party, do not dare to show their minds with others, can only be silently guarded by the side. Today, the fourth brother is here, I am afraid I also want to ask You fulfill him."

"Hugh to be nonsense." Gu Fan's face was slightly cold.

Wen Xuan Emperor came to the interest, "Which woman can let her son?"

"Father, this woman you should also hear her name. It is our Chang'an City, wrong, is the first woman in the Southern Tang Dynasty, Gu Ruran." Five emperors said with a smile.

"Gu Yuran." Wen Xuan's mouth whispered in the mouth, remembering who this woman is.

"How do you hear that this woman is a woman who is a favorite of Jin Wang."

The six emperors smiled and said: "Father, you don't know. The relationship between Jin Wang and Si Ge is the best. Because of the identity, I dare not show her heart with Miss Gu, so she entrusted her to Jin Wang. She will protect her, and this will enable Ms. Gu to show her ambitions in the business."

"Oh, there is such a thing." Wen Xuan Emperor looked deep into the ancient.

(End of this chapter)

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