Chapter 2842 Real World 192

Gu Yuran’s indifferent look broke at this moment.

"Kill this bad woman." Someone in the crowd shouted.

"Kill her."

The first person threw it, and immediately the second person threw it, and the third and fourth came one after another.

The servants want to protect her, but they can't stop the angry people.

Constantly smelling eggs, rotten leaves thrown on her face, body, made her wolf.

"Protect Miss." Gu's family Ding rushed out.

"You are a group of untouchables." Xia Ho yelled, using his body in front of Gu Yuran.

The people of Gufu have stepped forward to block them, and there are no more people outside them.

Between the two sides of the massage, the people of both sides suddenly twisted, and in an instant, the scene became chaotic.

Wang Daren and Zhao Daren quickly rushed to open them, and they used a cup of tea to open the two sides.

"You are deceiving too much." Gufu’s manager angered the people outside the door.

"You Gu's grasshoppers are dead, and your face is pointing at us." The people outside were angry.

"My daughter's happiness has been ruined by you. You still have a face to say, you still have the happiness of my daughter."

"My sister's face was also ruined by Gu's poisonous face cream. This life is over. It's all caused by your Gu Shi."


People are constantly crying to the misfortunes of the family, and the root cause of the misfortune is Gu's face cream.

In the restaurant not far from Gufu, Beiyuyu sat on the second floor of the window seat, looking at the noisy piece underneath, looking at Gu Yuran's wolverine, and the corner of his lips slid a touch of curvature.

She thought her calm would last a long time, but it seems to be the case now.

"Played well." Muxiang said excitedly.

Even Xue Qian, who has always been kind, silently did not speak, looked coldly.

Because of the troubles that were too big, for the sake of safety, Gu Ruran took the carriage to the prison.

Four Emperor House

"His Highness, the result has already come out. It is a problem with Gu's face cream. Wang Daren and Zhao Daren have already captured Miss Gu."

Gu Fanzhi stood up from the position and went out of the study directly without thinking about it.

However, as soon as he came out, he happened to meet Zhao Gao, his first adviser.

"His Highness, where are you going to hurry and go?"

"I have something urgent to do."

"His Royal Highness is for Miss Gu's business?" Zhao Gao said.

Gu Fanzhi did not speak and walked away.

"His Royal Highness, you must not go now. If you go, you will only add to Miss Gu." Zhao Gao said.

The footsteps of Gu Fan’s stop, “Zhao Gao, what do you mean by this?”

"His Highness, you have to forget, the rumors of His Royal Highness and Miss Gu some time ago. If the Highness is now gone, it is not their plan. Those who have been staring at His Royal Highness are waiting for His Highness to be delivered to the door. If they are allowed Knowing the importance of Miss Gu to her Highness, how many of them can reverse her? The temple will only make her situation more dangerous."

Zhao Gao’s words made Gu Fan’s thoughts dispelled, allowing him to do nothing, watching her suffering and suffering, he could not do it.

"I can't watch her being jealous."

"This matter is handed over to the genus. Your Highness, you only need to stay in the government and complete the task of the sacred arrangement." Zhao Gao said.

"I am at your disposal, I am most at ease. Be sure to protect her." Gu Fanzhi said.

"Please rest assured your Highness."

(End of this chapter)

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