Chapter 2857 Real World 207

Beilin is an acute child, and he does not say anything directly to Jinwangfu.

When the porter saw Beilin, the first reaction was to close the door.

Only their speed is fast, and Beilin is faster.

‘Touch’ to the ground, Beilin kicked the door directly, and the door-to-door that was closed was directly fell to the ground by the door and fell to the ground.

"Oh." A scream in the doorway.

Beilin stepped into Jinwangfu and looked at the concierge in front of him with a bad eye. "Yuye is coming, you are a slave who dares to close, do you look down on me?"

The porter hurriedly begged for mercy. "The Northern Little General forgives sin. The small one does not see you. If you see that you are coming, you will be a hundred courageous slaves, and the slaves will not close the door."

Beilin sneered and kicked him directly. "You are a dog slave, will you be an idiot?"

Lie to talk about his head.

The porter was scared and asked for mercy.

"The slaves did not dare to ask the northern general to spare this small time."

The movement here has naturally attracted the attention of the people in the government. When the guards arrived, they were afraid to move at the sight of Beilin. This Lord has been clamoring for several times in the King’s Palace. He has been safe for several times. How can these people who are the next person dare to offend him.

Beilin glanced at the guard and walked toward the house.

The housekeeper got the news and rushed in. When he saw Beilin, he smiled and greeted him.

"Northern General, how come you have time. Wang Ye still wants to see you recently." The housekeeper said with a smile, busy and screaming for tea.

"Don't be busy, let your lord come out." Beilin sat down in his chair.

The housekeeper smiled and said: "The Northern Little General, our prince is not in the government."

Beilin snorted. "Don't think about using this trick to deal with me. Since you don't go all night, I will find it myself."

Said that Beilin is going to the backyard of Jinwangfu.

When my sister is still a king of the king, the backyard has come several times. Naturally, I know the road. I don’t need people to lead the way.

The butler wants to stop, but can't stop it, and dare not stop.

He said eagerly: "The Northern Little General, the prince is really no longer in the middle of the government, the old man was ordered to go outside to do the business, if you don't believe, you can find an adult to ask."

He said so, it must be no longer in the government.

"When your grandfather returns, tell him to manage his woman. If I let her see that she is biting outside, I don't mind cleaning up for him. This time I watched her as a woman, for the time being. Let her go. The next time, she dares to commit again, even if she is a woman, I can't make a mistake." After the warning of Beilin, he left the palace directly.

When he left, the butler couldn't help but wipe a cold sweat.

Miss Gu has offended this little devil.

After Beilin came out from Jinwangfu, his heart was still not good. However, my sister said that men who beat women are not good people.

He never beats a woman, but the woman is really owed to the flat. It is really hateful to use a poisonous face cream and dare to fall into the wood sister.

The tone of the heart was not smooth, and Beilin rushed to the Puzi under the Gushi, ready to find the cockroach, and vented the wood sister, but when he arrived at the shop of Rey, he saw the shop closed.

Someone saw him standing at the door, thinking that he was shopping, and said busy: "Gongzi, if you buy something, don't go to Gu's shop to buy it. Some women bought their home, face It’s ruined, it’s not good yet.”

(End of this chapter)

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