Chapter 2868 Real World 218

North Xing Jun looked at his son's virtue, and he could not wait to smoke him.

How long does it take to get along with people?

This son is all good, just not looking at it.

Beilin looked at Chang'an City, which was gradually drifting away from behind. He was embarrassed in his heart and could not fulfill his promise.

The army is on the road overnight, and the war is urgent, and there is no time to delay.

The next day, the entire Chang'an City people knew that the border was defeated, the coach died, and lost two cities. If the Great Zhou Dynasty launched an offensive at this time, then the Southern Tang Dynasty can be described as a four-faced song.

Fortunately, the Great Zhou Dynasty and the Shu Kingdom are in the midst of fighting, and there is no such thing as scruples. It also makes the two countries temporarily stable, but no one guarantees that the Great Zhou Dynasty will suddenly launch an offensive.

Because of this incident, Wen Xuan Emperor could not sleep peacefully.

There is a saying that is good, ‘the house leaks in the rain, and the ship meets the wind again’.

At this time, the Southern Tang Dynasty is facing such a dilemma.

After the defeat of the border customs, floods occurred in Jiangnan and other places. The dam broke down and the floods poured out. For example, the same beast immediately swallowed countless fields and villages. The three major states were all flooded, corpses and humans.

The Wenxuan Emperor issued a sacred decree, and countless officials dispatched Sanzhou. Open granaries, however, most of the food is sent to the front line, and the amount of food that can be dispatched is very small, which is tantamount to a drop in the three continents affected by the disaster.

Some officials began collecting food from the big cities in the city, but the final result was not satisfactory.

Many rich merchants hoarded a large amount of food, but refused to take out half of the points, which made the officials of the Manchu Dynasty a headache.

Tianxiang Pavilion

Lei Yuzhen and Bei Yuqi sit opposite each other, and a pot of tea on the table braces the steaming water.

He really admire the woman in front of him, and his original guess really came true.

It was a kind of consciousness to have this speculation at first, but I did not expect it to be true. When I heard the dam break and the several major states in the south of the Yangtze River became human purgatory, he finally understood that this woman is very, very simple.

"Lei Shaozhu, do you want to be the first richest person in the Southern Tang Dynasty?"

If you switch to other merchants, I am afraid I will not dare. Because once you become the richest man, you will face the jealousy of the emperor, so that the emperor will remember the merchants, and the final end is to destroy the door.

However, Bei Yuying did not worry about the forces behind Lei, for no reason, just because they can become the stability of Lei's in the Zhou Dynasty, and this alone shows their capital.

"The richest man, the world merchants who do not want. Just, this first name can be bad." Lei Yu said.

"If Ray's became the famous home of the Great Tang Dynasty in the Southern Tang Dynasty, how do you feel?"

Great good is the direction of the people.

The king of a country must consider the people before he wants to move him.

"Ha ha ha, Mrs. Wood always gives me reasons to refuse." Lei Yu smiled and said, "I don't know how Mrs. Wood is going to do this time?"

He is very curious, she is ready to do it.

"Recently, the Lord has seen many officials, right?"

"Are you prepared to let me agree with their request and take the lead in donating food?" Lei Yuqi asked with interest.

The northern rain swayed his hand. "No, no, no. Donations are inevitable, but they can't be handed over to them. I don't want to fill the pockets of corrupt people with the money in my pocket."

Lei Yuxi is very curious about how she will do it.

Ps: Little, you have a monthly ticket in your pocket, come to the monthly ticket! ! ! Monthly, monthly, monthly...

(End of this chapter)

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