Chapter 2890 Real World 240

The prefects were entangled in the end, and finally the heart was horizontal. "Good. The old man will gamble with you."

"Lei will not let you regret today's decision." Lei Yuzhen assured.

The prefects smiled and said: "I can give my life to Lei Xiandi."

If this event is successful, he will step up and gain fame and fortune. If it is not successful, it is a curse.

"From now on, all the things in the whole of Zhangzhou are subject to my command."

Lei Yuzhen collected all the food, and all the victims received it and arranged it.

The prefects and adults looked at Lei Yuzhen’s rules and were very worried. “Is this really ok?”

He did this unheard of, and he never saw it.


The prefects adults could not help but ask: "How did the younger brother think of these whimsy?"

Lei Yu smiled and said: "This is not what I want to come out. This is what we think of the second family. Even the way that the merchants are willing to come up with food is what she came up with."

The prefecture's grown-up eyes widened and couldn't help but be curious about the unrecognized Lei's second home.

The victims who flocked to the Fuzhou government, everyone was wacky and faltering. When they learned that there was free food, they swarmed. Fortunately, Tuen Mun has already expected this situation. It has already dispatched the servants and the families of the rich families to maintain order, so that everyone will line up in turn.

In the past, the victims who ate the most free food were a bowl of clear porridge. The porridge could see the bottom, but this time the porridge was not only thick, but also had two white-faced steamed buns.

Before hearing the wind, the Southwest War, the court did not have food. These foods are all donated by the merchants in Zhangzhou. The food donated will not eat too much.

However, when I saw porridge, there was a white-faced steamed bun, and the uneasy people of Zhangzhou had a reassurance.

When all of them were sipping porridge outside and eating white-faced hoes, the thunder drums were ringing on a high platform next door.

The sound of the thunder drum attracted everyone's attention, and the victims raised their heads and looked up at the high platform.

Lei Yuzhen stood on the top and said to all the people in the audience: "You are the folks of Zhangzhou, nowadays, we are in the war between the two countries of the South China and the two countries. The Southern Tang Dynasty will cease to exist, and all of us will become slaves of the country. Now the country’s food is sent to the frontline soldiers, only they have eaten and have the strength to fight with the two countries."

"But we have floods in Ganzhou, we also need to live. At this time, all of us have only worked together to overcome this difficulty. There are other merchants outside the Zhangzhou Wang, outside the staff, and outside the Zhou, have generously donated Living in the house."

"We have hands and feet, we are building new homes together, we..."

Lei Yuzhen’s generous and eloquent speech said that all the people present were moved to tears.

"Now we are talking about rules. We exchange labor for points, and this point reaches a certain level, which allows you to be assigned to the field and to a new house. After the disaster, you can have new houses and fields."

Someone immediately asked: "Is it really free?"

Lei Yu smiled and said: "Of course not free, it is necessary to earn points by you."

"How do I earn points?"

(End of this chapter)

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