Chapter 2917 Real World 267

When the white cloth was completely spread out, the Wenwu Baiguan of the Manchu Dynasty saw the above things clearly.

It was a blood book, a blood book written by the people of Zhangzhou with blood.

Zhou Shiren, a censor of the Imperial Family, said to the Emperor Wen Xuan, "Your Majesty, this is the countless people in Cangzhou, the blood book written with blood. It is their heartfelt voice. The reason why the people of Zhangzhou can safely pass this disaster is because of Lei The second is the head of the family, but now the Lei's second master is to be beheaded. After the people of Zhangzhou learned about this, the people petitioned and wrote this blood book."

"What is Rea's second home?" asked Wen Xuan.

Even if you have already guessed it.

"It is the mother of this son, the peach of the wood. She has exhausted her family's property, and even after the disaster, she has solved the solution overnight. How can a person who is full of the world be cruel to kill Zhang Jiajia? The executioner. Please also ask the Holy Spirit to observe the autumn."

At this moment, a small **** quietly gave the general manager a look. The general manager quietly walked down and heard the words of the insider and returned to the original position.

He whispered to the side of Wen Xuandi: "On the Holy Land, Zhangzhou quickly sent a document."

"Call up."


A waiter hurriedly walked up with the same thing. The general manager walked down the steps and opened the box. After seeing the things inside, the pupils shrank.

"What is it?"

The general manager took the things out and handed them in front of Wen Xuandi.

Wen Xuandi opened his eyes and saw it again. It was a blood book, and it was for the blood book that Lei’s second family ordered.

Wen Xuan's face is a bit ugly, not because of these blood books, but because of the anecdotes in the criminal department.

"You are all in love, you are here. This is what the people of Zhangzhou sent to you."

Wen Xuandi stood up and spread the blood book.

Manchu Wenwu Baiguan looked at the blood book, one by one complex.

It is not easy for a people in a state to plead for her.

Now there is another people in the state who speak for her. It is rare.

At this moment, there was a sound coming from outside, and Wen Xuan directly said: "The person who sent the letter directly came in."

In a short while, a young man with a sly face, pale face, and a wolverine walked into the hall.

"The grass people see the holy, the emperor is long lived, long live."

"What is it with?"

The man trembled and said: "The grass people brought the voices of our people in Jingzhou. The day and night, the progress of the day and night, fortunately, not to disappoint the expectations of the Jingzhou people, arrived before the benefactor."

The man took out a thing from his arms and everyone saw the blood book again.

That blood was written so badly that someone recognized the word.

Wen Xuandi also felt familiar. "Where is this book written?"

"Fang Jingxuan, Mr. Fang Lao."

The following ministers began to whisper.

"Sure enough, he."

Fang Jingxuan is a great Confucian in the Jingzhou area and a great Confucian in the Southern Tang Dynasty. On several occasions, Wen Xuan Emperor wanted to call Fang Jing to enter the DPRK as an official, but the family refused and liked the life of the wild crane.

He actually handwritten this blood book, which is very heavy and heavy.

Tang Jingyu’s face became very ugly, and he never imagined that there would be such a thing today.

He absolutely does not believe that this is a coincidence.

In the heart of the four emperors, Gu Fan’s heart was playing drums, and he couldn’t help but look at Tang Jingyu.

This time he didn't do it, but he knew very well who was manipulating it all behind his back.

(End of this chapter)

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