Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 10 New version of ultra-fast growing farm (9)

Such a place is obviously not easy to find.

In fact, the caves are relatively easy to find, but most of the caves are either damp and smelly, or they are too small. Some caves can even be described as water curtain holes. Lie a fool.

And the Yunqi female crown is obviously not stupid.

Ding Yun, who had been searching all night and failed to find a suitable cave, wished he could take a shovel and dig out a big cave by himself.

Unfortunately, this is simply not realistic.

In the end, Ding Yun could only lower his requirements. He no longer insisted on finding a dry cave that could store more than 10 million catties of grain. Instead, as long as it was a dry cave and the internal area was not too small, it would be covered by her. It was chosen as a place to store grain. Although it was scattered, at least it was difficult to find a reason to fool them.

Anyway, it's better than having no place to put it.

After half a night of tossing around like this, Ding Yun, who was almost bitten by snakes, insects, rats and ants several times, finally managed to transport 15 million catties of wheat and rice, and stored them in the six caves she found. Among them, at the same time, she hadn't forgotten to properly hide the outside of those caves, so that outsiders couldn't see that there was something inside at first glance, or even that it was a cave.

After all, this is hidden food.

If you don't hide it, how can people believe it's hidden?

After finishing these things, Ding Yun hurriedly harvested another wave on the farm, and then went to sleep.

I slept until I woke up naturally the next day. Then I tidied up my appearance again, and then went up the mountain alone. This time, I didn’t go in through the vegetable garden like yesterday. promised.

The attitudes of the people at Nanhuaguan were pretty good. They didn't look down on Ding Yun because she was a girl who was not well dressed. They even enthusiastically brought her in and brought her a bowl of gruel. Then I went to inform Yunqi Women's Crown.

It happened that Ding Yun only ate a peach in the morning and didn't eat anything else, so he drank porridge and waited.

As for the Yunqi Women's Crown, she was obviously in a hurry, and she probably didn't get much sleep last night, but after three or five minutes, she hurried over with a haggard face.

And as soon as they met, they couldn't wait to say:

"Little layman, you are here to answer the appointment.

I have already completed your household registration, and the name and place of origin are all based on what you said. "

"That's really thanks to the real person.

The food can be transported now. I don't know if the real person can hire laborers. If so, I can lead you there now. "

Ding Yun was very anxious to see the other party.

Immediately also said very directly.

"It's hired, it's hired, they've all been waiting in the guest room in the side hall of the Taoist temple for a while.

I'm calling them over now! "

After finishing speaking, Yunqi Nuguan immediately turned her head and told her disciples to call for someone, and then took out from her sleeve the household registration she had done for Ding Yun yesterday.

While handing it to Ding Yun, he explained:

"Because you haven't started yet, so I didn't apply for Taoist registration for you, but just attached your household registration to Nanhua Temple, which is currently considered a civil registration.

I don't think you need to worry for now.

Having citizenship is enough.

Moreover, the civil registration age I gave you is twelve years old, and there are still six years before the age of eighteen that is required to marry, so you can definitely think carefully about whether you want to become a monk.

I know that you must have been enlightened and studied books for several years.

But there are still some differences between the Taoism and the Four Books and Five Classics. If you are really determined to become a monk in the future, I can spare some time every day to teach you, but I don’t dare to say whether you can pass the exam. promise. "

In fact, Ding Yun didn't know what the household registration of this era looked like, so she just took it casually, looked it up and down, and after confirming that the corresponding information written on it was what she explained yesterday, she nodded reassuringly.

Then put away the household registration and thanked:

"Anyway, thank you so much.

And I also understand what the real person did. It was nothing more than worrying that I would regret it in the future. In fact, I didn't want to become a monk from the beginning. It's just that after nearly a year, I have met too many heartless people and too many wives. Abandoned children, many of those people are still protected by their natal families.

Not to mention those who don't have the protection of their natal family, or it is better to have no natal family than to have the protection of their natal family. If they have more assets, it will be like a child holding money.

People's hearts are unpredictable, and I don't want to test it.

It's better to live alone and be at ease.

The provincial official media forced the marriage.

As for the need to study Taoism and participate in the assessment, I will work harder on this aspect. "

Ding Yun was very aware of Yun Qi's kindness, but she also had her own ideas, so she could only reluctantly decline her kindness.

And express your attitude and reasons.

And after she finished explaining the reason, the female crown of Yunqi also let out a long sigh. When she was young, no one had ever longed for a happy love with one heart and one head. In the case of rich and powerful families, there will be three wives and four concubines, and poor families will give priority to pawning their wives as daughters when encountering difficulties. Where is the good man!

Because she became a monk back then, part of the reason Ding Yun just said was there, so she didn't really know how to continue persuading her for a while, so in the end she could only sigh:

"Hey, don't be too hasty, if you're still disappointed after three to five years, it's not too late to talk about it.

Let's go get the food first. "

These words are obviously perfunctory, but Ding Yun is still very happy to take over, so he immediately nodded and stood up, raised his feet and started to walk out:

"Alright, I'll lead the way now."

At the same time, the disciples sent by Yunqi Nuoguan to call those laborers have already called all the dozens of laborers she hired yesterday, so of course they will be led by Ding Yun next. Next, start to go to the grain storage point closest to Nanhua Temple.

Although it was the closest point, after all, he had to go down the mountain and up the mountain again, and his physical fitness with the Yunqi female crown outside was really not that good.

So in the end it took an hour.

It's hard to reach the destination.

Afterwards, under the command of Ding Yun, those laborers cleared away all the cover she arranged yesterday, and officially revealed the first grain cave.

"Really, the land was sold in a hurry at the beginning, so I didn't thresh it. Later, because it was useless, I didn't think about threshing.

But it was roughly estimated at the beginning.

It weighs 15 million catties, even if the grains are threshed, it should be 10 million catties, so I am not lying, but I may have to trouble you to ask someone to help you threshing and shelling. "

Ding Yun didn't even need to look at the face of Yunqi Nuguan to know that she must have doubts, so he specially started to explain why this happened in advance.

This is the reason she has already made up.

(1) Forced marriage by the official media: In some dynasties, women who did not marry after reaching a certain age were required to hold their parents accountable, and even had to increase taxes, or forcibly match each other.

The added tax is actually equivalent to the money for a forced blind date.

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