Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 1006 Sun Goddess Scepter (6)

After the successful cohesion and shaping of the divine body and the divine kingdom, Ding Yun immediately returned to his birth star, concentrating on refining the Sun Temple as his future residence, and at the same time immersing part of his soul in his own Sun Godhead to sense carefully. every line of faith.

Screen out believers who are devout enough to prepare for the next teaching of exercises and training of Sun Warriors.

But Ding Yun just started for a while.

A video communication suddenly came from the consciousness chip.

Looking at it again, I found out that it was Jin Xinxin, so it was not good to keep ignoring him, so I could only separate out a ray of spirit and click on the connection, and then started to use it with one mind and three purposes.

Connect with the communication.

Ding Yun laughed as soon as he saw Jin Xinxin's appearance at this time, and before Jin Xinxin saw Ding Yun, he obviously had an idea and attitude of sympathizing with each other and seeking sympathy, but after seeing Ding Yun's appearance at this time , was shocked at first, and then complained incomparably depressed:

"This is too unfair. Why did you stay the same when I was the only one who condensed my divine body from male to female? It's unscientific, no, it's unreasonable!

Could it be the world you chose.

Ordinary people always think that the sun god is a goddess? "

The situation is very clear. Jin Xinxin on the opposite side of the video looks like a dignified, noble, elegant and extremely beautiful goddess at this time. He probably can't accept the reality a little bit, and then thinks that Ding Yun will become a sun god. Find some resonance from Ding Yun.

After all, it is indeed a bit miserable for one person to be unlucky, but for two people to be unlucky together, the mood will undoubtedly be much better.

"Hahahahaha, you are too stupid.

Did you directly use the power of faith to ignite the divine fire as soon as you entered the chosen world, condense the Haoyue godhead, and even shape the body of the god? Don't you know that you directly use the power of pure faith to shape the body of the god?

Will it be influenced by faith?

Your current appearance is most likely to be the appearance of the God of the Moon in the imagination of your followers. To put it bluntly, I am afraid that your personality will be affected in the future, and you will gradually transition to the direction they imagined.

Sister Xinxin, let's call each other sisters from now on! "

Of course Ding Yun laughed and gloated at such an interesting event.

While talking.

I also took dozens of photos with my supernatural power.

Although Jin Xinxin wanted to hang up the communication immediately, but in the end he gritted his teeth and asked:

"Don't go too far, no, then why didn't you change your gender? Is there anything you can do? It's because of our brother-sister relationship for so many years.

Just tell me..."

"Uh...you're a little late to ask.

And my situation is a little bit different from yours. Before condensing the divine body, I performed miracles to let everyone know that I am a goddess. After that, I basically didn't use much faith when condensing the divine body. The power of power is mainly condensed by absorbing the power of the sun. Absorbing the power of the sun and condensing does not need to consider the will of those believers in the power of faith.

I myself want to condense the divine body into what it looks like.

That's how it condenses.

If you perform miracles in advance, before condensing the divine body, then slowly condense the divine body, only absorbing the power of faith after performing the miracles.

The condensed divine body should be fine.

And now, it's obviously a bit late.

If you want to change your image, you can only rely on performing magical skills many times, and gradually change subtly. I estimate that if there are enough people, it should be successful in three to five years. "

Schadenfreude belongs to schadenfreude, the specific reasons and solutions, Ding Yun still told Jin Xinxin in detail with the corner of his mouth involuntarily raised.

And at this time, Jin Xinxin basically understood, at the same time, he was both depressed and envious: "You are still smart!

Compared with some illusory concept type laws, and the Haoyue law that has real objects but does not correspond to energy entities, the advantages of the sun law are too great, but in any world with life.

There is basically no world without the sun.

And all the stars in the sky are the sun.

Some are the endless power of the sun that can be absorbed directly, even if you don’t become a god, you can practice. Unlike me, the moon is an ordinary planet that can only reflect the sun’s light to illuminate the world. If you want to absorb the power of the bright moon, It can only absorb a little bit when reflecting sunlight, which is difficult, too difficult.

I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry..."

"No, when you chose the world, didn't you consider whether the moon will shine or not?

If I were you, when choosing a universe and a world, I would have to choose a universe whose interior is mainly large and small, and where the sky is round and the sky is round.

Because at least those bright moons in the plane worlds with round sky can emit light by themselves, which is a terrifying energy aggregate in itself. Isn't this better than picking a planet that can only reflect sunlight to obtain a little power of the bright moon?

You don't think about it at all, do you? "

Ding Yun continued to poke people's hearts.

Jin Xinxin directly gave up on himself, Buddha:

"I also want to have a chance to think about it. My mother brought me directly into this world. What can I do? Just now my mother comforted me and said that gender is meaningless to gods, and female images are more gentle. Gentle and gentle, it is easier to obtain the power of faith.

Oh, forget it, I don't expect anything.

That's it, how about love, see you later! "

After Jin Xinxin finished speaking, he hung up the communication, while Ding Yun smiled quite complacently, and couldn't help but want to applaud his wise and powerful plan.

Sure enough, seeing others unlucky is very happy.

Even relatives.

However, if you are happy, you still have to continue to advance your plan. After a while, Ding Yun regained his composure and continued to screen his followers.

However, after screening and screening, Ding Yun found that the locations of many devout believers are quite concentrated, basically gathering together in nests. Out of curiosity, why so many devout believers are concentrated in the same area, Ding Yun Yun randomly picked an area to check.

Not long after, she let out a long sigh.

Those pious believers are basically concentrated near the hospital, and most of them are mothers or fathers. Their will is both pious and simple, and they sincerely hope that the sun god can manifest and heal their children.

Although they ask for something.

But their beliefs are also extremely pure.

They are much purer than those who seek wealth for the future, love and career, and some are even willing to sacrifice their lives purely, and have nothing else to ask for.

Sure enough, some words are true. If life is allowed in the world, the hospital will be full of mothers.

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