Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 1012 Sun Goddess Scepter (12)

After that, the new pope preached the decree to the world for Ding Yun.

The core clergy of the major Sun God religions and the Sun Temple were summoned to Ding Yun, the Sun Temple where the saint descended, to hold the first bishops' meeting.

As a result, of course, the major bishops all over the world, the Pope responded one after another, and rushed here quickly.

As for why there are other popes.

That is mainly because the belief in the sun god is not a very unified belief. Although there are beliefs in the sun god in various countries and civilizations, the sun god they believe in may not be the same sun god.

At least in their myths and legends.

Not the same sun god.

In some myths, the sun god is the supreme god and the lord of the gods, in some myths, the sun god is just an ordinary member of the gods, and in some myths, the sun god may be tortured and killed by mortals. It is very reasonable that there are different Helios religions, and different Helios religions have different popes.

It is impossible for Ding Yun to admit that every pope is still a pope. What she needs is a unified Sun God Sect, not a messy and scattered Sun God Sect like before. Which sun did her saint avatar descend on? Among the god religions, it is basically equivalent to having determined which sun god religion will be the core in the future.

And which Pope of the Sun God Religion.

For the future only Pope.

As for why she chose the Sun God Sect in the Ancient Wente Country, it was of course because the Sun God Sect in the Ancient Wente Country was not only the largest Sun God Sect in the world.

It is also one of the few.

The god of the sun has always been respected as the supreme god.

It's not that Ding Yun is out of his mind. It's impossible for Ding Yun not to choose the largest Sun God Cult in the world, but to choose a remote village, and then believe in a weak Sun God Cult, as his descent point.

Three days later, even the bishop of the Temple of the Sun, who was located in a remote place, specially spent a huge amount of money to buy a plane ticket, and hurried to the Temple of the Sun in the ancient country of Winter.

In addition to them, there are government representatives from various countries, as well as journalists, tourists, believers, and many other people from all over the world, who gathered in Wentegu Country. The tourism department of Wentegu Country has been working hard for decades but failed to bring in passenger flow. , directly exceeding the standard by dozens of times.

The city where the core Sun Temple is located was directly overwhelmed, but it was just an internal meeting of the Sun God Cult. It seemed that the countries of the World Alliance had a meeting together, and it seemed that some disaster had occurred. Constantly deliver supplies inside.

Fortunately, everyone is restrained.

The ancient country of Wente has mobilized all the power it can mobilize to maintain order, and everyone has a certain fear of the saint who is the representative of the gods.

Or awe.

So although a lot of people came and it was even a little messy, nothing bad happened, let alone any criminal stampede.

Generally speaking, it is orderly and safe in chaos.

As the people arrived, before the meeting could be formally held, many applications from journalists and representatives from various countries were received, asking if they could attend the meeting.

And can we do a live broadcast or something.

Some even asked if they could be interviewed.

When the new Pope made an inquiry on his behalf, it was probably out of concern that Ding Yun, a holy woman, would not be able to accept these things that the ancients found a bit unimaginable, and he specifically persuaded:

"His Royal Highness, I personally feel that the requests of the representatives of various countries and many reporters are acceptable. After all, doing so can not only make the representatives of various countries a little more at ease, so as not to think about it without knowing the inside story, but also let all the believers who can't come know you by the way. the meaning of.

It also saves the bishops to relay it.

If some content is not suitable for direct release to the public, you can put it aside for the time being and hold an external meeting first. After the external meeting is over, we can hold a small internal meeting in private, or directly rent a communication satellite, and then open it at any time. online meeting.

If you are still not at ease, we can also spend money to buy a communication satellite, build our own communication network, and still be able to hold meetings. "

I have to say that the new pope is really polite and tactful, and he didn't dare to mention that they don't need to come to the meeting specially, and they can have a video conference.

But after all, it was the first meeting.

It is also the first time to gather people together.

The face-to-face meeting will indeed be more formal, and it happens to be able to make statistics in private to facilitate future video conferences.

"Yes, but you have to inform them, watch carefully, don't speak, and don't interrupt or disrupt the meeting, as for the interview with reporters, wait until the meeting is over, and don't accept any interviews before the meeting.

Also, only national-level media interviews are accepted. "

Today's era is really different from the past era when the speed of information circulation was very slow. Ding Yun is not a rigid person, and she has seen many more advanced technologies, so she has no opinion.

I readily agreed.

Then, the new pope began to arrange the meeting, as well as arranging the auditorium seats for representatives from various countries and journalists from all over the world. Finally, he had to borrow the largest stadium in the country from the Wentegu government as the bishop of the Temple of the Sun. Meeting point.

No way, too many people.

Although their Sun Temple is the largest Sun Temple in the world, when they built the Sun Temple, they never thought about the problem of thousands of people meeting together, let alone tens of thousands of people listening, and they had to get it. Many modern devices have problems with live streaming and filming.

that can meet these needs.

There is only the largest sports venue in the country.

For them to hold a meeting in the middle, the original audience seats on the side are just used as auditoriums. There are all kinds of modern equipment in it, and there is no need to buy them temporarily.

Therefore, on the second day, even if all the preparations were done, the new pope originally wanted Ding Yun to enter the gymnasium in a car and be greeted by everyone.

But Ding Yun refused.

Ding Yun just let them go to the destination first.

She will come after all have arrived.

The new pope had no objection to this, and soon entered the arena one after another according to the original plan, waiting for representatives from various countries, journalists, and even a few lucky believers to enter the arena.

The pope, the bishop of the major temples, also entered the venue.

Ding Yuncai sat on a fire phoenix that had subsided most of its temperature and showed bright red and golden stripes, and slowly flew down from the nine heavens.

This phoenix was captured by Ding Yun from the Kingdom of God.

Temporary requisition.

You know, the seeds of all things that she kept at the beginning just couldn't create god-level life.

But to create an extraordinary life that is lower than the gods.

There is no problem with demigod-level beasts.

In order to avoid waste, when Ding Yun created creatures in the Kingdom of God some time ago, all the creatures she created were demigod-level beings. It can be said that all the creatures in her Kingdom of God are divine beasts.

Riding a fire phoenix is ​​a breeze.

There is no way, for the power of faith and to maintain his honorable status, Ding Yun certainly cannot behave like ordinary people, take a car or something, no matter how good a car is, it is something that rich people can buy with money.

How can it be as cool and dazzling as a fire phoenix?

This is a legendary beast.

It can be said that Ding Yun's entry operation has shocked the vast majority of people, and the live broadcasts in various countries that have just started are full of bullet screens such as 666.

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