Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 1018 Sun Goddess Scepter (18)

Weixi State, the highest scientific research institute of the country.

When the Sun Wisdom Collection Order was launched at the Temple of the Sun, and it was stated that there were some scientific and technological knowledge left over from the past few eras that could be exchanged, the scientific research staff of the Academy of Sciences curiously exchanged a few.

And use the contribution points accumulated by everyone.

They exchanged a science and technology that they are currently researching, but there is no result, and it is still in the experimental stage of confusion, and verified the authenticity of that technology in a very short period of time, and of course they directly reported it in shock , to apply for help.

After all, they really don't have many contribution points.

We can only hope that the country will help, and then they will analyze the technology, and then contribute the technology to the country.

After the government of Weixi Kingdom learned about these situations, of course they would not refuse, because they are very clear that their cultivation and beliefs are very dependent on the Sun Goddess and the Sun Temple. It didn't feel right.

And technology is what they have developed for countless years.

And something that can be perfectly mastered by oneself.

Although they don't quite understand why the Sun Temple is suddenly so generous, but as long as the other party is willing to give it to them, they are willing to eat it, and work hard to turn that knowledge into their own use and become their country's own heritage.

Countries with similar ideas are not limited to the Weixi country. To be precise, the vast majority of countries with sufficient strength in the world basically have similar ideas. Some countries with medium strength even directly unite to discuss together. Exchange technology, and then share it, so as not to have insufficient contribution points or insufficient technical researchers, so that too much technology cannot be exchanged, or it is difficult to eat too much technology.

There are only some countries that are too weak.

Somewhat indifferent to this.

Because those weak countries have always relied on strong countries in the past, and now it is no different to rely on the Temple of the Sun. Moreover, some of them are so weak that even if the technology is exchanged, there are not enough talents to study it. .

Not even the relevant research equipment.

So naturally I don't want to go to that effort.

But in any case, since then, many countries have fallen into a state of striving to become stronger, actively learning, and striving to make progress. While all devout believers are constantly improving their cultivation, the technological level of the entire world is also improving rapidly. It can be said that running into the interstellar era.

Various technologies that have always been in a state of fantasy, or have been very imperfect, are constantly being introduced, such as holographic technology, such as treatment cabin technology.

Another example is half-light speed aerospace technology...

Then, there is the food crisis.

Well, yes, the food crisis.

Energy is conserved in this world. The more powerful something is, the more it needs a huge energy supply. A remote-controlled car can run for a long time with only two batteries, but a fuel car needs to burn oil to run.

Optimus Prime, tens of meters high, wanted to run.

It is best to have nuclear energy.

As with machines, so with humans.

Ordinary people can eat three meals a day. Although heavy laborers also eat three meals a day, they must eat more than ordinary people, and there must be oil and water. It means that more food and food need to be consumed.

Among them, those who major in mana are better, and those who major in battle qi or body training, the consumption is even more terrifying.

They are more similar to warriors. It is no problem for powerful warriors to eat a cow every day. It is conceivable how much their food intake will increase. Even if Ding Yun provides them with the power of the sun to practice, their food consumption will not be normal. The situation is so big, but the power of the sun can't completely offset the daily food consumption. As their cultivation level improves, their food intake will still increase.

In addition, the world has not yet reached the level of food and clothing for the whole people, and the gap between the rich and the poor is relatively large, so it is normal for food crises to occur as time goes by.

The most basic manifestation of the food crisis is.

Food prices started to rise.

After all, rare is more expensive, this is the law of the market.

The various countries that discovered this situation did not ask for help from the Temple of the Sun at the beginning, nor did they order everyone not to allow them to practice anymore. Instead, they began to exchange more technologies related to increasing food production and making artificial food. With the support of technology.

Although there is a food crisis.

But it didn't get out of hand.

After the end of one or two planting seasons, the global food production has doubled under the blessing of high technology, barely alleviating the food crisis, coupled with the emergence of various low-cost artificial starches, artificial food and artificial nutrients.

The food crisis did not cause many people to starve to death in the end, but it just made everyone's living standards drop a lot.

Natural food prices have risen a lot more than in the past.

A lot of people want to eat enough, so they can only buy a lot of artificial food and artificial nutrition. This seems to have little effect, but it actually greatly reduces the happiness of everyone. After all, there is a difference between not dying of hunger and enjoying delicious The gap is still quite large. Anyone who can only drink extremely unpalatable artificial nutrients every day will find it difficult to be happy.

and decreased happiness.

It has an impact on Ding Yun's power of faith.

Some people began to think that if the Sun Goddess hadn't appeared and the so-called cultivation techniques hadn't appeared, maybe the current situation wouldn't have happened. If everyone didn't introvert their cultivation, everything would be as good as it used to be.

Even for the power of his own belief.

Ding Yun also had to try to solve this problem.

Fortunately, at this time, there are quite a few devout believers who have reached level 4 or above, and the development of intelligent robots by governments of various countries is already quite good.

Enough to take on most human jobs.

Therefore, Ding Yun immediately delegated the authority to open the Kingdom of God to his avatar, and his avatar announced to the public that all believers who had reached level four or above could enter and live in the Kingdom of the Sun God.

Moreover, believers who enter it can bring enough robots to reclaim wasteland, grow food, and raise livestock in the Kingdom of God. It can be sold in the kingdom of gods.

The most important thing is that the food and livestock grown in the Kingdom of God are all high-energy species, and you only need to eat a very small amount to be full. For people with too low a cultivation level, they can't eat it, and it is easy to digest it.

In short, not only does entering the Kingdom of God have many benefits, but it can also alleviate the food crisis to a certain extent.

So of course, the next step is a large number of people who have reached the fourth level, rushing to sign up to enter the Sun God Kingdom, and even the national government is encouraging them, and at the same time giving them a large number of planting and breeding robots for free. The only requirement is that they The products after opening up wasteland and breeding in the Kingdom of God should be sold to the country first.

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