Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 1020 Sun Goddess Scepter (20)

Sun God Kingdom, Yunxia Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Base, Li Wen and others from the environmental analysis team collected the environmental data of the God Kingdom for a few days, and immediately used the new communication function of the Sun Wisdom Collection Order to contact the domestic Agricultural Research Institute. To report a specific situation and seek help:

"Dean Zhang, I have sent back the specific data. In short, the current situation is that the soil environment on the side of the Kingdom of God is quite different from the local soil on our planet, and the differences in various trace elements are quite large. , There are also some trace elements that are not available.

The same is true of the water source and the air environment. Another big difference is that the entire Kingdom of God is filled with the power of the sun. Many animal cubs are not very adaptable to this, and died not long after they were released.

So we hurriedly put the remaining cubs back into the nursery, not knowing what to do. "

"We have seen the specific data, but because of the lack of samples, we can't provide much help for the time being. Our initial suggestion is to use the soil and water sources you brought over to mix with the soil and water sources inside the Sun God Kingdom, and mix them in different proportions. .

Start with a small amount of potted planting.

See if there is a ratio that can make our native plants sprout and grow normally.

The ratio can be gradually increased in the later stage.

In short, this is not something that can be accomplished overnight, and you don't have to worry too much. It is enough to have results within three to five years. The cultivation and launch of many excellent varieties can take ten years, let alone a change of environment.

Another suggestion is that you can try to use less power of the sun to nourish various plant seeds and animal cubs, especially those eggs that are in the embryonic development stage, to see if they can adapt to the power of the sun environment that induces them to mutate.

The embryonic development period of organisms is very magical. It may be deformed due to environmental problems, or it may be mutated to adapt to the environment. In short, this is a matter of chance. You brought a lot of eggs from the embryonic stage to the past, and gambled on the probability It should be fine.

In addition, we will cooperate with research here.

When you come back to enter next time, we will provide you with some plant seeds and animal embryos that have adapted to the power of the sun, let's work together. "

Helping plant seeds and embryos adapt to the power of the sun is not only capable in the Sun God Kingdom, but also in the outside world. After all, many sun warriors in the outside world have cultivated the power of the sun themselves, and they have enough power of the sun in their bodies to nourish Seeds and embryos.

So it's okay for the people in the research institute to say so.

And this is just a comprehensive guidance. Next, experts from different disciplines in the research institute conducted special guidance for different species, trying to make certain seeds and embryos survive in the Kingdom of God as much as possible, even if there are only a few pairs It is good to survive, at least to see the hope of successful survival is not.

And the current situation is that whichever country gives priority to cultivating species that are suitable for the environment of the Kingdom of God will be able to seize the opportunity and let the people in the country eat the products of the Kingdom of God.

Maybe it can be used as a basis, and based on the seeds that have adapted to the environment of the kingdom of God, it will be brought out of the kingdom of God in reverse, and try to plant it on the territory of various countries to see if it can make the world also gradually have a strong power of the sun.

In short, the various countries are not so obedient. While obeying Ding Yun, the sun goddess, and the Sun God Sect, they have never given up independence.

Ding Yun is actually well aware of this.

Just didn't intervene.

After all, if they are really obedient, the entire civilization will lose its vitality completely, and its value will plummet. Moreover, if Ding Yun really only needs a civilization that can simply provide the power of faith, she can completely use the degree of Buddhism The technique directly makes all human beings lose their self-willed devout belief in her, and makes everyone a devout believer. Every day, they only know how to ensure that they will not starve to death, work hard, and work hard to worship their faith.

But that kind of civilization has completely lost its vitality and lost the possibility of going further. It is no different from refining a group of puppets and making a lot of robots.

Now their state of obedience on the surface and hard work in secret is exactly what Ding Yun needs.

If they ever lose hope.

I don't want to work hard anymore.

Ding Yun might have to give them some hope.


At the core of the sun, inside the Sun Temple.

Ding Yun saw that the current situation was basically on the right track, and then he only needed to allow some time for them to develop and grow. After that, he immediately gathered a lower god clone again to stay in place and control the situation.

Then go to find a new world.

The faith of eight billion people in a world is absolutely not enough for her to further become the Supreme God, and even hundreds of billions of people may not be enough, so expanding her faith is something she must do, there is absolutely no doubt about it.

Although theoretically speaking, one can break through from the main god to the highest god with his own efforts, but the time it takes to break through by oneself is too long, and one hundred thousand million years may not be enough, and Ding Yun only has one thousand years at present. , so naturally only shortcuts can be taken.

We can only rely more on the power of faith to break through.

Fortunately, as the god of the sun, it is relatively easy for her to find new worlds. She can enter a new galaxy almost every second, record the scan of that new galaxy, and then go to the next galaxy.

There are red key records of the birth of intelligent civilization.

Green-marked for habitability.

It is not suitable for life to live in, but it can be transformed into a yellow record that is suitable for life to live in, and it is reserved for transformation when it is free.

There are records of the existence of gods and intelligent life. For the time being, there is no rush to conquer this type of world, and save it until the end, as a difficult point to conquer.

It is very troublesome to transform, and the galaxies that have no transformation value are directly marked as resource galaxies, and they are used to collect minerals, refine artifacts, and the like.

This was just the beginning. Later, Ding Yun felt that the efficiency was too slow, and he directly split into tens of thousands of clones. After all, she just went to check the situation and make a mark, and she didn't intend to conquer, so it doesn't matter if the clones are weak , can collect information on the line.

But even so, ten years later.

Ding Yun has just explored the Yinguang River System he is in, and there are hundreds of millions of river systems outside the Yinguang River System, which are still unknown and waiting to be explored.

However, Ding Yun is very clear that there is no need for people to be too high-spirited. It will take many years to occupy the current river system. Immediately returned to his base camp.

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