Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 1028 Sun Goddess Scepter (28)

For more than a month after that, Ding Yun could be said to be concentrating on manipulating the divine power in both parties' bodies, and running the Yin-Yang Great Grinding Secret Art, while always on guard against any law or original wizard coming to kill him.

Fortunately, I don't know if her side is too remote and not worthy of attention, or the large amount of disturbing information she released earlier did play a certain role.

Anyway, nothing really happened for more than a month.

With most of the strange aura and energy wiped out by Yin and Yang, Jin Xinxin finally managed to wake up after more than a month, and was able to independently mobilize the divine power of Taiyin in his body to cooperate with Ding Yun to wipe it out.

At the same time, by the way, communicate with Ding Yun.

Explain what happened to their mother and son?

"That's a long story to say.

Didn't my mother choose the artifact of the night curtain at the beginning? So, in fact, she chose the law of the night. You also know that in some ancient primitive myths and legends, the goddess of the night is not only one of the five original creation gods, but also Very closely related to darkness.

And the gods of light and day were conceived and born of her, and even the gods of sleep, death, fate and doom were all derived from her, and my mother thought so too.

Not only did she think so, but she also wanted to include the entire night starry sky and occupy the authority of the mother of all star gods.

So as soon as she entered the selected universe, she asked me to wander in various worlds where there is no God of Haoyue, but there is a belief in Haoyue to absorb the power of faith, improve my cultivation, and wait for my cultivation base to reach the realm of the main god. I swear to recognize her Evernight Goddess as my mother.

At the same time, more than 90% of the beliefs obtained thereafter will be obtained.

All temporarily handed over to her.

Who told her to be my real mother, plus I don't mind if I can succeed in the end, it would be nice if my mother and I can succeed together, right, so I agreed, with my help, Although my mother, the goddess of the night, is not very well known, she quickly broke through to the main god with the power of faith provided by me, and then she began to look for gods to revive her everywhere.

Let those gods recognize her as their mother and enshrine their faith.

You also know that many universes with powerful origins are not only full of energy, but also have basically bred gods in ancient times, but most of the gods either fell or fell asleep after experiencing the twilight of the gods.

The fallen and sleeping places of the gods are difficult for wizards to find, and they are protected by the laws of the universe, but for the existence of us who also belong to the gods, it is not difficult to find, especially to find the same law as itself, or in other words connected with the gods.

It is very easy.

So my mother relied on her own law of the night and the law of the bright moon that I mastered, as well as a high-ranking god that she created by forcibly extracting the source of countless suns. The law of the sun mastered by the sun god quickly found a large number of god corpses and the sleeping body.

It is very difficult for gods above the main god to die. Even if they become corpses, as long as the godhead is not completely destroyed and refined, they can basically recover slowly after a long period of time. You should know this.

Therefore, the corpses of the gods and the sleeping gods that my mother found are basically useful, not completely dead.

Among them, the main god and the sleeping gods below the main god were all forcibly branded as slaves by my mother, and the corpses of the gods were forcibly shaped by my mother into new gods who completely recognized her as their mother. "

"Auntie is quite capable of tossing around.

With so many gods revived, the entire sea of ​​laws of the universe must boil, and then, did your mother create the Dark Night God Court, or did she do something? "

Hearing this, Ding Yun knew without thinking that his mother must have been exposed. After all, the connection between the gods and the laws of the universe should not be too deep, and the recovery of individual gods is enough. The movement of the sea of ​​laws of the universe is not enough to alarm others. But once a large number of gods recover.

The sea of ​​laws of the universe, which was basically in a state of silence after the dusk of the gods, will inevitably boil again and become active again. Even if the revived gods are too complete and comprehensive, the sea of ​​laws of the universe will boil and jump for joy, radiating the entire universe. the blessings of the gods who are its children.

That's right, for the law of the universe, the gods are actually her children. If the law of the universe is the mother of the gods, then the origin of the universe is the father of the gods. Although they basically have no self-awareness, they are naturally more Closeness to the gods is certain.

After all, the innate gods were conceived by them.

The development and growth of the innate gods is also of great benefit to their development and growth. It can be said that the two can be regarded as a community of interests that progresses together and develops together.

After the dusk of the gods, they fell into a state of silence and hiding, and the gods revived, and it is reasonable for them to become active again.

Even the near-immortality characteristics of the gods above the main god, as well as the sleeping gods and their corpses automatically entering the hidden state, slow recovery, etc. are also related to them.

At this time, Jin Xinxin said helplessly:

"You guessed it right, as more and more gods were enslaved, manipulated and revived by my mother, the sea of ​​laws of the universe soon boiled up, and even the origin of the universe became active because of this, the energy of the entire universe suitable for cultivation Rapidly improving, it can be said that the universe has passively entered the energy active period, and the cultivation is flourishing.

At the same time, because all the revived gods are basically working for my mother, most of the power of faith they have obtained from various worlds must be handed over to my mother.

So my mother quickly reached the peak of the main god.

And it is logical to break through and become the Supreme God.

At that moment, the law of night in the entire universe reached an extremely active state, so active that the night covered all the light, and the light of countless stars was covered.

Everyone knew that this was a sign of the birth of the Supreme God. Those wizard forces who thought it was just the recovery of ordinary gods immediately realized that something was wrong. Yu Yuan wizard.

While leading other wizards.

The God Hunting Project has begun!

According to our captured wizard Haoyue, at first they were worried that the gods had just recovered and their strength was too weak to help them much, so they indulged a little bit, and wanted to wait for the gods to grow stronger before hunting the gods.

A higher level of god body and godhead can be obtained.

But because of the birth of the supreme god, they worried that the situation would get out of control, so they immediately began to encircle and suppress.

And this is also the practice of their wizard forces.

Not to mention the birth of a new Supreme God, even if the Supreme God who has been sleeping in the past is revived, they will immediately encircle and suppress them, because the Supreme God who can mobilize a certain law of the entire universe surpasses their so-called law wizards to a certain extent, and even If the law that the law wizard cultivates is the same law as the law mastered by the supreme god, the law wizard can't beat the supreme god at all.

It is very likely that he will be beaten by the Supreme God.

At this time, my mother was quite confident, and even went on without a break, finding all the sleeping Supreme Gods that remained in the entire universe, and did not hesitate to spend a lot of Origin Coins to enslave and wake them up.

The awakening of the twelve supreme gods.

It directly frightened the wizarding forces.

But the Supreme God is not so easy to be enslaved. After waking up, they soon noticed the slave brand in the depths of the true spirit, and also found that they could not resist, but they could not accept this at all, and would rather die than surrender.

In the end, my mother not only failed to enslave them.

They also escaped with many main gods who were originally their subordinates, and fled into the sea of ​​cosmic laws.

At the cost of making possible laws and completely integrating into the sea of ​​laws, we must also use the sea of ​​laws to suppress the slave brand.

Cleanse the brand of slavery!

As a result, my mother revived the twelve supreme gods, but all the twelve supreme gods entered the sea of ​​cosmic law, and took away a large number of main gods, not only did not strengthen my mother's power, but also caused my mother to suffer heavy losses. I don't know, they thought my mother had more than a dozen supreme gods to help, and directly transferred twenty law wizards and two original wizards from other universes.

The final result can be imagined..."

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