Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 1044 Sun Goddess Scepter (44)

When Jin Xinxin was helping to arrange the residence of the newly born sun elves, many thoughts flashed through Ding Yun's mind, and at the same time, he was constantly deducing the changes of different thoughts, whether it would be possible to succeed, and so on.

So half a month later.

The most likely successful situation was calculated.

That is, she still has to rely on herself.

The new plan is like this. First, Ding Yun will divide hundreds of billions of billions of thoughts into different stars in the universe, and then her own body will hold the scepter of the sun goddess and enter the sea of ​​cosmic laws, trying to directly comprehend the Taiyin At the same time as she comprehended, she also had to slowly integrate the Taiyin law obtained through comprehension into the countless thoughts she had differentiated.

In this way, there are two advantages. One is that the countless thoughts are enough to support her from being completely submerged and fused by the sea of ​​laws of the universe, which is equivalent to using the power of all the stars in the entire universe to resist the fusion of the sea of ​​laws of the universe. With the assistance and support of the scepter of the goddess of the sun, the probability of successfully resisting the fusion of the sea of ​​laws of the universe and successfully understanding the laws of the yin is as high as 90%.

The second reason is that as the newly comprehended laws of the sun continue to integrate into her thoughts, the thoughts she left behind in the stars can be transformed into embryos of innate gods in the shortest possible time, without waiting for her to fully comprehend the laws of the sun. Going to point one by one and so on can help her save a lot of time to a certain extent.

The only disadvantage is that because Ding Yun's law at this time only involves the law of the sun, she can only split her thoughts into the stars in the shortest time.

After all, she has a connection with all stars.

The entry of splitting thoughts is only an instant.

But if you want to divide your thoughts into other planets, it will take a long time, and the gains outweigh the losses.

Can only give up first.

However, the number of stars is already enough. It should be enough to control all the stars and transform them into an innate god.

After having the new plan, Ding Yun immediately notified Jin Xinxin, saying that he had an idea, but it would take a long time to retreat, so that Jin Xinxin could continue to advance according to the original plan. The only change was not to touch those high-level civilizations for the time being. , Raid the low-level civilizations of the universe first, and enter the low-level civilizations to preach.

As for advanced civilization.

Let's wait until she comes out of retreat.

Of course, Ding Yun didn't go into too much detail about what she was going to do in retreat, mainly because she was afraid that Jin Xinxin would not want to, and then she would come up with some sensational plays. I'm fine, there's no need to say so much.

Jin Xinxin wanted to ask more questions.

But they were all blocked by Ding Yun's statement of secrecy.

Then, of course, they separated. Jin Xinxin took over the pile of work in Ding Yun's hands and continued to work on the original package plan. Ding Yun spent a few minutes splitting up hundreds of thousands of thoughts. .

into all the stars in the universe.

Then he stepped into the sea of ​​laws of the universe with the scepter of the goddess of the sun in his hand. While merging with the vast and infinite laws of the sun in the sea of ​​laws of the universe, he forcibly gathered the laws of the moon to his own law of the sun. Enlightened.

After she merges with the law of the sun, it means that the law of the sun has an owner, while the law of the moon has no owner. Generally speaking, it is relatively easy to use the law of the owner of the sun to pull the law of the moon without an owner.

At least the Lunar Law has no ability to resist.

The only difficulty is the pressure brought by the sea of ​​laws.

It can be said that after entering the sea of ​​laws, Ding Yun faced the terrifying pressure brought by the sea of ​​laws all the time.

And the erosion of countless surrounding laws.

That feeling is hard to describe in words. Although the laws in the sea of ​​laws are relatively illusory, they are very thick, and each strand is comparable to the weight of countless neutron stars. It still puts a lot of pressure on her.

With every step I could hear the bones creaking.

Not to mention that the corrosive power of those laws is corroding Ding Yun's divine body all the time, trying to transform her from a body of flesh and blood into a life of law.

Thus, it will forever fall into the sea of ​​laws of the universe.

Fortunately, the scepter of the Sun Goddess is really powerful. It has been guarding Ding Yun's soul to a certain extent, keeping her awake, and the most important thing at this moment is to be awake. Quickly comprehend the surrounding Taiyin laws.

When the scepter of the sun goddess begins to weaken, Ding Yun will immediately trigger countless thoughts from the outside world, pull a ray of origin from each star, and put it into the scepter of the sun goddess, so as to help the scepter of the sun goddess recover.

At the same time, she can also use the strands of origin to restore her energy and keep herself at her peak.

It can ensure that sobriety will not be Taoized.

It can also comprehend the law of the sun at the fastest speed.

Of course, at the same time, the thoughts she differentiated are not without any benefits. As Ding Yun comprehends some of the laws of the sun, they are constantly integrated into her thoughts, and countless stars begin to be born inside. With the breath of fortune, countless innate god embryos began to gradually take shape.

Even in some star systems that do not have any living planets inside, there have been some changes due to the traces of good fortune. For example, the trajectory of the planets has changed, and some planets have begun to have a breath of life.

Believe in time.

It is very likely that a living planet will be born.

Good fortune is a very magical energy. The core of a star can be made into innate gods. Some planets around it are affected by it and become planets that can give birth to life. What's the big deal?

don't be too normal...

However, these changes are very slow and weak, and no one has noticed them for the time being. Even Jin Xinxin just thinks that Ding Yun may have done something, but everything is developing in a good direction, so he didn't delve into it.

He even helped cover it up by the way.

At the same time, it is ordered that people are prohibited from destroying stars and ordinary planets that have given birth to some life breath.

Time just passed by bit by bit.

One year, two years, eighty or ninety years, twenty or thirty years.

A hundred years is fleeting.

A hundred years later, on the ninth day of the seventh lunar month, the lunar aura and dark energy of the entire universe began to surge and boil, and Jin Xinxin could clearly feel that the part of the lunar law that he had managed to master before was completely deprived of it, which meant that the lunar law The Lord has returned to his place.

Someone has proved the Supreme God by the law of the sun and the moon.

It was only at this time that he didn't understand where Ding Yun went to retreat and what he did. After all, he couldn't think of any other way besides entering the sea of ​​laws of the universe to directly comprehend the laws. Master the law of the sun.

For a while, Jin Xinxin's mood was quite complicated.

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