Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 1069 Concept-level River God (18)

Because Ding Yun had prepared for a full eleven years before, many basic industries had already been established, and even high-yield and improved seeds, various fertilizers and pesticides, and agricultural equipment were all established as early as eleven years ago. It has been cultivated and mass-produced over the years.

What is needed now is just promotion, so the speed of overall agricultural change is undoubtedly very fast.

In just three years, the grain yield per mu in countries all over the world has increased by five times, the yield per mu of several high-yielding grain varieties has easily exceeded 10,000 jin, the amount of livestock raised has increased tenfold, and the price of grain has been doubled and doubled. .

It is cheap grain that hurts farmers.

Countless farmers went bankrupt and sold their land due to low grain prices.

Then Ding Yun offered them jobs.

To sum up, Ding Yun is promoting land mergers on a large scale. On the one hand, it is convenient to sell various pesticides, fertilizers, and agricultural equipment to those who have money to merge land, and to help them engage in large-scale farm planting, which can increase the specific yield per mu. , can also reduce manpower consumption.

On the one hand, it can also have a large number of labor forces, and incorporate those labor forces into factories to promote industrialization.

Although the process is a bit cruel, this is the path that change needs to take, not to mention that Ding Yun has greatly shortened the process of change. Fortunately, she has prepared enough in the early stage and prepared enough in the early stage, so nothing went wrong. A job that includes food and housing is enough to temporarily appease those farmers who have lost their land.

Coupled with the drop in food prices, the prices of all kinds of livestock and meat are falling. The abundant basic living materials and low prices are enough for them to support the whole family by themselves under normal working conditions. Farming used to be much better.

This is not to say how kind Ding Yun is. The main thing is that when the material is abundant, life will feel easier and better.

And after a few years of such development.

A new conflict arises.

The old aristocrats habitually got something for nothing, and even easily plundered other people's property. The conflicts with the emerging factory owners gradually became irreconcilable, and the conflicts between some stingy factory owners and workers also began to erupt.

The emergence of hot weapons has made the warriors raised by the old nobles gradually lose their original functions.

Some people of insight have already seen it.

A new situation is about to emerge.

Ding Yun, on the other hand, took the lead in formulating various rules beneficial to workers, such as minimum wages, maximum working hours per day, rest day system, medical insurance for work-related injuries and diseases, and retirement and pension systems.

Of course, the standard is definitely not high at first.

But compared to other factories, it is already an unprecedented good thing. It can be said that as soon as the relevant news came out, Ding Yun gained great prestige among the entire worker group. Strong sense of cohesion and collective.

After Ding Yun did this, the factory owners with a little brain basically chose to follow up. After all, they knew very well that the status of a simple factory owner cannot wrestle with those old nobles, only those with the support of tens of thousands of workers behind them Only the factory owners can fight against the old aristocracy.

If the workers are not given any benefits, why should they stand with factory owners like them? Only by letting the workers and them become a community of interests can everyone truly unite as one and fight against those Gejiu nobles.

So as to gain more voice.

Even fight for policies favorable to them.

After that, there was a long period of chaos, which can be called a period of change, a period of power transfer, or a period of social system change, from the original old feudal system to various, more free new systems Transformation, this transformation is not consistent. In some countries, the monarchs are more mellow and willing to accept changes, so the overall transformation is relatively soft. At most, it is to reduce power and have some charm of constitutional monarchy.

The monarchs of some countries are more violent, and if they want to fight head-on, they are likely to be sent to the guillotine.

Some countries, under the guidance of some of Ding Yun's disciples and with the help of Ding Yun, directly overturned all the old nobles and old systems, and ushered in a new era.

In short, there is hope in chaos.

Different countries have different social systems and developments, but this is appropriate, because Ding Yun doesn't know which system is more suitable for the society here, so it's better to let a hundred flowers bloom and make progress together. If it develops slowly in the future, it will naturally be seen Which system is better.

Of course, in order to maintain this situation, Ding Yun really put in a lot of effort. Just to avoid a large-scale war of annihilation, Ding Yun did not know how many times he fought and killed many ambitious people in private.

Although war can promote the outbreak of science and technology, the foundation of science and technology in various countries is not stable now. It is not the kind of natural technology sprouting, but Ding Yun pulls the seedlings and encourages them to pull them up. Therefore, the outbreak of large-scale wars at this time is purely harmful and not beneficial. What kind of technological explosion occurs, so of course Ding Yun has to control it.

Then there is the expansion of education. In a relatively peaceful social environment, the scope of education is expanded. The second, third, and fourth batches of disciples will gradually become teachers, or they will shine in the industry they are good at, or they will directly engage in education.

The whole world is changing with each passing day.

Education drives science and technology, science and technology drives development, and development drives the prosperity of all people's lives. Within a few years, we have basically achieved food and clothing for all, and then popularized basic education for all, forming a virtuous circle.

Under Ding Yun's painstaking operation, it took her 50 years of technological enlightenment from the very beginning, and finally this world has a rudimentary form of modern society, running into the electrical age, and having a telephone Televisions and the like, the people from the beginning of the pursuit of food and clothing, and gradually seek spiritual enjoyment.

The Alliance of Nations was established under the guidance of Ding Yun.

Although local conflicts are still unavoidable, at least there is a world convention, and each other is relatively restrained.

There is a saying that no matter how bad the system is, it is better than no system and no rules. The League of Nations and the World Convention were established out of this consideration. Among them, the most powerful and dominant country is naturally Ding. The Qixia Kingdom where the clouds stayed.

But Qixia Kingdom has changed the system.

It is mainly based on the virtual monarch system, where the chief assistant of a country is in charge every five or ten years. In the past few years, Ding Yun was worried that the idea of ​​the first assistant would not match his own, so he specifically let his son and daughter take over for 30 years, until recently It took ten years before he was replaced by the real chief assistant.

Both took over part of the rights of the League of Nations.

Also took over the regime of Qixia country.

And Ding Yun took her children and began to slowly withdraw from the major forces. Now the world structure is basically stable, and the countries are relatively peaceful. The development of science and technology and other aspects are as planned by Ding Yun With the development, there is really no need to intervene too much.

At least Ding Yun felt that he had done all his benevolence and righteousness, and if his development was poor in the future, she would not be to blame.

Of course, the most important thing is that as people's living standards get better and better, the power of humanity is gradually flourishing, and the residual forces of martial arts civilization have also been completely wiped out in recent years, and no one is practicing anymore. Ding Yun finally moved to this position The imprint is engraved on the origin of the world above, and the completion of the task is also an important factor.

Do not pull away at this time to leave.

You can't really live to the end of your life.

Once she is a true immortal, it will be easy for her to live for tens of thousands of years.

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