Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 1081 Conceptual River God (30)

Compared with the Demon Realm, where there are not many peers, and there are not many peers tossing around, the Immortal Realm has really been as chaotic as the Demon Venerable said before.

Too many of Ding Yun's peers chose to ascend to the Immortal Realm.

And none of them are fuel-efficient lamps.

Although most of them choose to take the road of science and technology, the road of science and technology has many forks. For example, cultivation can be divided into cultivating immortals and demons, cultivating Buddhas and gods, and the road of science and technology is no exception.

The beginning of the development of science and technology and the end of the development are generally the same, but the middle process is very different.

There are those who go through the process of mechanical explosion, those who go through the process of human body transformation and biochemical human beings, and those who go through the path of flesh and blood and soul soaring, or those who go through the path of extreme energy, pure destruction, and even the exploration of the root, and the way to create all things. In short, there are thousands of ways, and a group of colleagues directly came to a dispute on the technology side.

Conquering each other and seizing territory, the chaos is endless.

The most important thing is that although most immortals think they are a bit strange, no one thinks they are heretics, and even rationalize their operations. For example, if they follow the process of mechanical explosion, they usually default to the opponent's main attack. Or puppetry or something.

Those who follow the process of body transformation and biochemical human beings feel that they are taking the path of body training, spreading beans into soldiers and other magical methods, because some body training monks in the fairy world are wilder than human body transformation, and they put their own body cells into some It's not too normal for the beasts to move closer. It's also normal to implant the blood of the beasts. Isn't this the way to transform the human body, so why should they be strange?

And what kind of flesh and blood is weak, and the soul is soaring.

Isn't that just cultivating the soul?

Most monks who have lost their bodies do this.

It can be said that almost every direction of scientific and technological development can be found in the corresponding branch of the practice sect in the fairy world, because the development of different civilizations actually leads to the same goal in the end, so it is normal that the process is somewhat similar, and Ding Yun and others Colleagues are very happy to use this as a cover, so naturally no one will delve into it.

The most important thing is that most of them ascended from the lower realms to enter the fairyland, so no matter what path they take, they will be classified as the ascendant forces in the fairyland by default. Balanced, even slightly inferior to the Ascendant, if not for the same number of immortals, how would they be bullied?

However, with more and more Ding Yun peers, and each of them is improving their own strength and influence at an extremely fast speed, the overall strength of the Ascended soon surpassed the local fairy clan, and began to invade the land that originally belonged to the local fairy clan. The territory of the fairy clan is expanding.

It is obviously impossible for the native immortals to let it go.

At the mercy of others.

Conflicts broke out with each other, which is nothing more than normal.

In order to expand the record, many colleagues have even started cooperation in private, helping each other and attacking together.

In this regard, the immortals in the fairy world were relatively restrained at the beginning, and condemned each other, and did not really break up, or really tear their face apart, and fought with each other.

Until the counterparts of the Biochemical Virus Organization Alliance.

There was a catastrophe.

The thing is, those who engage in biochemical virus research have not been very popular with others, so they took the lead in forming an alliance group after entering the fairy world.

Cooperate with each other and develop together.

The main thing is to get some fairies back.

Then research special viruses for those immortals. In addition to researching viruses, they also collect unique Gu poisons and various poisonous erysipelas for comprehensive research. In short, the research path is quite wild, even Because there is no relative legal constraint, it is often less humane.

But also because of this.

Their research is progressing rapidly.

It didn't take long to successfully create the Five Decay Poison of Heaven and Man, which was specifically aimed at all ordinary immortals, with a death rate as high as half, the body depletion poison, which was specifically aimed at body refining monks, and the Seven Emotions Red Dust Poison, which was specifically targeting spiritual refining monks.

And it has a certain effect on Taiyi Immortal Lord and even Immortal Emperor Daluo, ranging from injury to death, the law of Dao transforms poison, Wanfa Nirvana and other special toxins.

In addition, they have also researched a lot of poisons such as puppet Gu, which turns ordinary immortals into puppets, and even produced many infectious viruses. In short, the results are remarkable.

After researching these things, they will naturally have to be used.

Otherwise, it would be a waste of research.

In the process, a lot of things have happened, which cannot be explained clearly in a few words. Anyway, the mid-term result is that they have achieved outstanding results. It didn't take long to rely on the research results to successfully control many fairy clans.

overall sphere of influence.

Almost as good as the Immortal Venerable.

Because everything went so smoothly, it was inevitable that they would swell a little bit. When looking for opponents, they were not as cautious as before. When they came to the door, their words were derogatory and difficult to reconcile, which poisoned them to death.

Use the principles of Dao Huadu and Wanfa Ji to eliminate poison and poison to death.

Because the amount used is large enough, even the Immortal Emperor can't bear it. Of course, there may be some Immortal Emperors who didn't expect that there would be toxins that would have an effect on them in this world, and they didn't take corresponding defenses.

But the sensation caused by this incident was too great.

How terrifying is the toxin that can poison the Immortal Emperor to death.

Who can not be afraid?

Not to mention that among the immortal emperors who died, there was an ancestor of the immortal emperor who was the immortal. The immortal was not too embarrassed to do it himself, so he just privately hinted to some immortal emperors to join hands to wipe out this scourge.

So not long after, the Biochemical Virus Alliance was besieged by dozens of immortal emperors. They were still well prepared and tried their best to guard against the siege of poisoning.

In the end, the Biochemical Virus Alliance couldn't take it anymore, and began to threaten those immortal emperors. If they didn't let them go, they would die together, and even released even more terrifying viruses.

But those immortal emperors didn't understand at all, they just thought it was the dying struggle of the Biochemical Virus Alliance, talking nonsense, so they ignored them, and they were still attacking them desperately, and killed and injured the core personnel of the Biochemical Virus Alliance in a short while For the most part, the rest of the staff can't care about the mission, even if they press the button they prepared in advance, the last, the means to die together, release all the viruses they have researched over the years, not just stored in their base camp The viruses, as well as all the viruses they placed in the fairy world, Gu poison, and even other deadly toxins.

Then, a terrible disaster appeared.

And spread rapidly.

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