Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 1100 Conceptual River God (End)

Nearly an hour later, the Immortal Emperor and Immortal Venerable powerhouses of the Divine Beast Clan and the Ascended Clan all rushed to the Hunyuan Emperor Palace, but their subordinates did not gather, but rushed to the border after receiving orders.

The fairyland has a vast territory and a stable space.

Those whose cultivation level is too low, it is difficult to quickly reach the border of immortals and demons in a short period of time, so naturally they have to hurry early.

"They haven't come back yet. Have they betrayed our world or, that's all, we can't wait any longer. The matter of the extraterrestrial demons must be settled quickly, and don't turn around and make any changes."

The Nine Demon Venerables haven't come back for an hour, which is a bit beyond the expectations of the Hunyuan Immortal Venerable. I also know that something must have happened. What happened to prevent the Nine Demon Lords from returning, it means that those extraterrestrial demons may not be so easy to deal with.

After thinking about it in his mind for a while, Hunyuan Immortal Venerable ordered a full-scale attack very simply and simply.

He also told everyone that if possible, it is best to lead all the Demon Lords from the Demon Realm to the Immortal Demon Barrier, or even to the border of the Immortal World, so that he can do it directly and use his strength to enter the Demon Realm. It is actually a bit troublesome to kill those Demon Lords Yes, after all, he has no corresponding authority in the demon world. Although he is strong enough, if those demon masters want to hide, he is really not easy to find.

In case there are some operations that all end together, he may not be injured, but the demon world will definitely be riddled with holes, which is not conducive to his expectation of being the master of the fairy and demon world.

That's right, since they have all become the masters of the fairy world.

Now that the Demon Realm is at a loss, it is easy to be crushed by the Immortal Realm. How can such a great opportunity prevent Hunyuan Immortal Venerable from being tempted? If he wants to go further, he can simply become the master of the complete Immortal Demon Realm.

Therefore, it would be the best if all the existing Demon Lords in the Demon Realm could be brought to the Immortal Realm and let him use the power of the Immortal Realm to easily kill them all.

In addition, Hunyuan Xianzun is still a little worried that he is too strong, and if he rushes directly into the demon world, will he scare those extraterritorial demons? If they turn around and feel hopeless, they run away, or do something It is troublesome to be insane, even to destroy the world, so it is better to give them some hope first.

Only ordinary Immortal Venerable Immortal Emperors are sent out.

Let them give birth to some hope, and then slowly figure it out.

But he didn't know that his operation undoubtedly gave Ding Yun and the others a chance to breathe. It was already three hours later when the immortal emperors and emperors of the fairy world assembled their respective troops and formally crossed the barrier of immortals and demons to enter the demon world.

And the plan Ding Yun and the others set was.

Luring the enemy deep, delaying time.

Therefore, the army of the immortal world was pushing all the way, without any opponent. Most of the demons took life-saving as the first element, and did not fight to the death with those immortals.

Although those Immortal Venerables and Immortal Emperors really want to follow the instructions of Hunyuan Immortal Venerable and lead Demonic Venerable Demonic Emperors to the fairy world as much as possible, but judging from their current situation of pushing all the way, they have no chance at all. .

He wanted to lure those demon kings to the fairy world.

No matter what, you have to fight and retreat.

But now they are pushing all the way, how to fight and retreat, forced by the helplessness of the reality, they can only temporarily put aside the instructions of Hunyuan Immortal Venerable, and prepare to do their best to kill the enemy first, even fantasizing that they don't need to fight. If the Hunyuan Immortal Venerable took action, they would take down the Demon Realm, which might alleviate some of the crimes of offending the local immortals.

It won't be settled by Qiu Hou.

At this time, Ding Yun has actually perfectly refined the origin of the entire Demon Realm, but because of her previous profligacy, the Origin of the Demon Realm is really not as good as that of the Immortal Realm, so even at this moment, she can break through anytime and anywhere. Still enduring, no breakthrough.

Until the Immortal Venerable Immortal Emperor in the Immortal World pushes all the way.

She was approaching the center of the demon world before she did it.

Directly mobilize the power of the demon world to transform them.

This distance, even if they can notify Hunyuan Immortal Venerable in time, the back and forth information transfer is enough for Ding Yundao to destroy them, and Ding Yun, who has completely refined the origin of the demon world, wants to break through, absolutely very fast, it can be said This is also the main reason why she has the confidence to act brazenly at this time.

As long as these immortal emperors can be left behind.

She is absolutely sure to restore a large part of the origin of the demon world, enough to compete with the fairy world.

With Ding Yun's bold attack, those immortals and emperors who can be said to be without the ability to resist were instantly enveloped by the endless laws of the devil world, and quickly began to transform, submerged by the sea of ​​​​laws without self-awareness, and they would not be able to resist for a long time. Daoization, not to mention Ding Yun consciously manipulating the laws of the devil world to transform them.

After a while, all the immortal emperors fell.

The origin of the demon world began to skyrocket.

Although the energies of the fairy and demon worlds are different, the origin of the world is actually not much different. Both the emperor and the immortal are related to the law, so naturally the origin can also be involved.

Their origin is not inferior to the origin of the world.

It is also the most nourishing source of the world.

With all the immortal emperors becoming Taoist, the remaining immortals will not last long, and the Taoization of these immortals really makes the origin of the demon world expand rapidly. At the same time, the consciousness of the fairy world reacts Although it was a bit slow, he did react and began to urge Hunyuan Immortal Venerable crazily. What happened specifically could not be detected by the immortal consciousness, but he could feel the rapid expansion of the origin of the demon world. Obviously something happened!

Of course, at this time, Hunyuan Immortal Venerable has also sensed that his two direct bloodlines have fallen, and he knows without thinking that there is indeed a big problem in the Demon Realm, so of course he will take a big step next. Came to the barrier of immortals and demons, and then rushed into the demon world.

It was this step that made him fail completely.

A failure with no wiggle room.

Because the moment he entered the demon world, Ding Yun had already completed the breakthrough in a hurry, and mobilized his authority as the master of the demon world to trap him. At the same time, he also hurriedly ordered all the demon emperors and fellows under him to invade the fairy world as soon as possible. It is more imprinted.

To be honest, before Hunyuan Immortal Venerable entered the Demon Realm, Ding Yun was really not sure that he would be able to complete the task, and even felt that the two realms of the Immortal and Demon Realms might just be in a stalemate.

Because both of them are the masters of the world, as long as they don't leave the world they are in, they are invincible in their own world, and no one can do anything to the other.

However, because Ding Yun did not break through, Hunyuan Immortal Venerable misunderstood him, thinking that there was no existence similar to him in the Demon Realm, so he entered the Demon Realm confidently. It is also difficult to kill him, but it is no problem to trap him for a period of time with the power of the demon world.

This period of time is enough for Ding Yun's colleagues and subordinates to enter the fairyland and occupy a large area of ​​the fairyland territory that was wiped out by the entire army of the emperor and immortal. Next, as long as one-third of the fairyland is engraved with a brand, the original universe will be destroyed. You can take over the Immortal Demon Realm immediately.

A Hunyuan Xianzun is nothing to worry about.

Willing to surrender to him is not more than one.

If you don't want to, you can easily destroy it.

There were no surprises after that. It can be said that everything went according to Ding Yun's expectation. After Ding Yun's subordinates and colleagues entered the fairyland, they easily captured most of the territory, and the imprinting of the brand was also carried out simultaneously.

After their branding and Ding Yun's branding merged into one, the goal was achieved immediately. A vast consciousness from the original universe descended and took over the entire fairy world in an instant, and the consciousness of the fairy world was also wiped out at the same time. In addition, Ding Yun and Hunyuan Immortal Venerable also lost their respective status as the masters of the fairy and demon world.

Ding Yun chose to return in the next second. After all, the mission was completed and there was no need to stay any longer.

Hunyuan Xianzun was captured in anger and confusion.

However, he will surrender with a high probability, and he will surrender willingly, because after the original universe takes over a new world, there is a high probability that those who died before will be resurrected. Eliminating most of the hatred will be more conducive to taking over this new world smoothly.

As for why you don’t attack directly when you are so strong, the main reason is that it is easy to destroy the world by direct attack. Once the world is destroyed, or the original source is too serious, many things can’t be done, and resurrection is out of the question, so The original universe is so complicated, the main reason is the same as the aspect that Hunyuan Immortal Venerable was worried about before, that is, he is afraid that someone will die together, or even die and the net will be broken, so crazy that he will bring the world to die together.

Then all previous efforts will be wasted.

Has all the previous efforts been in vain?

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