Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 1163 Cosmic Level Smart Chip (63)

"The next thing I'm going to talk about is the path of law and enlightenment.

This way of proving the Tao is a method of proving the Tao that has been handed down since ancient times, and it is also the simplest and most direct method of proving the Tao. However, before the world was consummated, this method of proving the Tao could not go through. The gods and demons are actually just tools used by the world to complete the three thousand laws, their fall and transformation.

In fact, it is also related to the world itself.

But you don’t need to know too much, you just need to know that this path of enlightenment can go through.

In the past 30,000 years, those people who have been only concentrating on comprehending their own fundamental laws are very smart, because you have surpassed those half-hearted and half-hearted on the road of proving the law, and you want to comprehend a law when you see a law. And people who try to comprehend the three thousand laws at the same time.

The road of law proving the Tao is actually quite simple to say, that is, as long as a law is fully realized and fully mastered, it is enough. However, today and ancient times, the world has not been perfect, and the law has not been perfect. The law is not so different. Good insight.

The core part of the Three Thousand Laws is hidden by the world. It is difficult to comprehend without entering the sea of ​​laws of the world, and it is easy to be destroyed by Taoism after entering the sea of ​​laws of the world. This is the way you major in the law, but it is always difficult. Thoroughly comprehend the respective laws, thoroughly grasp the corresponding laws, and logically prove the main reason.

But now the world is in dire straits.

During the period before the arrival of the chaotic beast, I will try my best to help you, reduce the difficulty of comprehending the laws, and even bear the risk of the fall of Taoism for you. After this period, I will have no free time , so you must seize this rare opportunity.

Proof as soon as possible, without delay.

In addition, the road after the law is proved is actually quite simple and direct, that is, to continue to comprehend and master the second law, the third law, until you fully master the three thousand laws, and continue to deduce progress on the basis of the three thousand laws. There is actually no end to the way of laws. Even if you comprehend all the laws of a world, you only mastered the laws of the world at that time. The laws in the world will continue to grow satisfactorily, and there are also laws outside the world various laws.

In short, although the road to proving the Tao by law is difficult, the road ahead is clear, and there is no need to go around any detours to prove the Tao.

As for the methods of proving the way of the world, the method of proving the way of luck, and even the method of proving the way of the three corpses that I heard from others, and a series of methods of proving the way, they can only be regarded as rules. The branch of proving the way, after all, whether it is to use luck, improve the inner world of one's dantian, or cut off the three corpses, is just for more convenient and easier comprehension of the way of law.

Accurately speaking, it cannot be regarded as a method of proving the Tao.

It can only be considered a skill, an auxiliary skill. "

Now that the topic has been covered, Ding Yun of course also talked about the auxiliary skills just mentioned, such as the complete Qi Luck Demonstration Method, the Dantian Inner World Opening Evolution Method, the Three Corpse Method, etc., can The skills to speed up the speed of comprehension of the law are taught.

Then we talk about proving the Tao with force:

"Using force to prove the way is a bit special. It is somewhat related to the law to prove the way, but it is not completely related. Pan Piao took this path, although it cannot be regarded as his original creation.

But he was on the right path.

Many methods of proving the Tao have applicability. For example, the method of proving the Tao with merit is extremely dependent on the world itself. Although the proving of the law is not as dependent as the proving of the Tao with merit, after leaving the original world, the laws you master need a period of adaptation in other worlds. In this period, it is also difficult to exert the power possessed in the world in the chaos.

Because the laws of different worlds are different, the laws of the world and chaos are also different, and the influence of the power of law in chaos is weaker than that of the world. Laws can exert stronger power only where there are laws. Where there is no law or where the law is not obvious, it is still necessary to break through all laws.

Strong strength and energy body is the foundation.

Therefore, the advantage of proving the Tao with force is that no matter whether it is in the world or outside the world, whether it is in this world or in other worlds, the strength will not decline, and all the real great power belongs to itself.

The world of laws cannot affect strength.

To put it simply, this method of proving the Tao is actually to infinitely enhance your physical strength, enhance your physical foundation, and the origin of your physical body. However, your cultivation method is a bit too simple and troublesome. It is estimated that every time you improve your physical body are very difficult.

I am here to teach you a nine-turn Xuanyuan Jue.

Theoretically, there is no limit to this technique, and you can continue to practice after the nine revolutions, but you only need to complete the nine revolutions once, and you can prove the Tao with strength.

Others can also listen to it and practice. "

Immediately afterwards, of course Ding Yun explained the Jiuzhuan Xuanyuan Jue in great detail, clearly explaining the key tricks and the like, and even used the power of the law to build a model of gods and demons on the spot for demonstration.

In the end, even the two Haotian Yaochi who had been with her all this time, the remaining true spirits of the yin and yang gods and demons, who were born in the petrified form of the yin and yang origin, were specially picked up by Ding Yun and asked them to demonstrate to everyone present , What does it look like to practice the Nine-turn Xuanyuan Jue to the eighth-turn state, and how terrifying the strength is.

It is slightly better than the pan scoop at this stage.

Anyway, it's great.

When the method of proving the Tao was finished, Ding Yun took out most of the innate spiritual treasures and spiritual roots that he had collected before the countless Yuanhui, and began to distribute the treasures to his six disciples, such as the innate treasures. It is one piece for each person, and they are all things that correspond to the laws of their practice. Taiqing has the innate yin and yang diagram, Yuqing has the chaotic banner, Shangqing has the great mill for destroying the world, good fortune has the heaven and earth cauldron, and samsara has the six paths of reincarnation. , and the last pan scoop got a twenty-fourth-grade green lotus, which just happened to help him refine the origin of his physical body and improve his background.

Haotian Yaochi does not need points, Ding Yun has given each of them three top-level innate spirit treasures in advance, and the heavens are also planning to give them in the future. Originally, Taiqing Yuqing and Shangqing were the most qualified to inherit the heavens, but Ding Yun did not I don't think the three of them are the talents who govern the heavens.

It just so happens that the Innate Yin-Yang Diagram, Chaos Banner, and Mieshi Damo can barely be considered relics of the Yin-Yang God and Demon.

The two of Haotian Yaochi are more qualified to inherit.

Therefore, Ding Yun took the opportunity to bestow these three innate treasures to Sanqing respectively, which was regarded as an exchange.

The three innate treasures were given to Sanqing, and Sanqing transferred the inheritance rights of the heavens to Haotian Yaochi, so that the cause and effect would be completely eliminated, and the destiny would be reversed.

And this is actually Ding Yun for their own good. After all, they are born with a lack of true spirit, and it is difficult to prove the way by themselves.

Three innate treasures are not enough to prove the Tao.

But when they become the lords of the heavens, Ding Yun can try to walk them through the back door, allowing them to successfully prove the Tao through the blessing of luck, the addition of merit, and the three aspects of the personality of the lords of the heavens.

Without strength, even treasures cannot be kept.

It's better to give up the treasure in exchange for strength.

It is impossible for Ding Yun to stay here all the time, so of course it is best for Hao Tianyao to have the ability to protect themselves.

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