Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 2 New version of ultra-fast growing farm (1)

After leaving the personnel department, Ding Yun quickly found the Golden Finger trial branch, and went through the registration procedures and the corresponding part-time work awareness chip there, and loaded it into his soul.

After that, in addition to going through the resignation procedures.

She doesn't have to come here anymore.

All procedures and work requirements, such as submitting reports, can be handed over directly through the work awareness chip of the Golden Finger branch.

After that, of course, she took the first cheating task, and returned to her own job, and submitted the basic information of the cheating she had drawn to A Jin who had contacted earlier.

Then it was Ah Jin who assigned the plane task.

And Ding Yun took the golden finger of the new version of the super-fast growth farm that she needed to try this time, and his soul was withdrawn, and he entered the mission plane.



After all, she has been doing the task for several years, so Ding Yun has long been used to the uncomfortable feeling of being pulled out of her soul and being forcibly stuffed into other people's bodies. After a while, she eased from the crowded state of her soul Come here, and start to follow the routine to understand the mission requirements this time.

"Client: Zhao Xiaoya

Entrusted task: eat enough, eat meat...

Entrustment reward: three points of origin

Remarks: When testing cheats, most of the knowledge and abilities of the testers will be sealed, and only a little basic knowledge will be kept, so as to ensure that the testers can use cheats as much as possible, test the performance of cheats, and issue perfect reports.

In consideration of your first trial, I specially picked a plane with a very simple task for you to get used to, so don't thank me too much.

—————Leadership who cares for employees”

After reading the notes displayed by the consciousness chip, Ding Yun didn't know how to complain about her boss for a while. Good intentions are good intentions, but there is no need to find such a simple task with ridiculously low pay. Three points are enough. what?

To put it bluntly, if three points of origin are thrown on the ground, few people would bend down to pick them up.

It's also good that the part-time job salary of the trial cheat is higher, with 10,000 sources, otherwise Ding Yun can show his boss what it means to be pissed off every minute!

Feet twitching, pressing madly.gif

After understanding the task requirements, although she was not very satisfied with the simple tasks and the specific rewards, Ding Yun still started the second step with professional ethics, which is to use the work awareness chip loaded on her soul to scan the commissioned tasks. The human brain extracts the core information flow.

Use this to understand the general situation of the client.

Then, Ding Yun figured out the current situation of Zhao Xiaoya. She is the third daughter of Zhao's fourth family in Zhaojia Village. She has two older sisters and one older brother. In addition to getting rich, she also has a three-year-old brother named Zhao Jinbao.

In the past few years, although the life was hard, I had to get up to work before dawn, and I had to wait for my younger brother after dark, and I couldn’t sleep until my younger brother fell asleep. I usually ate bran and swallowed vegetables, and I could only eat half full. , but at least two meals a day, never stop.

Often hungry, but not starving to death.

Drink plenty of water to feel full.

However, since last year, there hasn’t been a drop of rain on this day. The water volume of the river and well water has been dropping, and the price of food has been rising. In less than half a year, their family has stopped Talking about eating bran-swallowed vegetables, it has become a luxury to drink enough water. You can only drink muddy water and eat bark and grass roots that you don’t know where.

The grass roots with a lot of water have to be given to the younger brother first.

During this period of time, Zhao Xiaoya's eldest sister was sold, and the second sister, because the family wanted to sell more money, specially found a toothmaid who specialized in selling people to dirty places like brothels, and sold them for a whole couple of dollars Yinzi, and later, Zhao Xiaoya's mother, Zhao Wang's, and Zhao Xiaoya were also sold in turn.

And prepare to flee famine after selling them.

In Zhao Xiaoya's memory, after she was sold, she ate some food, and there was something in her stomach, as if she came back to life, so she even looked forward to the days after she was bought, thinking maybe It can be better than staying at home, can have enough food and so on.

It's just that this kind of life didn't last long. The vehicles that transported them to the big families in the city for sale encountered refugees within a short distance.

Everyone was crazy at the time.

The car was smashed, the food was robbed, and the maid's guard was killed by the refugees because of their resistance.

The refugees have no weapons, but when they are on the verge of death, they consciously use their hardest teeth to attack others in order to survive.

Looking at the bloody scene, Zhao Xiaoya was so frightened that she turned around and ran to a place where no one was around, until she was exhausted and passed out completely.

"No wonder the body is so weak.

I haven’t had enough food since I was a child. It’s no wonder that my body is not weak. Alas, Lao Jin is really serious. You can’t just find me a body that starved to death just because the golden finger I tried this time is a farmer. Is it impossible to farm in peacetime? "

Although Ding Yun was making complaints, he sat up with his body wisely, opened his eyes, and carefully looked at the specific situation around him.

Anyway life goes on.

The task must also be completed.

So of course you have to work hard.

Then, Ding Yun felt his heart go cold, because what he saw, except for some blackened blood not far away, and a few skinny people who fell on the ground.

You can hardly see anything other than rocks.

Looking around, the eyes are earthy yellow, and there is really no green in the slightest. Moreover, the land is not simply dry, but has many cracks. At the same time, the sun in the sky is still relentlessly spreading Blazing light.

That is to say, before the original body fell into a coma, he had just eaten and drank a little water, otherwise Ding Yun might not be in the mood to look at the surrounding situation now, but would be tormented by thirst and hunger.

Tortured to the point of madness and despair.

But even so, after looking at the surrounding situation and reacting, Ding Yun can still feel that he is not able to lift his body up and down, and his lips are a little dry, so dry that even his saliva has become a rare thing, although his stomach is not so hungry. Crazy, but not much better, stomach acid obviously eating away at stomach lining with nothing to digest.

Immediately afterwards, Ding Yun tried to stand up several times in a row, but failed because of his weakness, so he could only give up, and then lay down again to save his strength. Of course, she didn't want to wait to die, she was just waiting After lying down, he opened the golden finger brought over this time, which is the so-called new ultra-fast growth farm.

Now she's all pointing to it.

Whether he can survive or not depends on whether the golden finger is reliable, I hope it is not too cheating.

While praying, Ding Yuna opened the golden finger she brought, and then her consciousness entered the new ultra-fast growth farm.

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