Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 231 Magical Fairy Transformer (End) 【Two in One】

"I have heard before that some planets with special life will undergo geomagnetic reversal every once in a while.

Some flipped slowly, and some flipped in an instant. I didn't expect this kind of planet to exist. This is too scary. In this way, wouldn't every geomagnetic flip be equivalent to a civilization reset?

Normal vicissitudes take thousands of years.

Even tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of years.

But under the instantaneous geomagnetic reversal, the vicissitudes of life are only a moment away. It is really doomsday. Who can stop the geomagnetic reversal that changes the entire planet in an instant? "

After exhausting all the magic power stored in the magic crystal during this period of time, and seeing the future clearly, Ding Yun collapsed to the ground with some exhaustion, opened his eyes in despair, and muttered helplessly.

Because this doomsday cannot be reversed at all.

She also has no ability to reverse.

If it is other doomsday disasters, such as a giant volcanic eruption, or a virus invasion, or a meteorite landing, Ding Yun can start working hard now, and is confident that he can successfully stop it at the moment of doomsday.

But the geomagnetic reversal is too inexplicable.

Because this is not a local disaster, it is a special disaster that can radiate the whole world and cause countless natural disasters to erupt at the same time. The sea water of the ocean will retreat to form a mountain-like tsunami, sweeping most of the continents.

The impact of huge waves, changes in the earth's crust.

It will also simultaneously cause volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.

The desert will turn into a vast ocean, and many places will even experience extremely rapid freezing, that is, the temperature in the area suddenly drops to minus eighty degrees, which is enough to turn some lives into ice sculptures without reacting.

The vicissitudes of life are only in a moment.

The extinction of civilization is only a moment.

This is no longer something that a magical fairy can handle, unless she has the ability of Haotian God.

Otherwise, it is simply impossible to eliminate the doomsday.

However, Ding Yun was not completely desperate. After all, she still had thirty-seven years to prepare, so after a few days of calming down, Ding Yun immediately began to calculate and plan based on the future he saw. Minimize the damage done by Doom.

And to save as many human beings as possible.

But no matter what she thinks or calculates.

The final results showed that she could do very little. Even if she read, searched, and summed up the entire book of magic, witchcraft, and fairy spells, at most she could only save a very small number of people at that time.

Firstly, Ding Yun's personal ability is limited.

The second reason is that the magic crystal in the magic fairy transformation device in her hand has limited energy storage. Even if Ding Yun has been preparing for decades to provide energy for the magic crystal as much as possible, it will be difficult to resist dozens of magic crystals in the end. The tsunami of kilometers, the impact caused by endless volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, can only create a sheltered space to protect some human beings, and the sheltered space cannot directly face the impact of these disasters.

At most, it can only resist some shock aftermath or something.

If you face it directly, it is estimated that no one can keep this point.

No matter how Ding Yun changed the plan, how he changed the final magic spell or fairy magic.

have little effect on the calculation results.

It wasn't until Ding Yun added the elements of the country, the elements of the power of the whole country to advance and retreat together, and the power of the whole country in the specific calculation process. Thirty years in advance, and even thirty-seven years in advance, he began to make preparations for the future doomsday. Prepare, after the elements of the nation advance and retreat.

The calculation results have changed.

Although the doomsday cannot be prevented, and everyone cannot be saved, but in terms of the final result, it is much better than before, at least half of them can be saved.

At least it can ensure that civilization will not be cut off and retrogressed.

This compares with those previous results.

It's been so much better.

Afterwards, Ding Yun immediately decided without any hesitation to find a way to contact the country, find a way to make the country believe what she said, find a way to make the country cooperate with her, so that the whole country can advance and retreat together, and the whole country can overcome the catastrophe.

And the calculation of advancing and retreating together with the power of the whole planet.

Ding Yun actually tried it.

But there are two possibilities for the result. One is that everyone really works together to advance and retreat. In the end, most of the lives can be migrated away before the doomsday disaster strikes, and most of the countries and human beings can be preserved.

The probability of this is one in a billion.

However, internal chaos, conflicts, and national intrigue eventually lead to the failure of the plan, a major reshuffle of human civilization, and a 99% probability that the remaining people will not survive.

Ding Yun didn't dare to bet on that one-in-a-billionth, so he would rather play it safe and only cooperate with the reliable Xia Guo.

As for how to contact the state.

Of course, it depends on magic. From the day he made his decision, Ding Yun kept predicting various disasters that would happen in the next three to five days or even half a month.

Then predict the results.

Use space magic to send it to the ruler's desk.

For half a month, Ding Yun used the dream technique to communicate with the rulers after predicting the next seventeen natural disasters in various parts of the world.

And successfully gained some of his trust.

At the same time, I also got the opportunity to meet.

After that, of course, it was Ding Yun who truthfully disclosed the specific situation and continued to verify it for a period of time.

During the process, Ding Yun also showed some magic.

This finally convinced them to believe what they said.

It is absolutely unimaginable to consume the manpower and material resources needed to resist a natural disaster of the level of destroying the world, so it will take some time for them to use existing technology and information they know so far.

To calculate the possibility of the doomsday that Ding Yun said.

Although this aspect took a long time, in the process of doing research and calculations in this aspect, the relevant agencies basically responded to some of Ding Yun's requests.

This made Ding Yun make some extra preparations.

For example, by using institutions such as nuclear power plants, many magic crystals that can be directly charged have been accumulated. In this way, even if the magic crystals on her transformation device have limited energy storage, she can also use other magic crystals to display powers that she could not perform before. A large-scale fairy art or forbidden spell.

Another example is the use of various new materials to create some magic circles that were difficult to realize before.

He also used magic to help create some new materials.

After half a year, after half a year of exploratory research and verification of various evidences provided by Ding Yun, the relevant agencies finally came up with a very high accuracy rate of what Ding Yun said, and what she said about the end of the world. The probability of occurrence has reached a conclusion of more than 80%.

Even if it's not that scary.

There are also various natural disasters.

At this point, what Ding Yun said earlier was finally taken seriously, and the related cooperation and plan to save the doomsday was also officially named Nuwa Mending the Sky, and the whole country began to support it.

The state is in charge of science and technology.

Ding Yun is in charge of metaphysics.

The focus of the plan is mainly on four points. One is to reform the communication technology. The new technology does not need to be very good, and it does not need to be able to surf. As long as the basic communication can still be maintained smoothly after the geomagnetic reversal, it is fine.

Only smooth communication can guarantee smooth order.

Only when the order is smooth can disaster relief be delivered in time.

The second is to store materials as much as possible, preserve various seeds, industrial materials and equipment, and cultural heritage, because without these, even if they saved most of the people during the disaster, many places will no longer be there for a long time after the disaster. When it is suitable for farming and it is difficult to grow, those people will also starve to death.

So it is necessary to store enough supplies.

In addition, artificial starch technology has to be further advanced.

With the guarantees in the first two aspects, it is necessary to proceed with the third and fourth points in the back.

That is, in non-seismic zones, non-volcanic eruption plate belts, and areas with relatively stable underground plate structures, dig deep underground survival bases, and strive to develop aerospace technology, and build a complete ecology on the relatively nearby moon and Mars. base.

Migrate some people there before the end.

Also send a batch of seeds and civilization heritage to the past.

Only in this way can we protect as many people as possible, as well as more civilization and technology.

These four points seem to have little use for Ding Yun, but in fact, Ding Yun has actively participated in every aspect and made great contributions.

communication reform.

Ding Yun successfully let them capture the energy waves capable of communication by continuously demonstrating magic and fairy arts such as the thousand-mile sound transmission technique and the magic communication spell. Based on this, he successfully developed a new communication technology.

The preservation of material data and civilization.

Ding Yun provided space magic and fairy art such as the universe in his sleeves, and successfully helped scientists, especially space physicists, decipher some of the mysteries of space and create some instability, but I believe that after ten or twenty years, Absolutely stable space storage equipment.

Ding Yun also used magic and fairy art to provide a lot of help when digging deep underground survival bases and building space survival bases. For example, using magic to help detect whether there are gaps between the plates and predict whether it will be safe here. Yes, another example is the use of elemental magic and five elements of immortality to help build a space ecological environment.

All in all, Ding Yun used magic and immortality to either successfully help them take a relatively important step in technology, or make good use of magic and immortality to make up for the temporary inability to make breakthroughs in some technological aspects, but Immortal magic can cooperate with related technologies that are completed together to achieve the goal.

The whole process lasted for thirty years.

In the past 30 years, Ding Yun has done more things in order to spare more time, and finally saved more people.

She even less than two years after her grandson married.

Just feign death and get away.

Put all your energy on the sky patching plan.

With everything ready, the next step is of course the official start of immigration. In order to avoid the spread of doomsday news and cause turmoil, the relevant agencies did not tell the truth, but only used the development of the moon and Mars to encourage elites from all walks of life to migrate to the moon and Mars.

In this regard, many officials and large enterprises.

It is even the first to emigrate.

Many times, no matter how much you encourage Chinese people to do and try many things, as long as the ruling class above never touches them, then everyone will definitely be skeptical about this matter or such things, fearing risks.

No matter how many experts say it's okay, it's useless.

But if the ruling class used or did.

It's useless for you to promote something bad every day.

Everyone is absolutely scrambling to use it and to do it.

Therefore, this plan was implemented very smoothly. In a few years, their country successfully completed the space immigration of more than 400 million people and the transfer of industrial systems.

Except for the industrial system that cannot be transferred, all the remaining important industrial systems have been transferred to the space survival base. With more than 400 million people and a complete light and heavy industrial system, it is basically guaranteed that the entire civilization of their country can continue in full down.

Ding Yun's whole family is of course also within the scope of immigration, after all, no matter how safe the underground survival base is on the planet.

It is not safe to leave that planet directly.

It was not until two years later, when all those who were willing to emigrate and those who could emigrate, had immigrated to the moon and Mars, that is, less than half a year before the geomagnetic reversal predicted by Ding Yun, that the relevant agencies officially announced that the doomsday was coming. And began to arrange for all nationals to be transferred to the underground survival base that has been built.

Needless to say how messy the process is.

There is abuse, there is regret, and there is fear.

There are also ridicules from other countries, thinking that they are fooling around, how could it be the end of the world.

Then, one month before the doomsday predicted by Ding Yun, many big countries were revealed that they started building Noah's Ark a few years ago.

It's just that ordinary people don't know about it at all, and they don't have the qualifications to go up. At this time, it's because some people have already boarded the ship, and even flaunted the ticket.

Then, unsurprisingly, the unrest began.

Those who had no hope of boarding the ship began to disregard all human moral principles and laws, and vented their evil nature crazily.

Some people also prayed to Xia Guo for help.

Willing to go bankrupt and enter the underground survival base.

With regard to this point, Xia Guo did not completely reject it, and to some extent accepted some useful talents. Anyway, they built a little more when they built it.

It is not a problem to keep a few underground bases and accept some scientific researchers and technicians.

Unfortunately, by this time it was too late.

Some people didn't have time to rush to Xia Guo.

The end that Ding Yun predicted has arrived.

At two o'clock in the middle of the night that day, the world's magnetic field fell into extreme turmoil, and the oceans also began to turmoil. In just a moment, a large number of seabeds emerged from the water, and countless seawater turned into waves that swept across the mainland cities. Howe's symbol of civilization, high-rise buildings, were directly destroyed by the waves like paper.

Was hit into the ground.

How many years of human civilization crystallization.

Almost instantly vanished.

This is not a single continent. This happened on many continents. A large number of marine life died, a large number of terrestrial life died, and a large number of vegetation died. It is almost no less than a mass extinction, and then the entire planet of life is shaking. , all continental plates are moving, and countless volcanoes are erupting crazily.

Volcanic clouds sweep across the sky.

The temperature on the earth dropped sharply, just like an ice age.

Many Noah's Arks were not able to withstand the impact at all, and were either directly destroyed or almost destroyed, and only a few people survived.

The survival rate of underground survival bases is very high.

Although some were unlucky enough to encounter an earthquake, or be buried in the newly emerging ocean.

Even destroyed by volcanic lava.

But at least most of them survived.

Of course, compared to the underground survival base.

The space survival base is even better.

Nothing to lose.

The entire doomsday disaster lasted for a month, and all kinds of natural disasters gradually subsided until a month later.

However, the impact could not be eliminated.

Dead people cannot be resurrected, destroyed plants and extinct ethnic groups cannot be restored, changed continental plates cannot be restored, and dust clouds and volcanic clouds in the sky cannot dissipate in a short time, all of which will take time.

So, of course, disaster relief follows.

At this time, except for Xia Guo, no country has the ability to provide disaster relief, and some countries have no survivors, but Xia Guo has no time to help others because it needs to feed more than one billion people in this extreme environment.

Everything that is active is trying to obey the command.

Save yourself, save others.

Restore planting, resume construction, resume production.

At this time, Ding Yun couldn't hold on any longer, her lifespan had already reached its limit, and she had been using magic to help her survive, but before she died, she still decided to do one more thing, which was to use her remaining vitality The source, and the energy accumulated over the years.

Turned into a golden crow technique.

Combine all the energy with your own body, turn into the Great Sun Golden Crow, wander in the volcanic clouds and dust clouds, and turn those volcanic clouds and dust clouds into nothingness.

Therefore, no matter the people living below or the people watching in the space, they can see a figure.

That figure suddenly burned with golden-red flames from top to bottom, and transformed into a three-legged golden crow to tour the entire planet of life. It will pose the greatest threat to the survival of human beings in the future, and it will be enough to maintain the volcanic and dust clouds of the Ice Age for a long period of time. All come to naught.

Make the sun cover the sky and the earth again, make the temperature of the whole planet rise again, and become suitable for human survival.

Suitable for planting and growing crops.

Three days and three nights later, the volcanic cloud and dust cloud all disappeared, and the light of the three-legged golden crow was completely dimmed, and finally turned into a streamer, fell to the world, and collapsed into a sky full of light spots in mid-air, turning into a sky full of light. Vitality and hope filled the entire land of the living planet, and activated the vitality of those remaining plants.

In an instant, everything was revived and green.

When the golden crow falls, everything is born!

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