Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 236 Perish, Human (4)

In the primeval forest of Fett country, a piece of soil originated from the demon world and stained with the blood of demons suddenly appeared under an ancient tree that had grown for more than 300 years.

And blend with the soil under the old trees.

Then the ancient tree withered quickly, and even the vines wrapped around the ancient tree withered and died quickly.

The ancient tree was completely dead and dead, but the vine left a seed stained with the blood of the devil. After nine deaths and nine lives, it gradually adapted to the soil below.

Turned into a monster bloodthirsty vine.

Start hunting surrounding animals to grow.

Only because it was born in the primeval forest and no one knows about it.


In the wilderness of Okao Country, a berserk Neidan from the barren land fell into a clear spring, and successfully melted into the spring, where it was drunk by many animals.

If the alchemy is eaten by many animals.

None of those animals would survive.

However, the inner alchemy has melted into the clear spring. Talking about the toxin regardless of the dose is a hooligan. Most of them didn't die, on the contrary, they became stronger and became more berserk.

Vegetarians began to eat meat.

The meat eaters started attacking other meat eaters.

Some will even besiege single humans.

Frenzy and madness are spreading in that area.


In the sewers of Feiqu country, many discarded research results from a mutant research center in a supernatural world were poured into it. These medicines mixed with waste water and quickly spread in the sewers.

And it caused the sewer species to mutate, and the first to mutate were undoubtedly cockroaches and mice.

Some cockroaches become as big as eggs, and some cockroaches are as small as ants, but they have a lot of toxins. Some cockroaches start to be bloodthirsty, some cockroaches start to prey on mice, and some cockroaches are born with extremely terrifying reproductive ability. As long as there is enough food, the energy source will continue to produce descendants, and the descendants can also mutate randomly.

The direction of mutation of mice is also not inferior to cockroaches, some become as big as Maine Coon cats, some hairs become as sharp as steel needles, some have many more terrible toxins, Some of them lost all their hair, and instead grew scales.

These mutations quickly became a sensation.

It has caused many deaths, and many people are afraid, and it spreads indirectly to other species.


In Mili, many poisonous spiders suddenly appeared in certain areas. After being bitten by poisonous spiders, some special mutations would appear, and some would directly turn into blood.

Some will mutate into supernatural powers.

For example, suddenly being able to spin silk, for example, the eyes become the eyes of a spider, for example, a few more legs grow out of the body, for example, the entire abdomen turns into a spider's nest.

Continue to give birth to spiders that obey her orders.


A similar situation occurs in many wild places and even prosperous places in many countries.

And these are only the changes of the land. There are also many strange changes in the ocean that are not inferior to the land, such as becoming gigantic, such as becoming poisonous, and such as giving birth to wisdom and turning into intelligent races.

When one or two strange things happen, everyone can still think that this is a coincidence in nature, and that the world is so big that there are no surprises, but so many strange changes occur so frequently, and any country with a brain that is not stupid will feel something is wrong. has a problem.

So the next step, of course, is to explore the hunt.

But whether it is those animals, or people who think they have got adventures and special abilities, obviously they will not catch them without a fight. In addition, they are not easy to use particularly powerful weapons for this, so of course there will be very frequent local attacks. Fighting, local chaos.

In some countries with few people, there is even a tendency for wild animals to perish a city, occupy a city, and want to perish a country.

It is conceivable how big the trouble was.

In less than a year, the whole world fell into chaos, and the only place that was relatively peaceful was Xiyi Kingdom, because Ding Yun hadn't thrown anything from the heavens and worlds over there. At most, it encountered some mutated species born in other countries at the border, and the interior was generally calm.

But this is actually not a good thing.

Because firstly, they lack the opportunity to have direct contact with those mutated species, and they also lack research subjects, and secondly, other countries have problems, but they are fine.

Who can not be envious, jealous, faintly repulsed, and even suspect that this thing is made by them?

Do they want to unify the world or something!

Xiyi Kingdom has a lot of explanations for this.

There is no shortage of controversy on the Internet.

[In other words, although I don’t think it’s good to have such self-doubt, but now I really doubt that those messy monsters and ghosts outside are really made by our country, otherwise why other countries have those things, but we don’t have them, so peaceful? 】

[Please, do some people have brains!

There are ghosts and ghosts outside. Isn’t it a matter of course that we don’t have ghosts and ghosts here? Have you forgotten what was written in Journey to the West? Did Tang Seng encounter any monsters in the Eastern Tang Dynasty? The only one who can be regarded as a monster is the Jinghe Dragon King, but after coming out of the Tang Dynasty, there are monsters everywhere, which shows that I am blessed by God in the East! 】

[Is it possible that it is the barrier of Kyushu? I don’t think there is a barrier of Kyushu written in some novels? The barrier of Kyushu can block all monsters and ghosts from coming in, even gods and gods can't come in, so you have to be honest. 】

[Can the above stop talking nonsense?

Why don't you say that all the demons and ghosts that came in were wiped out by the Nine Heavens Slaughter Demon Emperor? 】

[Am I the only one who envies other countries? Many people already have supernatural powers. I even heard that there are some things that can cure terminal illnesses and even help people prolong life and rejuvenate. Only our side has nothing. If this continues, we will fall behind. 】

[Are some people crazy? They don’t want to live a peaceful life. They want to live a precarious life. They don’t know if they can open their eyes the next morning when they fall asleep at night. And what fun are those mutations?

You haven't seen those mutants, each of them lost their human form, and became neither human nor ghost.

How is it different from the monsters in Journey to the West? 】

[If you want to live that kind of life, you can go abroad if you have the ability. The country has not stopped you from going out. If you want to go out and seek death, you can go out and seek death. What are you saying on the Internet? 】

[In other words, is it possible that our country actually has those demons and goblins, but we have big boss organizations like dragon groups, which were exterminated in advance? 】

[Hey, can't it be the revival of spiritual energy? 】

【Based on that, the cultivators of Kunlun Mountain should be coming out soon. If we are not prepared, we must memorize the meridians and acupoints, so we can cultivate immortals as soon as possible! 】

[I can't say anything else, but the Kyushu barrier should be wrong, because if there is a Kyushu barrier, there shouldn't be any ghosts and ghosts coming in, but in fact we have already encountered some monsters and ghosts at the border, but they were given by the state. Timely annihilation at the border.

Just didn't let them in. 】

[Perhaps the current Kyushu is not the same concept as the past Kyushu, or is it in disrepair for a long time? 】


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