Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 242 Perish, Human (10)

As new discoveries were gradually revealed, not only the various countries quickly held meetings to discuss it, but people all over the world were also discussing it.

Everyone frantically discussed the information they knew.

Even their own guesses.

[Seeing these news, I suddenly felt that we were so ridiculous in the past. We wanted to explore the universe without even finding out whether there were other intelligent races on our planet to find out whether there were other intelligent civilizations in the universe.

It's really a joke to say it out! 】

[That, to put it bluntly, I am now a little suspicious of some western countries, saying that the ruins of Atlantis they found on the bottom of the sea, could it be an abandoned sea city? If it is submerged, it was made by the Sea Clan. 】

[Underground species and dwarves have appeared, and even if giants and dragons appear next, I don't think it's strange. It seems that this world is completely unscientific! 】

[In other words, do you feel that the increasing number of mutated species and new species is a bit like the Cambrian explosion of species, so is it possible that the so-called Cambrian explosion of species is actually the recovery of spiritual energy?

It's kind of exciting to think so.

Could it be true that there were gods in the past? 】

[If the Cambrian Explosion of Species is really the recovery of spiritual energy, then some people will be able to practice after the recovery of spiritual energy, even because there is more spiritual energy.

It seems reasonable to be able to become a fairy or a god.

Later, the spiritual energy gradually decreased, and those so-called practitioners also decreased until they disappeared. 】

[I remember that the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic said that the ancient people were all a hundred years old. Is it possible that the ancient people lived longer because they still had a little spiritual energy at that time? 】

[No, do you have any brains?

Is now the time to discuss these? Shouldn't you be discussing how many threats those sea people who build cities under the ocean will pose to us?

You have to know that the ratio of ocean to land on our planet is seven to three, which means that the actual domination area of ​​those sea races is twice that of our humans. Don’t you think this number is terrible? 】

[You are the only one who is sick. Is this kind of thing something we ordinary people should think about? What use is there for us to have ideas? What a psycho! 】

[I don’t know if you have read Shan Hai Jing.

Now I am a little suspicious that Shan Hai Jing may be a documentary literature. I used to think that the three-headed and four-headed snakes and birds in Shan Hai Jing were outrageous, but when I was driving the sheep yesterday, I found that there was an extra red in my sheep flock. A sheep with four heads.

The world keeps changing like this

Siyang Fangzun is almost becoming a documentary bronze ware! 】

[Some archaeologists and experts who specialize in explaining ancient myths should be quite embarrassed now. They finally tried to explain the gods who don’t look like humans in the myths into images wearing animal skins. Maybe it's really not human!

It's outrageous...]

[Can everyone stop being so happy, you haven’t considered that besides the possibility of the revival of the spiritual energy bringing about the mutation of animals and plants, and allowing us to practice, there is another possibility, that is, it will also bring about a strange revival, you forgot Many people said that they saw their old friends or even gods in their sleep?

So will there be zombie ghosts in the future?

Will there be gods appearing in vain to rule us.

I don't want to be a lamb raised by the gods. 】

[I'm more worried. In fact, there are some unknown species in the atmosphere released by the Space Administration. Compared with the known sea people, dwarves in underground caves, and other mutant species, they are obviously unknown things, and I feel more Be scary. 】

[Well, I have a little doubt. If the sea people are actually intelligent, then we used to eat seafood a bit cruelly. I feel that eating things without wisdom is completely different from eating intelligent life. 】

[Probably not, think about it, there are so many races on land, but in fact there is only one intelligent race and civilization like us humans, even if there may be more than one intelligent race in the ocean, it is certainly impossible for all marine life All have wisdom. 】

[I'm a little flustered for no reason. Now I think of the revival of spiritual energy written in some novels, and there are thousands of races.

Even humans are no longer at the top of the food chain. 】

[There should be a big battle next. 】

[Should we act first, take advantage of those new races, which seem to have not developed much, and wipe them out. They will all fight each other, not to mention other races.

Eat the meat first, and suffer later! 】

[To be honest, I always feel that this matter may not be that simple, and it may not even be a spiritual recovery. It is not my conspiracy theory, but I really feel that there must be a relatively large conspiracy behind this matter, and I don’t know. How should I describe it, it's like intuition! 】

[There have been many incidents of animals attacking humans. If you work in a farm, you should pay attention to it. It may be suggested that you resign quickly, because there was an accident in a chicken farm on our side yesterday. Several chickens suddenly mutated and pecked the boss to death abruptly. 】

[That's a digression, I don't know if you have tasted the taste of mutated animals, I spent a lot of money yesterday to buy mutated chicken legs, wow, it's really delicious.

It is simply delicious. I never thought that chicken legs could be so delicious. I don’t know how to describe it. Not only is the meat very tender, but it also has a special aroma.

After eating into the stomach, the body is still very comfortable! 】

[I also bought mutated chicken, but I bought the breast meat for cheap. I thought the breast meat would taste better after the chicken was mutated, but I didn't expect it to be mutated, and the chicken breast meat was still so unpalatable.

Why don't animals mutate in the direction of eating? 】

[I can somewhat understand why the author of Shan Hai Jing writes about the taste of each species and the effect after eating. This is an old tradition!

Do you still remember that a notice was issued some time ago, telling everyone not to eat anything, the meat of those mutated animals is not sure whether it is poisonous or not.

Not sure if eating it has any effect.

You are not afraid to poison yourself to death! 】

[Please, it's a mutation, not a zombie. 】

[Let's read the news, people have already died from eating mutant animals, don't be curious! 】

[Is there anyone else online? Those who are online quickly turn on the TV to watch the news. The host said that the country has developed a kung fu that can absorb spiritual energy and exercise one's body. It is called the first set of martial arts radio gymnastics!

You can download and learn for free on the official website! 】


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