Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 259 The Widow of Miracle Doctor Valley (End)

The group of demonic people headed by Zhao Xiaoyao didn't get a taste until a few days later, and then they were discovered by the disciples of the Kunlun School, who recognized their identities and spread them to the world.

At this time, Ding Yun had already arrived at Tianhunzong.

Although Zhao Xiaoyao was the mastermind, and the other demonic sects only obeyed his orders, but since he participated, Ding Yun had no intention of letting them go. Anyway, now she could figure out where those sects might be at any time. No matter how deep it is hidden, it can be found quickly.

Plus her poison skills are otherworldly.

To Ding Yun, exterminating these demonic sects is nothing more than running a little longer, so why not do it?

Not to mention after destroying these demon sects.

There are also a huge amount of skill points in the account.

So, after the Kunlun Sect announced that the leader of the Moon Worshiping Demon Sect and most of the disciples, as well as the head disciples of the Five Poison Sect and the Bloodthirsty Sect, all died in the Kunlun Mountains.

The news that other demon sects were wiped out.

It has also spread all over the world.

The Zhengdao side undoubtedly cheered endlessly, while the remaining demonic sects were of course scared to death, and many small sects even broke up and fled in all directions.

Ding Yun has been running outside for two years, until there is no more famous Demonic Dao sect in the whole rivers and lakes, and then he officially stopped.

Then go home.

Instead of going home directly, taking advantage of the usual opportunity to report a safety letter every six months, she notified her parents in advance, communicated with her parents, and made it clear that she was not planning to get married and planned to rebuild the Valley of Wonderful Doctors Afterwards, this matched her parents' words.

Pretend to come back from the Taoist temple.

Over the years, Hu Heyong and his wife have gotten to know their daughter somewhat better, knowing that she is indeed very good at medicine, and that she was the one who cured the plague earlier.

Plus she has always resisted marriage.

Want to help the world and save people.

The most important thing is that they haven't been together for a long time, and the relationship between them is really not that deep, and even they have more emotions because of guilt.

Rather than love.

So the couple described the situation she might encounter if she didn't get married very seriously, and after confirming that she could accept it, they had no choice but to agree.

But Ding Yun waited until the two sides negotiated this matter.

only willing to go back.

When she went back, Ding Yun was still a little worried that her parents would pretend to agree and force her to go on a blind date and get married as soon as she went back. She was even prepared to resist in advance.

But I didn't expect her parents to be quite honest.

After meeting and exchanging heart-to-hearts, they didn't take any coercive measures, but just gave her a dowry:

"This is the dowry that was originally prepared for you.

Although you don't plan to get married yourself, this dowry is still for you. After all, you have sisters and sisters, and the family property is to be distributed to your sons. This dowry is actually equivalent to a part of the family property distributed to your daughters. , No, we won’t give it to you if you don’t get married.

We are not going to take this as a threat.

Besides, if you want to rebuild the Valley of Miraculous Doctors, it should also cost money, so you can keep the money.

But if you want to get married later.

We will not give out a second dowry.

So do it yourself. "

Originally, the dowry must not be money, but a lot of things with a little silver at the bottom of the box, but Hu Heyong and his wife wanted to rebuild the Valley of Miraculous Doctors out of consideration for their daughter.

The most lacking thing now should be silver, so I specially converted those things into silver and handed them over to her.

Hope to bring her some help.

Ding Yun did not refuse this, but thanked her verbally, took it, and then specially took out a batch of health conditioning pills that she had prepared in advance, and handed them to her parents, saying: "This is the health pills I prepared.

The effect is good. Long-term use can prolong life, beautify the skin, cure diseases and eliminate disasters. I only found some medicinal materials recently.

You can eat it first, one pill a day, even if you take it for a month, it will have obvious effects, which is considered my filial piety. "

After giving the things, they actually had nothing to talk about. After all, they hadn't seen each other in more than ten years, and they just wrote letters occasionally to communicate, so they chatted a little awkwardly and cared about each other's past situation.

It has entered the popular link of meeting relatives.

After tossing each other for a few days, and after the whole family met with relatives nearby, Ding Yun finally had time to look around for a suitable site, and he spent money to buy it smoothly.

Start rebuilding the Valley of Doctors.

At the same time, enrolling students along with it.

But, it really didn't go well. The reconstruction of the Valley of Miraculous Doctors went smoothly. The main problem was the recruitment of students. The last person in the Valley of Miraculous Doctors was wiped out for less than five years, so why don't you worry?

In the end, Ding Yun relied on food and shelter, which attracted some common people, even beggars.

She had no choice.

So I simply accepted them all.

And started his own path of medical teaching.

At the same time, Ding Yun gave her father a prescription for banwusan just after he came back, and it was successfully sent to the palace and handed over to the emperor.

This is the medicine specially prepared by Ding Yun.

Those who practice internal energy will not be able to use traditional Chinese medicine to use internal energy.

Practicing external skills will make the whole body weak.

It is useful for warriors below Foundation Establishment, and it is not a medicine that must be taken, as long as it is sprinkled.

The main reason why Ding Yun specially developed this medicinal powder and handed it over to the imperial court through her father is that during the three years when she wiped out the demonic sects, she also had some understanding of those righteous sects. .

Although most of those orthodox sects are okay, but compared to the demonic sects, they are actually dirty in private and disregard for the lives of the people.

It's not necessarily better than some magic ways.

Just not that arrogant.

There are a lot of taboos and violations of the law, but most of the yamen servants are simply unable to target those people in the martial arts, let alone arrest them, so the huge number of people in the righteous way are definitely unstable factors. The disadvantages far outweigh the advantages.

Ding Yun's medicine is to give the emperor a sharp knife.

A sharp blade that is enough to deter people in the martial arts world and make them willing to abide by the law. If they are willing, then naturally there is no threat. Those who are unwilling can also have means to suppress them.

After getting the secret recipe, the emperor experimented and confirmed that the secret recipe was indeed useful, even for the strong in the innate realm, and immediately began to investigate the various sects.

And dig up all the old cases before.

Distribute medicine powder, order arrests and solve cases everywhere.

At the beginning, some sects and people in the martial arts wanted to resist, but Ding Yun's medicinal powder was really effective.

People who have been drugged are powerless to resist.

Those who resisted were directly wiped out and banned.

So in less than half a year, the atmosphere of the entire martial arts has been cleared up, and they are basically not seen on the road, and they fight in other people's stalls or inns every now and then.

If there is a conflict, you can only make an appointment in advance at the yamen, and then resolve it in the arena. All private fights are illegal.

Generally speaking, the whole martial arts atmosphere.

Even the entire social order has improved a lot.

The emperor got the benefits, so naturally it was impossible not to give rewards. In fact, as soon as he confirmed that the medicine powder was useful, he immediately gave Ding Yun a brand of Miracle Doctor Valley, and even allowed Ding Yun to directly recommend his disciples without taking the exam. Then he entered the Tai Hospital to work.

With the emperor's personal endorsement, Ding Yun's reconstruction of the Valley of Miraculous Doctors gained some fame, and it was no longer disliked by others as before, and everything was finally on the right track.

From now on, she only needs to teach with peace of mind.

Cultivate all disciples into talents.

It is enough to make the Valley of Miraculous Doctors a gold-lettered signboard.

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