Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 281 Elf Ball Manufacturing System (1)

After his return, Ding Yun successfully submitted the task and trial report without much hesitation, and then went on to choose a new task and a new golden finger.

And enter the mission world.


[Client: Liu Xiaohua

Entrusted task: I hope to complete my life diary, complete all my dreams in the diary.

Commission reward: ten soul points. 】

Seeing this entrusted task, Ding Yun was completely speechless. This guy has a bug here. This task request is different from making a wish to the magic lamp genie, saying that I want to complete a wish, and it is too much.

But it's all about complaining, as long as the task theoretically does not exceed her own ability, she still has to help complete it.

So of course her next step is to merge with the original body.

And comb memory.

A few minutes later, the original body's memories of the past ten years flashed through Ding Yun's mind like a slideshow.

The original body was born in 1994.

The parents were married on a blind date, and there were no ex-boyfriends or ex-girlfriends in each other's lives, and there were no other messy things. Anyway, it is said that after they looked at each other a few times, Wang Ba saw Mung Dou right.


After marriage, one worked part-time and the other farmed. Within two years, the original body was born, and then continued to work part-time and farm.

Yuanchen's mother, who was a farmer, took care of Yuanchen along the way.

Yuan didn't remember many childhood memories, but only remembered a few famous scenes, such as her grandparents persuading her parents to have a son quickly, and then her mother replied very rudely that you should be fined.

When you are born, I will be born.

Then, her grandparents had nothing to say.

For example, Yuanchen's grandmother disliked Yuanzheng's poor grades, so it's better to stop studying and learn a craft, and then Yuanchen's mother sneered and said, no matter how bad my daughter's academic performance is, she is not like your old man. It was too difficult, I tore up the book on the bridge and stopped reading.

Later, it was at the third grade level.

Of course, these are the few points that the original body remembers deeply. As for the others, it is the normal three meals a day, going to school, playing with classmates and friends, and living day by day.

Finished kindergarten and went to elementary school.

Finish elementary school and go to junior high school.

How to describe the process?

It means that after the original body is stimulated, it will work hard for a period of time, but after that burst of energy, the whole person will become decadent again, muddling along. It is a very standard intermittent hard work, continuous eating and waiting for dead talents.

When the grades are good, you can be in the top ten of the grade.

When the grades are poor, they can fall to the middle and lower reaches of the class.

When the parents at home first discovered this situation, they could barely help her stabilize her academic performance by scolding, beating, controlling and other methods.

But there is a word in this world called old fried dough sticks.

There is also a saying that the skin is practiced.

They scolded too much, talked too much, Yuanshen didn't care anymore, they said theirs, left ear went in and right ear went out, he should do what he should do, he was not afraid of beating, he didn't dare to beat to death anyway, besides Isn't she unable to escape, won't she grow two legs to walk?

Because of this, except for the fact that his family didn't care much about him in the second and third grades of elementary school, and his grades were a little poor, his grades were not bad until the second grade of junior high school, but in the third grade of junior high school, his grades fell again. One year, the original body not only became an old fritter, but also fell in love with star chasing and watching sadomasochistic romance novels.

That thing was popular during that time, and even the literature of pain was popular in the literary world, called pain youth literature.

The final result is that the original body failed in the high school entrance examination.

Only went to a poor high school.

Then Yuan's room was thoroughly searched by her parents, and her collection of romance novels, celebrity poster photos, lyrics books and the like were all torn up.

That day, the original body screamed quite miserable.

It was so desperate and grief-stricken that the original body even had the thought of hanging himself to make them regret it.

But then I gave up because of discomfort.

After entering high school, it was very rare for Yuanzheng to work hard again, and made an agreement with her mother that she would be paid as much as her test scores improved. Afterwards, she worked hard to make up for missed lessons.

At the same time, I still save pocket money every day.

Breakfast money can also be saved if possible.

The purpose is to try to buy back the destroyed posters and so on, and continue reading novels along the way.

Attend classes during the day and listen carefully.

If you are sleepy, use balm or pinch your thighs.

At night, I pretended to turn off the lights until ten o'clock, and then hid under the quilt and secretly read the rented novel.

There is a book rental shop next to their school. You can rent books without spending money. The deposit is only two books, and new ones are added every once in a while. Although not complete, there are many. Generally speaking, it is quite good. Cost-effective.

During that time, Yuanshen was both hardworking and indulgent.

Only sleep less than four hours a day.

The grades did not decline, and the people quickly became sluggish.

In addition to saving money and starving, his physical fitness declined rapidly, and he died suddenly as a matter of course.

Then came Ding Yun.

With the completion of memory sorting and the complete fusion with the original body, Ding Yun can also clearly feel the weakness of this body, but fortunately, the original body is physically and mentally weak, and Ding Yun is at least not mentally weak now, so He could still hold on and get up quickly, hiding the novel about the Empress that Yuan himself had half seen.

so as not to be discovered.

Then quickly put the body into a deep sleep.

At any rate, let's make up for a while and speak slowly.

At around five o'clock the next morning, to be precise, less than four hours after Ding Yun entered deep sleep, there was a knock on the door, and at the same time, the alarm clock beside the bed began to ding-dong. Ding dong for the second time.

"Liu Xiaohua, why don't you get up?

Check what time it is, you don't go to school, turn off the alarm clock for me, your dad is still sleeping.

Hurry up, get up and go to school for me! "

At this point, Ding Yun woke up suddenly, then yawned and stretched again. He still felt a little tired, but he quickly turned off the alarm clock and said:

"Got it, Mom, I'm getting up now!"

After speaking, of course, I immediately lifted the quilt, got up and put on clothes, and opened the door and locked it to go out.

Go out and get the breakfast money that's on the table.

Then wash up and get ready for school.

And her old lady Wang Haiyan went into the house to make the bed and fold the quilt for her. When Ding Yun left the house at six o'clock, she started to make breakfast in a leisurely manner, cooking porridge and fried rice.

She drank the porridge herself.

The rice was fried for her husband.

In fact, if it is not for the children to go to school, they can get up later. After all, they don't have to go to work so early, but there is no way. The children have to go to the morning reading class at 6:30, and their parents can only cooperate.

At the same time, Ding Yun was riding his bicycle to school while looking at the golden finger to be tried this time.

Then the mood is more complicated.

Because the golden finger she tried this time is called——

Pokeball manufacturing system.

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