Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 297 Elf Ball Manufacturing System (17)

At this time, Ding Yun had no other choice, so he quickly decided to pre-order the full price on the largest shopping platform.

For this reason, it is warming up with your own account.

While communicating with the shopping platform.

At the same time, I also gave a few samples produced by my own laboratory without any problems for free to several anchors who had bought a generation of storage balls and broadcasted them live.

Let them help spread the word.

The reward is to give them a few elf balls.

Of course, because the appearance has been modified by Ding Yun, it is no longer appropriate to use the elf ball to describe it. Except for the round one, which is still called the basic elf ball, the remaining two after transformation versions, all with new names.

The ones that can be refrigerated and frozen are called elf icehouses.

Those that can be planted are called Portable Elf Farms.

And the brand name Ding Yun has also been decided, so let’s call it Elf. After all, you can’t forget your roots. This stuff is originally for elves.

Everything after that went smoothly.

Whether it's registering a company, communicating with various platforms, or various publicity, it's okay.

It didn't take long for a lot of discussion to be raised again.

Especially after several anchors finished broadcasting three different types of products, everyone was even more heated.

Everyone is more worried about whether the price will be expensive.

Rather than willing to buy.

[I'm going, this is too awesome. It's completely imagined into reality. When I saw the storage ball last time, I was a little worried whether I would see the real storage device in the novel appear in my lifetime. .

I didn't expect the development speed of the boss to be so fast.

Not only has the weight problem been solved, but even the problem of not being able to store live things has been solved, and it has also come up with a portable farm. I just want to let out a groundhog scream.

And ask what the price is!

As long as it is lower than a suite, I can accept it! 】

[Ah ah ah! This world is still unscientific, and the portable farm has appeared. This is something I dreamed of owning when I played farm games before. Although I don’t play it anymore, after seeing it, I still want to have it crazily. ah! 】

[The things that I used to dream about in the daytime can actually appear in reality, it really is a long time to see! 】

[Although I am very envious, I like it very much, and I really want to own it, but no matter how I look at it, I feel that the price is definitely not something I can afford, so I can only think about it. 】

[In other words, if I buy this, I don’t need to buy a house, I really want to use the money from buying a house to buy this, it feels super cool.

Much cooler than an RV! 】

[emmmm...Compared to you, I am actually more worried about whether this thing has potential safety hazards, and if this thing is circulated in large numbers, it should cause a lot of trouble, for example, what if someone uses this thing to smuggle people, what should I do? What if someone uses this thing to transport illegal things, what should they do if they enter and exit the customs, or even hide the corpse in it?

This thing is small and easy to hide.

To be honest, it feels quite dangerous! 】

[The brain above is sick, what is not dangerous, is there something wrong? Those who are at fault are clearly human beings, well, we can’t give up eating because of choking...]

[Well, I am only curious about what kind of energy this thing uses, and if it is really an 80-square-meter house, will it be short of oxygen if it stays in it, can it use electricity, and can it be connected to the Internet?

If you can only stay there for a while, and there is no electricity or internet at the same time, it feels very tasteless! 】

[There are also things that are not big, so it feels easy to be stolen, and my heart will feel bad if my mobile phone is stolen. If this thing is stolen, I bought it on a budget, and I will be so angry! 】

[? ? ? 】

[Is the manufacturer also responsible for things being stolen? 】

[I just want to know when the full pre-sale will start and what is the price!

If I can accept it, I have to live frugally and save money now, if it is something I can't afford at all, then I don't worry about it, please hurry up!

Hurry up, I'm really dying...]

[There is only one function of storage, and there is no way to reduce the weight of the storage ball. It costs one hundred thousand. The price of this thing can't be lowered. It is estimated that three to five million ones are possible, or it can be hundreds of thousands. Ten thousand.

So we ordinary people should just think about it! 】

[Indeed, the price of things can never be low. 】

[The mass production price should be able to drop. 】

[I just read the introduction of the portable farm, which clearly stated that there is no time acceleration in the farm, no functions such as one-click sowing, one-click planting, and one-click harvesting, and the land is no different from normal land.

In fact, it is equivalent to a piece of land.

It's just that the land can be taken with you.

I think that some people who have the ability to buy portable elf farms will probably not insist on planting them all the time, so I am going to wait for the second-hand trading market after the items are on sale. I believe that some people should be willing to sell them at a low price.

It should save a lot of money by then...]

[Things feel very good, but the area is a bit tasteless. A place of about 80 square meters is neither big nor small. It may be usable for ordinary people, but there is a high probability that they cannot afford it or are reluctant to buy it. Those who are really rich will feel that this place is not very useful.

The most tasteless thing is the 80-square-meter cold storage.

What can this place do?

It is said that the elf cold storage is only four meters high, four eight thirty-two, that is three hundred and twenty cubic meters. Generally speaking, it can’t even hold a hundred tons of things. Well, if the storage weight is relatively light, the volume is relatively large It would be even worse, fifty tons would be enough! 】

[How come a group of people call it bad before it starts selling? Are there so many people who are not optimistic about it? 】

[Everyone, go to a certain shopping platform and search for Poké Balls. The pre-sale link for the full price came out. The price is really surprising. The cheapest one is only 100,000, and the most expensive is only 120,000. It’s really worth it , Absolutely! 】

[Can something worth more than 100,000 yuan be called cheap? 】

[Why can’t it be called cheap? What can you buy with hundreds of thousands of dollars now? It’s not enough to buy a house with a down payment. I really can’t think of what kind of car I can buy at this price.

And how big the area can be.

But this elf ball has 80 square feet.

It's like taking a house with you!

To put it bluntly, if I buy this and put it directly in the company, I feel that I can save 40,000 to 50,000 yuan in rent every year, and even more in big cities.

In two or three years, the cost can be recovered by saving rent.

Moreover, the washing and other things can be done in the company. If you can connect to the Internet, you can also use the company's network. Absolutely! 】

[Are you trying to laugh me to death? If I were the boss of the company, if I thought that you were going to live in the company, I would simply add more meetings. Go back to the poke ball and sleep.

If only there was a wake up function in the morning.

It can even urge you to come out to work directly. 】

[In other words, this really inspired me. The company rents staff dormitories for employees at a high price.

If this ball can really live normally.

Buy more and put them directly in the company.

It seems to be a good idea to be a staff dormitory.

I just don't know how long this ball can be used. It won't work if it breaks in a year or two! 】

[You are simply devils! 】

[Our editor-in-chief said that the little black room software is all fake, only this elf ball is the real little black room, she wants to buy a few to drag the author into it, and then release it after writing, so she no longer has to worry about the author dragging the update It's...]

[Oh my god, thinking about it this way, I think it would be pretty good to buy one for my son. Lock him in and let him study, so that he won't think we are noisy and affect his study. 】

[The place at home is small, there are many people, and the house price is very expensive, I feel that I can buy it! 】

[I have an idea, if we have a flat for rent in a prosperous area of ​​a super first-tier city, can we buy hundreds or even thousands of Poké Balls, and then put the Poké Balls in the room directly for rent.

Wouldn't that be equivalent to having a building that could be rented out?

Just thinking about it makes me happy...]


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