Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 318 Temporary Inventory Sales Network (18)

Besides, Xiao Yunying, when she first received the pile of meat parcels sent by Ding Yun, she was a little surprised and scared, but as Ding Yun sent things over one after another, it was hundreds of catties of dried vegetables. There are all kinds of polished rice noodles, canned meat and so on.

She was completely out of surprise.

Even the emotion of fear has basically disappeared.

Because it was so fragrant, it was so fragrant that I didn't want to persuade my daughter to stop. After half a year, she, her parents, and her younger brother all gained more than ten catties.

It's like this to eat people's mouths softly.

Standing on the moral high ground to persuade and stop, she really couldn't afford to be so shameless, and she couldn't say that kind of thing.

So I will send the letter to Ding Yun later.

Most of them just tell her to be careful, to be cautious.

Never mention it again, don't do it, just stop.

In addition, because Ding Yun sent a lot of things and they were very frequent, not only can they eat well and have sufficient nutrition every day, but they can also share the excess with others, help each other, and even share the food. Give some to the managers of the reclamation farm.

Therefore, when the management staff turned their eyes and closed their eyes, their daily work was slightly less, they were not as tired as before, and their physical health and even their spirits and spirits had improved to a certain extent.

All in all, life is pretty good, much better than before Ding Yun sent things, and the problems caused by lack of nutrition and long-term fatigue have basically disappeared.

However, they just accepted it passively and did not really mention what Ding Yun wanted in the letter.

So this made Ding Yun a little bit distressed.

Distressed not knowing what to send them.

You know, most of the food she can buy from the temporary stock sale online is about to expire, and the shelf life is usually only three months, half a year, or at most one year.

And recently, she has sent a lot of food to her mother, and if she continues to send it, she is afraid that they will not eat it all, and even more afraid that they will think it is not bad, and continue to eat after the expiration date she told, and it will hurt the body again. .

So she can only consider sending something else.

improve their lives.

But there are really too few things that fit this era. Except for some basic daily necessities and clothing, Ding Yun couldn't find anything else that could be sent over, let alone them. What is missing, when writing letters they always say that there is nothing missing.

In the end, she had no choice but to find some science textbooks from the Temporary Inventory Sales Network and send them over, and wrote to them to ask them to take them out if they had nothing to do, especially to help them sleep.

The more you can't understand, the more you sleep.

Later, I even found some professional books on mechanical maintenance, postpartum care of sows, breeding of improved breeds, improving production, etc., and sent them to them. I didn’t expect them to become masters. I mainly hoped that they could learn a skill in their spare time. , Looking back a few years after I can leave the farm, I won’t be able to find a job or something.

And with a bit of skill, it's easy to mix on the farm. For example, if you understand the maintenance of machines, you can help others repair things for free if they break something. That can also enhance mutual affection. If there are breakthroughs in other agricultural aspects, and help increase production, isn't it also a credit?

For these books, the original grandparents, grandparents, and uncles all liked them quite a lot. Although he didn't make any more points in the letter, since Ding Yun saw that they liked them, he would naturally continue to send them. Years or eight years will not break, and the price is still cheap, and the remaining goods in stock are all weighed by the catty.

Therefore, from now on, the frequency and content of Ding Yun's mailings to them will be relatively fixed. For example, canned meat will be mailed once a month, and each time will be controlled within 100 catties. Rice and noodles will also be mailed once a month. One hundred catties each. If the vegetables are dried, they will be sent when the season is right. One post is enough for them to eat for half a year.

Daily chemical fabrics are sent once every six months.

Only books are sent more frequently, basically two or three times a month, because in Ding Yun’s view, after eating and drinking are satisfied, there is still a bit of spiritual entertainment. Romance and martial arts novels are not convenient to send at this time, then I can only send some technical books.

No matter how you don't understand it, it's better than nothing.

It can be said that with the help of the temporary inventory sales network, not only Ding Yun was able to get along like a fish in water in Dawang Village, but also helped her mother, her grandparents, and uncle to get along in the reclamation farm and near the reclamation farm like a duck to water. , except for a little lack of spiritual entertainment, other aspects are definitely far superior to ordinary people at this time.

After this problem is resolved.

There was only a little bit left to worry Ding Yun.

That means she has become a favorite in the blind date market.

As her age breaks through twenty, there are men, women and children in the village, and even the educated youth are worried about whether she has a partner, and whether she can introduce a partner to her?

Anyone nearby who knows about her and has sons and grandchildren of the right age at home can't wait to send their own sons and grandchildren to Ding Yun.

If it weren't for bigamy or something.

Maybe someone would be willing to be Ding Yun's second wife.

Village head Wang sometimes sighed when he saw her, but unfortunately his youngest son was married a few years ago, and his eldest grandson was only ten years old, so it was really inappropriate.

Even the educated youth order the new educated youth.

A few young people who feel handsome and beautiful are also trying to seduce Ding Yun, wishing they could just climb into bed.

Ding Yun knew that it was due to her own very beautiful appearance, but being rich and powerful was obviously more important. If it was decades later, she would not mind having a few more romances, after all, there were a few educated youths and young men.

It is indeed quite good, and the plate is bright and smooth.

But let's not mention their impure purpose now, even if their purpose is pure, they just fell in love with her beauty.

She also doesn't want her family to be short-changed from now on. The most important thing is that she has a lot of secrets, and she is not ready to share them with others.

It is really difficult to guarantee that the secrets will not be leaked.

So Ding Yun could only reluctantly refuse.

In the end, she simply announced to the outside world that she decided not to get married before the age of thirty, so that everyone should stop worrying about her, and thus barely stopped the previous upsurge.

On the educated youth side, Ding Yun told them in private that the college entrance examination would definitely resume within five years at the latest.

She wanted to go to college and didn't want to get married, so she refused.

Hearing what she said, some educated youths who had settled down in the village or planned to marry a certain family in the village could not help but have new hopes.

Think maybe five years.

They can still hold on and wait.

Of course, the most important thing is that they believe that Ding Yun is well-connected, capable, and what he says is true, otherwise they wouldn't believe it if they just told anyone.

So the educated youth got it done smoothly.

Many people have reviewed it five years in advance.

As for the gossip of some people in the village saying that she is going to be an old aunt, there is no way to completely stop it, and Ding Yun doesn't bother to make a noise, so he just pretends he didn't hear it.

They didn't say it to her face anyway.

It's good to live so leisurely.

It wasn't until a few years later, when the time officially entered the year of 1977, that Ding Yun stopped going to the recycle bin to collect textbooks and the like.

Prepare in advance for the resumption of the college entrance examination in the future.

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