Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 353 Love and Dedication System (13)

When Ding Yun formally sued the company, her parents had already separated her out because they were afraid that they would have to bear the debt of 6 million liquidated damages.

They even paid for a suite for this.

Paid for a dilapidated house in the countryside of my hometown.

It was not their own old house, but a house that they bought for more than 10,000 yuan in a rural area that was even more remote than their hometown, and there was no demolition plan.

It may be an exaggeration to say that there are deep mountains and old forests.

But definitely remote enough, cheap enough, shabby enough.

The reason why they did this, of course, could not be for the benefit of their daughter or to keep a house for their daughter, it was purely because they wanted to separate their unmarried daughters to separate them and set up their own households.

But according to the regulations, if you want to be an independent household, you must either be married, or have a house purchase certificate or real estate certificate, or you must have a homestead permit.

The original body didn't buy a house and was still renting a house, so they couldn't provide the corresponding proof at all, so in order to quickly get rid of this daughter who might bring them huge debts, they had to spend some blood on their own and choose a cheap one as much as possible. house and transfer it directly to the original body.

Ding Yun didn't stop him from this aspect.

So the division of households was naturally completed smoothly.

When Ding Yunna officially started suing Jinghe Company, she had completely separated from her parents.

Even for fear of having to bear liquidated damages.

They also blocked Ding Yun.

In addition, Ding Yun didn't intend to use the power of public opinion at all when he sued this time, and there were no related reports on the Internet, so they didn't know about it until the trial.

I thought my daughter had already owed several million in debt.

He didn't dare to keep in touch with Ding Yun at all, for fear that he would be cheated on later. As for finding a way to marry Ding Yun in exchange for a dowry, no one would spend a huge amount of dowry to marry a daughter-in-law with millions of debts.

So the parents of the original body.

It can be said that it has completely stopped for the time being.

And as Ding Yun began to appeal and provided corresponding evidence, the day of the trial soon came.

In the process, it can be said that there is a back and forth.

Ding Yun said that they violated the contract. Not only did they fail to pay her five social insurances and one housing fund, they also defaulted on her basic wages for more than two years.

The company said that she was the only one who signed the 19% contract in the whole company, and only the 19% contract mentioned the need to pay five social insurances, one housing fund and a guaranteed minimum salary. The failure to abide by the contract was entirely the work of the accounting department. Mistakes, not what they intended.

And it took more than two years to ask for wages in arrears.

This is unreasonable at all, and is maliciously asking for salary.

Ding Yun argued that he has been very busy in the past two years, and at the same time, he did not check the payment of five social insurances and one housing fund and the payment of wages out of trust in the company. He also said that no matter what the reason was.

The company defaulted first.

And it is a fact that it has been in default for more than two years.

You come and go on both sides, it's very lively, but in the end, Ding Yun won the case because of sufficient evidence.

Although I didn't get much compensation.

Just getting the part of the salary that was not paid, plus some interest and losses, the total is less than 200,000.

But the victory lies in the unconditional termination of the contract with each other.

Ding Yun didn't need to pay liquidated damages or anything.

After retiring from the court, Ding Yun told them with a smile on his face to call her the compensation as soon as possible. The account number was still the same as before. But because of Ding Yun, not only did they pay a lot of taxes, but they were also fined a lot of money. At the same time, the company representative who lost the lawsuit could only grit his teeth and express that Ding Yun would definitely be blocked by the entire industry.

Then they left one after another with cold faces.

Go back and report the results.

Ding Yun was not surprised by this, because what she did this time was indeed stabbing the lifeblood of those brokerage companies, the kind that hurt her heart, suing to terminate the contract is not a big deal, if she really hurt her heart, it might lead to What was boycotted and blocked by the whole industry was mainly because she submitted evidence of the company's tax evasion to the tax department.

These days, even if there are occasionally one or two entertainment companies that may not evade taxes, at least they have done various tax avoidance methods, some of which may not be so glorious and cannot withstand deep investigation.

In the past, there was no way to be found out by the tax department, but now instead of being found out, it was stabbed by someone.

Who can stand it?

Who dares to sign the other party to their own company.

Or cooperate with it or something.

At the same time, who can not be afraid, what if they have conflicts with each other later, and the other party has the evidence of tax evasion in their own family, and directly submits it, what should they do?

Instead of thinking of so many ways to put an end to it.

Or no more tax evasion.

It might as well just not cooperate directly.

But even so, Ding Yun didn't regret it, because she didn't think that she would really be cornered.

Seeing the company staff leave, she also went home immediately.

Get back to your previous normal life, a life of trying to improve your skills twelve hours a day.

At the same time, because Ding Yun, Jing and the brokerage company didn't want to make things public, the lawsuit between them and the final result were not widely publicized, but were dealt with coldly.

Jinghe didn't really want to lose face. After all, killing chickens to warn monkeys didn't succeed, and being killed instead is really not something worth publicizing, so of course we should try our best to hide it.

Ding Yun didn't want to attract her parents, although she was not afraid of her parents, but of course the troubles could be as little as possible, and they could be delayed as long as possible.

In the case of tacit understanding on both sides.

This incident didn't cause any splash at all, and it ended quietly. Even the reason there might be because of worrying about Ding Yun's disturbance, the compensation was quite happy.

It was in place in a few days.

With the compensation of nearly 200,000 yuan, plus the previous sale of jewelry and bags, the exchange was nearly 200,000 yuan.

Ding Yun finally doesn't have to worry about the next few years without a job, and he can really rest assured and continue to stay at home to improve his various skills.

But from the eyes of others, and from the eyes of Jinghe's agency, she was completely silent. Although she didn't post a post about quitting the circle, it was no different from quitting the circle.

In their view, these situations are considered good things.

It saves them from taking favors to block them.

But the boss of the company who has written the banning order really feels like he has punched Cotton with a punch, and it's too bad. What he wants to see is not that the other party quits the circle by himself, but that he is still in the entertainment industry. , and then completely collapsed in despair under his banning order.

But Ding Yun doesn't give him a chance at all now.

He didn't feel very uncomfortable.

It's just that Ding Yun doesn't even work in the entertainment industry anymore, she doesn't even work, where can he block her?

It can also prohibit everyone from selling food to Ding Yun.

Starve her to death.

So the matter of banning can only be regarded as nothing in the end, and I gambled in my heart to turn this matter over.

After all, they have nothing to do if they don't turn the page.

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