Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 365 Low-level vegetation furnace (5)


Ding Yun really couldn't answer those words. After a child is born, it is inevitable that someone will take care of it.

People at work must not be able to take care of them.

After all, working eight hours a day does not mean that there is no energy to take care of it. The main thing is that children cannot be away from others for eight hours, let alone eight hours.

Even an hour away from people is risky.

Ding Yun has a job now, and her parents haven't reached retirement age yet, so it's okay to ask for a few days off, but it's impossible to ask for special leave to take care of the children at home. The only one who has nothing to do is her mother-in-law, and it's because of her The mother-in-law promised to help her take care of the child, and the original body will give birth.

But if her mother-in-law breaks the contract.

In fact, she has nothing to do, after all, she can't put the child back, even if she asks someone to take care of the child, let's not worry about letting it go, just feel at ease.

She can't afford it financially either.

So all in all, once her mother-in-law breaks the contract, there is only one way in the end, and that is for her to resign and go home to take care of the children. This is also a choice that many working women have to make after giving birth.

It's okay if someone brings it, but it's really helpless if no one takes it.

Once you sue the mother-in-law, some people will say that the mother-in-law has no obligation to help you take care of the child, and has no obligation, so why did you promise to help in the first place, and why did you use a method that is almost deceptive to deceive you into having a child?

It is precisely because of these factors that Ding Yun really can't say anything now. After all, she is not willing to compromise like this, just go home and be a housewife, and may even have to be forced by her mother-in-law to have a second and third child.

"Oh, I didn't think of that at first.

If you get pregnant two or three years later, your dad and I have already retired by then, even if there is no help to take care of you, we still have plenty of time to help you take care of the child.

Now we still have two or three years before we reach retirement age. It’s okay to take care of you occasionally, but it’s really impossible to take care of you every day. If your grandma is too busy to take care of herself now, she can’t help you take care of the children.

As for your grandma, she even dislikes you as a granddaughter, let alone helping you take care of the children. "

Ding Yun was speechless for a while, her mother Huang Pinjuan thought about it, but she couldn't come up with any good idea. The difficulty is that those who are free at home are too old to take care of a baby. Those who can take care of a baby are old. Too young, not yet retired.

This is the biggest difficulty, the biggest contradiction.

What no one said is that when parents and mother-in-law give birth, most of them have already tacitly sacrificed the career of their daughter or daughter-in-law and let her take care of the children.

Immediately afterwards, there was no doubt that they were speechless again.

After a long time, Huang Pinjuan said helplessly: "This is the end of the matter, how far can we go, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, so don't worry about it, let's talk about it, wait until you are born.

What if your mother-in-law kept her promise! "

"Why can't we leave? Mom, let me tell you the truth. In fact, I'm struggling with whether to leave. I pay for food and drink at home. He doesn't pay a penny and doesn't do anything. Every month when he pays the rent, he will help me share half of it, and the rest will not be paid a penny, and I am too embarrassed to ask for it.

I am a little worried now, if I really quit my job and go home to take care of the children, will I be able to get money from him, and the most important thing is, I don't want to think about the kind of thing that I have to ask him for money every month day.

It made me look like I was bowing his head like that. "

Ding Yun was telling the truth, but she didn't mean to complain, she mainly wanted to test her mother's opinion on her idea of ​​divorce.

After Ding Yun finished probing like this, her mother couldn't hold back immediately, she almost jumped up and shouted:

"What? What did you say?"

"Are you crazy? You, why don't you just let him not share the rent and just keep him!"

"My God, at the beginning, oops, I really didn't know how to say hello, how could you post it like this, other people didn't say it, didn't you see the situation in our family? We The family is still a dual-employee, isn't your dad's salary card also in my hand?

Wait a minute, according to what you said, don't you have no savings in your hand now? How dare you have a child without any savings? Are you sure that I will help you, or are you sure that your husband Zhou Junyu will be able to save money? Or is the mother willing to pay? "

"Although some words are said to be philistine and ugly, they are indeed the truth. You have no savings at all to resist risks. The way you get along is really problematic. The most important thing is that you have already lost at the beginning. , it's hard to change!"

After being furious, Huang Pinjuan felt that this matter was quite tricky. She never thought that her daughter could be so stupid. This is simply naivety.

As for why she finds things difficult.

and difficult to change.

That's mainly because many things are always easy to plan and turn around at the beginning, such as after two people get married, who will cook, who will do the laundry, who will do the cleaning, and so on. Once it is settled, it will be difficult to reverse things in the future.

Of course it's the same with money.

This is the same as many policies, which are easy to change at the beginning of the founding of the country, but it is difficult to reverse them after a long time.

Once things become a routine, no one is willing to change, especially those with vested interests, who are absolutely unwilling to change. From Huang Pinjuan's point of view, her girl is obviously not a vested interest, she is just a fool!

Knowing this, they shouldn't have compromised in the first place.

They shouldn't even think that their daughter is smart and won't suffer any disadvantages in dealing with people, but the facts have proved that IQ and EQ have nothing to do with each other, and are directly related to life experience and life experience.

Her daughter, on the contrary, hadn't suffered much.

Less beaten by society and more naive.

"Mom, so don't I know now?

From now on, I plan to stay at home and see how Zhou Junyu reacts, and whether he will compromise or not. His attitude will determine whether I will go back to live with him, or simply get a divorce and get a divorce.

If divorced, I want the child to have my last name.

Mom, you won't dislike me..."

Ding Yun was obviously more sober than the original body, and she really didn't want to stay in that garbage dump anymore.

So at this time, I immediately explained that I had understood the problem, and made a plan for the next step. In the end, I still didn't forget to be coquettish, and made it clear that I wanted to live at home for a while.

Even in case of divorce, whose surname will the child have.

It's all set up in advance.

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