Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 370 Low-level vegetation furnace (10)

When Lin Guihua came here this time, she specially picked a Sunday, a day when her son was not at work, so as to avoid affecting her son's work and also to see him more.

Because she has the key herself.

So there is no need to say hello to anyone when entering the house.

And as soon as she entered the room, the first thing she saw was the pile of clothes piled up next to the washing machine, she immediately became dissatisfied, and immediately shouted loudly into the room:

"Liu Xiaoyu, what are you doing?

Don't you know how to wash so many dirty clothes at home? You are waiting for me to wash you, people, don't play dumb with me here, where did people go? "

Seeing that she greeted her several times, but her daughter-in-law didn't come out, Lin Guihua's temper immediately flared up.

What is this for?

Do you want to show her off or do you want to do something?

The clothes are not washed, and looking at the takeaway box on the table, it is obvious that the meal has not been cooked, so let her son eat those takeaways? What should I do if I eat my stomach later?

As soon as the words fell, Lin Guihua rushed into the master bedroom angrily, and hurried to the second bedroom and other rooms with closed doors to look for no one, and finally opened the room where her son played games, and found that she was the only one in the study The son was alone, and his tone immediately softened:

"Junyu, where did your wife go...

Isn't she not going to work today? Why are you not at home? Could it be that she went for a pregnancy test, and she didn't wash the clothes at home. What is she trying to do? She doesn't cook for you, is she trying to turn the world upside down? "

"Ah? Wait, mom, wait..."

Zhou Junyu made his mother wait for several minutes in a daze, and only after he had finished playing the game did he quit the game temporarily, and turned his head to explain the situation to his mother:

"Mom, Xiaoyu has been away from home for several days.

I probably went back to my mother's house. I called her a few days ago, but she hung up the phone without saying a word, and then blocked me.

I don't know what's wrong with her.

If you are free, help me do the laundry. It’s rare for me to relax one day a week. Don’t disturb me playing games. Let’s talk about it later after lunch. By the way, I want to eat well at noon today Spicy bullfrog, mom, can you buy vegetables and cook for me? "

He has never washed clothes at home, either by his mother or by his two sisters. When he was living in school, he basically saved his money and took them home to wash for his mother, or later for his girlfriend. body wash.

The daily diet is also requested by him.

It's like ordering food.

So after he explained a little where his wife was going, he naturally called his mother.

Because it has been here for so many years, when Lin Guihua heard the request he made later, she nodded without thinking at all, expressing that it was all right, and then talked about Ding Yun quite angrily and dissatisfied:

"Your daughter-in-law is really outrageous. Did you want to be the empress dowager when she got pregnant? She really thought she was pregnant with a baby bump. She couldn't do anything. I couldn't do anything. When she was pregnant, she still went to the ground to plant rice seedlings, so where is she now?

If you are a daughter-in-law, you can go back to your mother's house if you have nothing to do.

Who did she think she was? Even if the ancient princess got married, she didn't just go back to her natal home.

I have to ask my mother-in-law later.

Ask him what he wants to do? "

"It's really outrageous. I've never seen a daughter-in-law like this. She dared to do this before she knew whether she was pregnant with a man or a woman. If she gave birth to a son, she would not be able to go to heaven. No, she must be punished! "

Although Lin Guihua said so angrily.

But she didn't call Ding Yun immediately, or call her mother-in-law or something, and she didn't rush out of the house to make trouble at her mother-in-law's house.

Because for her, these things are not important, the most important thing is to wash and cook for her son.

So after she said angrily, she stuffed all the clothes except underwear and socks into the washing machine, put the underwear and socks in separate basins to soak, and then went out.

Went out to buy food for her son.

In the absence of Ding Yun, Lin Guihua undertook all the housework of her son's house. The meals were prepared and brought directly to Zhou Junyu's computer desk, and the clothes were washed and hung out to dry quickly. What else was it like? The floor, the kitchen, the toilet and the like are all cleaned up. Even the bedroom is tidied up, and the sheets and bedding are neatly folded.

After doing these things and having a meal.

Then she went straight to her mother-in-law in a fierce manner.

On Sundays, the departments that handle all kinds of certificates do not go to work. Even if he wants to buy fruits and take photos, Ding Yun only needs to go to the wholesale market or fruit shop, and there is no need to stay outside.

So when Lin Guihua came to the door.

Ding Yun was at home with her parents.

Watching TV while eating fruit at home, even Liu Zeguo, who didn't like to eat fruit at first, started to compete with his wife and daughter because the fruit made by the low-level vegetation furnace was too delicious.

Following the sound of knocking on the door, Huang Pinjuan and Liu Zeguo immediately looked at each other.

"Is it your mother?" "It may also be the younger sister!"

"Go and open the door..."

In the case of relatively limited visitors, sometimes you can probably guess who is coming by knocking on the door.

They only heard such an irritable knock on the door when their own mother or mother-in-law, and sister or sister-in-law came to visit, so at this time they took it for granted that one of those two came.

Huang Pinjuan had a bad relationship with her mother-in-law, so she was not very happy to open the door, so of course Liu Zeguo stood up and walked over to open the door.

"Mom, what are you doing here?

Zhou Junyu didn't come, what are you doing here? "

As soon as he opened the door and saw Lin Guihua outside the house, but Zhou Junyu hadn't been seen yet, Liu Zeguo's face immediately pulled down. Although he politely called the other party's mother, his tone was obviously not very good, and he didn't welcome him. Say, don't be too obvious.

After all, he really didn't want to worry about his children.

The parents of each other were arguing or even fighting, and the other party only came over with a woman. If they really quarreled or fought later, it would be really inconvenient for him to take action.

"What am I here for? You actually asked me what I was here for, and what your daughter did. Don't tell me you don't know. I'm not afraid to tell you clearly today.

I'm just here to make trouble!

What about Liu Xiaoyu, where did she hide?

Get out of the way, she has already married into our Zhou family, she is a member of our Zhou family, she is lazy every day, she is ashamed to go back to her mother's house, what about people? "

Liu Zeguo was unhappy not seeing Zhou Junyu coming over.

Lin Guihua was also very unhappy when she found out that it wasn't her daughter-in-law who opened the door, so she immediately reached out and pushed Liu Zeguo who was blocking the door, and rushed into the room while cursing.

Then, a war without gunpowder.

It immediately exploded.

Maybe it was because they were worried about the fetus, so they didn't push or fight with each other. They just exchanged words. On the one hand, they scolded Ding Yun for being lazy and not working at home to serve her husband. Lin Guihua favored boys over girls, and by the way scolded Zhou Junyu for being too lazy to starve to death without takeaway.

How dare you say something about my daughter.

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