Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 431 Peerless Demon Girl Red Envelope Group (11)

As the relevant news spread back to the capital, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials and the Minister of the Household Department immediately reported the news, and Ding Yun also hurriedly sent someone to invite all the officials to a meeting after receiving the report.

It was really going to the mansions of the major officials in the middle of the night, knocking on the door forcibly, and summoning them to the government hall.

At the same time, in order to show that he is listening to politics behind the curtain.

It is not the system of pronouns.

Ding Yun even specially carried out his sleeping son.

Put it on the dragon chair.

Then there is the negotiation of how to deal with it.

This time, the civil and military officials and nobles are a little more harmonious. After all, the actions and specific nature of An Guogong’s actions have been settled, so there is no need to argue. Those military generals who spoke for An Guogong before , and now it is even more painful to express that he has misjudged, and An Guogong really deserves death.

Then there was a discussion, whether to tell the people about this matter, whether to recruit young and strong people from among the people to guard the capital, whether to urgently mobilize the guards of the capital, to start defending in advance now, and whether to quickly order to dispatch nearby guards , Go to Beijing to rescue.

During the process, everyone is actively working hard to negotiate.

The specific defense plan has also been decided.

But as the meeting ended, everyone dispersed or prepared, or after returning home, some people who had other thoughts in their hearts secretly gathered in private for a small meeting.

Some of them were discussing in private whether they should follow the orphaned and widowed court to fight against An Guogong together, or simply surrender to the enemy. Maybe they could help out a little, and they could also win the merits of the dragon along the way.

Some people are discussing that Duke An's power is not small, but they are also his opponents. If Duke An can rebel, why can't they?

Hurry up and send private soldiers here now, maybe there will be a good opportunity for the fisherman to benefit from the fight between the snipe and the clam.

Others are thinking about whether it is better to work and not work, or not to work, and if a fight really breaks out, should they find a place to hide first.

In short, each has his own thoughts and ideas.

It is not at all like the previous performance in the meeting in the government hall, united as one, and common external affairs.

Of course, there are also those who really do things, work hard to coordinate personnel, and prepare logistics and defensive forces.

At the same time, of course Ding Yun didn't care about sleeping or anything else, so he rushed into the group to ask for help, asking if any members in the group had any good ways to deal with it.

[Queen Miaoling]: The specific situation I know is probably what I just said, so what do you think should be done next, and is there any other way to use the mind-confusing technique? outside of oneself.

Is there no other way to use it?

Can't you just let the other party obey your orders?

[Queen of Lenggong]: Your previous plan was to send someone with money and a letter of appointment from the household department to split up the 30,000 army. If it goes smoothly, then that An Guogong on your side should not be able to gather 30,000 soldiers. Well, if you're unlucky, you may not even get half of it, so in reality, it shouldn't be that dangerous.

As long as you can manage to unite all the forces in the capital, I think it should be easy to resist An Guogong.

[Empress Ci'an]: Your most important question now should be that you are not sure that the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty will work together with you, and you are not even sure who is really willing to help you, and who may have already started. Other ideas, or are they all ready to surrender to the enemy, right?

The empress of Lenggong above is too naive. If it were so easy to unite the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty, there would not be so many orphans and widows who would be bullied.

I really can't think of any good ideas. If I have time to prepare, it may be able to break the game.

But your time is really tight.

There was no time to do anything.

The only trick I can think of at the moment is that you have to see if you can try to negotiate peace with that An Guogong, and then use a trick to make An Guogong fall in love with you.

At that time, things may have room for maneuver.

But I'm not sure either, don't blame me if you mess up, I'm just making a small suggestion.

[Nine-Tailed Demon Queen]: Human beings are really weak and pitiful. I have a kind of elixir in my hand called Nixue Rugu Powder. The poisoned person's blood goes retrograde, and he dies violently after a stick of incense. In three days, the bones will rot.

It will become the best planting fertilizer.

Do you want the Empress Dowager Miaoling? If you want, I can give you dozens of catties. The only disadvantage is that I don't have an antidote for this thing, so you have to be careful not to get it.

You can go down into the water, or you can sprinkle it directly into the army with the wind, as long as you are touched by this powder, you accidentally eat some into your stomach, or breathe into your nasal cavity.

will take effect quickly.

In theory.

Dozens of catties are enough to poison millions of troops.

[Chang'e in the Moon]: This is too cruel, and how many innocent people will die by accident.

Also, how do you have this poison?

[Nine-tailed Demon Empress]: Hahahaha, as a demon clan, is it unreasonable for us to catch 18 million people and come back to make fertilizer? There will be resentment if you bury them alive, and the effect will not be good if you directly grind them into meat paste. Only then did I study such a wonderful medicine for making fertilizer.

[Confused Mei Niang]: Ah, I'm really going crazy.

Why is there a monster in the group, can't you kick this monster? It really makes me have nightmares in the middle of the night, so no one will do justice for the sky?

[Mind-confusing Mei Niang]: Alas, Empress Dowager Miaoling, in fact, my deceiving technique can achieve the effects you just mentioned in theory. Convincing others to fall in love with me is only the most basic function of the deceiving technique.

Normal people's souls are relatively weak.

I am worried that someone will desperately want to confuse some people whose mental power cannot be controlled at all, so I put some restrictions on the mind-confusing technique.

Avoid damage to the soul caused by overreaching.

Even vanished.

It is also very simple to unravel the restriction, as long as the mental power is used to feed the mind-confusing skill, if the mental power is strong enough, it will be no problem even to confuse people in a country. It's a pity that it's me. At present, I just use the deception technique to master a few loyal court ladies and eunuchs, so that they can do something for me.

Your mental strength may be slightly stronger than ordinary people.

But let’s do what we can.

If it doesn't work, why not follow Empress Ci'an's suggestion first, try it first, and then talk, in case it works.

[Queen of the Cold Palace]: Mind-confusing technique still has this effect, then why didn't you tell me before?

[Confused Mei Niang]: You are a guy who has no skills. It's strange if you can reach the standard of mental power. Even if I tell you, you don't have the skills to feed mental power.

[Nine-Tailed Demon Queen]: Do you really not think about my poison? My poison works very well, and it works quickly. As long as you stuff those corpses into red envelopes and send them to me, I can give you one more. Spirit fruit.

It can help you prolong your life for another six years, and your face will stay forever.

Uh... If other people want it, I can also provide it, just three to four hundred thousand corpses.

There are not many such opportunities.

[Chang'e in the Moon]: Everyone, don't be fooled by her. If I'm not wrong, her so-called spiritual fruit is probably cultivated from human corpses like me. Nine-tailed demon queen, don't go too far .

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