Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 457 Happy Blind Box Machine (6)

Considering that his daughter would bring her classmates and friends over to see the grain of rice at night, Ding Yun didn't look for sharp tools to cut the rice grains anymore.

Instead, start measuring the size of the grain of rice.

Estimate how big a wooden barrel is to put the rice down and soak in it, and how big an iron pot is to cook the rice.

And then after sending my daughter to school.

Take the passbook at home and go to the bank to withdraw money.

Of course, Ding Yun didn't touch her husband's death compensation, she just took out the deposit of 1,000 yuan that the original body saved from living frugally in the past few years from the passbook.

No way, there is no wooden barrel at home to put the grain of rice in, let alone an iron pot and iron barrel that can completely contain the grain of rice and cook it at the same time. It just so happens that she plans to be self-employed, so Ding Yun simply decided to sell it first. Food starts and sells the grain of rice first.

And she had a total of more than forty yuan in cash.

It is difficult to buy a wooden barrel that can soak rice.

Not to mention buying a large iron bucket that can cook.

Moreover, being self-employed still requires various other tools, so it is necessary to withdraw some money.

This time Ding Yun was much more cautious after getting the money, at least more cautious than the original body. Not only did he keep the money close to him, but he also carefully guarded all the people who approached him, trying to keep a distance from them, and then she was targeted by people.

That's right, Ding Yun did it on purpose.

She deliberately used this exaggerated method to reveal to the outside that she was carrying a huge sum of money. In addition, she deliberately retook the original way home from the factory, just to see if she could catch fish.

It is best to catch the fish you want, that is, the one that steals the original money. If you catch the wrong one, beat the thief up, and you will feel better, and at least you can vent your anger.

Under Ding Yun's careful observation, she soon discovered that there were several young guys who were obviously following her, and had appeared under her nose more than once, intertwined with each other, obviously looking for a suitable It's also good to do something with her money.

Then, of course, create opportunities for them.

So that they can succeed.

No one got all the stolen goods, how could Ding Yun beat them?

Needless to say the process, Ding Yun did not have the slightest problem with pretending to relax his vigilance, and those young men did not disappoint Ding Yun's trust.

As soon as you see an opportunity, do it immediately.

Then Ding Yun was taken out of her pocket as a matter of course. At the same time, she also moved very sensitively, and caught the thief with her backhand, the kind of person who got all the stolen goods.

A few of them wanted to come over to help.

But Ding Yun kicked the important parts alone, and quickly rushed to the street, he could only clutch the important parts and fell to the ground and howled.

Immediately afterwards, Ding Yun kicked the guy caught by her as a matter of course, and also put him on the ground, and then started shouting loudly to catch the thief.

At that time, the common people were still very enthusiastic.

Hearing someone yelling to catch the thief, he was immediately filled with righteous indignation, rushed over with the same hatred, surrounded the guys who were lying on the ground and howled, and then Ding Yun began to beat them violently while explaining.

There were people around to help, and some advised me not to fight.

There were also those who sneaked up and kicked two feet.

After fighting like this for a long time, it was not until Ding Yun's inner anger dissipated that she listened to the persuasion, and cooperated with the enthusiastic people around to turn the thief away to report the crime.

After that, of course, there is the transcript inquiry process.

Because the police station has limited manpower, and Ding Yun is considered an acquaintance, the person in charge of interrogating her is the staff member who was in contact with her this morning.

They were already familiar with each other, plus Ding Yun knew everything, and even confide in his inner thoughts, such as his intentional fishing.

So the whole process went pretty smoothly.

Not only did it go smoothly, but in the end the staff admired Ding Yun and said that they would try their best to follow this line and try to catch the entire theft organization and get back her stolen money.

Then Ding Yun bid farewell and left.

Find a craftsman to customize what you want.

It is definitely difficult to buy things that can soak and cook hundreds of catties of rice directly. Instead of asking everywhere or having to wait, it is better to simply find someone to order, and Ding Yun came to the door Carpenters and blacksmiths. After listening to her request, I was not curious at all.

They all said very straightforwardly that there is no problem, as long as the money is in place, they can handle it for her within two days.

As for why they didn't feel confused, the carpenter thought that Ding Yun had customized a wooden barrel for bathing. Although it looked a bit weird, it was indeed a wooden barrel the size of which an adult could take a bath, so there was no doubt about it.

The blacksmith thought that Ding Yun had ordered a big soup bucket.

Many canteens also make similar soup buckets, and some canteens even make soup buckets that are bigger than Ding Yun's. The thicker iron buckets are just for better quality.

Can take a while.

They don't give less money, so what's there to be confused about?

So along the way, Ding Yun worried about his own psychological construction, and even thought about how to explain it when others asked him, it was useless.

But whatever.

It's always a good thing when things go well.

The pot and barrel are ready, and of course the next step is to buy some other auxiliary appliances, including stoves and the like.

These took Ding Yun a long time.

Only then did you find a suitable and applicable one to buy and take home.

And the next step is undoubtedly to take all those things home and tidy up the room. As I said before, the original house is very small, only twenty square meters in total. I was reluctant to throw it away, so the original house was very crowded. After Ding Yun bought a lot of things, the crowded house immediately became smaller.

It was so small that there was almost no place to stay.

At this time, Ding Yun must of course start tidying up, throwing away some useless things, placing some things in a more reasonable way, minimizing the occupied area, and building up what can be built up, preferably until The roof, especially things that will not be used at all in a short period of time, are all put on base until they are used.

After such a lot of tossing around, Ding Yun finally tidied up the room exhausted by the time her daughter got out of school. The overall look was actually quite crowded.

After all, the total area is there.

But fortunately, there is no place to stay. If a few children come over, they can still be squeezed in. After the house is tidied up, of course dinner must be prepared next.

However, before preparing dinner, Ding Yun still couldn't resist chopping his hands, so he bought a blind box of primary food, washed his hands specially, applied some cream on them, and at the same time, he silently recited the popular food in this world. The blind box was opened only after the names of various gods were mentioned.

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