Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 489 Omniscient Glasses (9)

After hanging up the phone, Editor-in-Chief Zhang clicked his tongue full of doubts, and muttered in his mouth, did all those who engage in science end up doing something in the direction of metaphysics?

A good elementary school bully who engages in science.

Why did it suddenly go astray?

His muttering was not small, and several people around him heard it. After hearing it, the next question was a matter of course. Editor Zhang didn't think there was anything to cover up about it, even if he didn't add any embellishments to Ding. After talking about Yun, she also said the two natural disaster predictions she made by the way.

Then everyone thinks about the same as him.

I don't think it's reliable.

I feel that a new scientific star is about to fall.

It's just that they had just started working not long ago, and many things they had accumulated years ago still needed to be busy, so everyone discussed for a while, and then went to work on their own, and didn't take this matter to heart until noon the next day.

At 12:03 noon, there was a tsunami in Chuck Country.

Of course, they didn't get this news in real time. They didn't know about it until they went to work in the afternoon, through a short news break at noon.

Then they are not in the mood to concentrate on work.

All the staff who knew about this, whether they were in charge of typesetting and proofreading, or editors, all ran into the editor-in-chief's office, stared at him, and asked at the same time, did he know about this?

How can it be so magical and accurate...

Of course, Editor-in-Chief Zhang knew about it.

Even if he didn't believe Ding Yun's words, he would still be curious to inquire about it when the time came.

Plus those who do their job.

The news is much better than ordinary people.

So it’s not a matter of course to know?

"This is too amazing.

This is the real prophecy. There is another country so far away. The most important thing is that she told us yesterday, so there is no possibility that she is well-informed and received the news before us. Can really rely on their own predictions. "

"Master, this is the master!"

"You say, is it easier for a person to learn everything when he is smart? He is fifteen years old and is in high school, and he is exposing such a big deception, and then he is interested in metaphysics, and he does it casually. Very good, looks better than many masters.

I am fourteen years old and have just entered junior high school. "

"Oh, don't you feel uncomfortable when you compare yourself with others? Why humiliate yourself!"

"By the way, didn't she also say that there will be an earthquake of magnitude 6 in the island country next to it at around 9 o'clock tonight, so let's wait a little longer at the newspaper office tonight.

If there is an earthquake there on time.

By ten o'clock at the latest, we will definitely receive the news.

Anyway, ten o'clock is not too late, shall we work overtime? "

"Overtime, this class must be overtime. This is comparable to witnessing history. If the prediction at night is also successful, then Teacher Xiaoding's prediction ability will definitely be quite powerful. Just help us predict a natural disaster in China. How much loss can be reduced to the country.

How many people can be saved?

Even the bodhisattva's merits and virtues are not as good as hers. "

"But if metaphysics is so powerful, why haven't I heard of it before? I haven't heard of any metaphysics master in history who can accurately predict natural disasters. Where did Mr. Ding learn this knowledge.

You can't learn it by yourself..."

When more than a dozen staff members of the newspaper office were crowded in the editor-in-chief's office and discussing with each other, editor-in-chief Zhang thoughtfully recalled what Ding Yun said to him yesterday, and then suddenly slapped himself on the thigh:

"Right, I remembered.

Teacher Xiao Ding said yesterday that she did not rely purely on metaphysics to make predictions. She seemed to say that it was the combination of science and metaphysics, using scientific methods, metaphysical techniques, or something else to make such an accurate prediction. Those masters of metaphysics in the past didn't understand science. Thinking about it this way, it feels much more reasonable.

Smart people are smart people, very powerful.

Our newspaper office is about to take off, but the accuracy of Mr. Fan Xiaoding's prediction is slightly higher, no matter where in the whole country, we are not allowed to assign a newspaper for our newspaper office. "

"Oh, the combination of metaphysics and science!"

"I just said that those metaphysics and geomancy have been passed down for thousands of years, and there must be some truth. If you want me to say it, it is Mr. Xiao Ding. For those metaphysics knowledge, take the essence and discard the dross, and then use it again. It is integrated with current scientific knowledge."

For a moment, those who were still a little confused before and felt that they didn't understand very well, immediately understood.

Decades from now, everything may be unresolved. Quantum mechanics, as long as it is a science, most people can accept it. If you don’t understand it, it is because your knowledge level is poor.

The most important thing is that the newspapers are all liberal arts students.

Even in Science Daily, none of them graduated from engineering, so they really don't understand these things, but anyway, the results are here, and their predictions are indeed accurate.

What are you still worried about?

We chatted like this for a while, out of consideration that if we continued talking like this, we would have to delay the publication of the latest issue of Science Daily tomorrow, so Editor-in-Chief Zhang had to be the bad guy himself, and severely reprimanded them and told them to go to work quickly. Don't delay today's work. If you have anything to say after work, everyone can work overtime and chat together.

Even so, it was really difficult for everyone to calm down when they were working. In the end, the overall work was delayed an hour later than usual before finally getting it done.

Then everyone continued to gather together.

Discuss and wait while eating dinner.

Wait for nine o'clock to come and wait for verification.

At 9:28, Editor-in-Chief Zhang finally received the latest news through his own channel, that is, at 9:05 in the nearby island country, an earthquake of magnitude 6.1 occurred. Said, although not a 100% perfect fit.

But even the weather forecast is inaccurate these days.

Natural disasters such as earthquakes are accurate to this extent.

What bike do you want?

No one cared about the error of 0.1 at all. When everyone in the newspaper office received the news, they all laughed happily. Although it is not good to laugh when disasters happen in other people's homes, they didn't mean it. Sneering, they are simply happy that the prediction result has been verified, Ding Yun is really a master.

Proper prophecy master, master of metaphysics.

After being shocked and happy, the editor-in-chief Zhang immediately told the deputy editor-in-chief to take over his work tomorrow, and he will meet with Teacher Xiaoding in person tomorrow to discuss cooperation in person.

Such a talent must not be let go, and she must find a way to tie her to death in their newspaper office. No matter how high the price is, as long as she can afford it, it will be worth it.

After giving the order, Editor-in-Chief Zhang rushed to the boss's house immediately. He could promise some prices directly, and others had to be decided behind the scenes by the boss. He certainly couldn't hide such an important matter from the boss, so of course he said it.

Discuss what price you are willing to pay.

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