Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 491 Omniscient Glasses (11)

After the negotiation was over, Ding Yun hurriedly sent the two of them away before her parents came back.

Then I added a stroke to my schedule.

After getting up every morning.

It takes an extra ten minutes to use omniscient glasses to predict the weather of natural disasters in the next 72 hours across the country.

And select a part to write a manuscript.

Send it to Editor-in-Chief Zhang.

As for why natural disasters are predicted 72 hours in the future instead of within 24 hours, it is of course because newspapers take time to print, distribute and disseminate. Too catch up with prevention.

Therefore, even if the accuracy of forecasting seventy-two hours is slightly worse than the accuracy of forecasting twenty-four hours.

Ding Yun also had to predict seventy-two hours.

If one day in the future it can be changed to live broadcast or live TV, then maybe it will be able to predict with higher accuracy, possible natural disasters within 24 hours.


Two days later, Ding Yun started school and officially started class.

The Science Daily's modification of Ding Yun's Approaching Science column was finally completed, and it was officially published, the first newspaper with prediction content.

Of course, they have already made a preview and a warm-up before that, but readers who have read newspapers and paid attention to the popular science expert basically know that the author of the popular science expert must base his knowledge on metaphysics and science. , to predict future disasters.

Although most people don't believe it.

But most people are curious.

Some people who suffered great losses because of Ding Yun's fake qigong master bought a copy of Science Daily very rarely, and waited for Ding Yun's prediction to be wrong, and they immediately launched their efforts to retaliate.

Vent your anger.

[On February 14th of this year, there will be a large-scale snowstorm on Jihe South Road. It is recommended that everyone pay attention to cold protection. In the Nanhe City area, there is a high probability of hailstorms around 4 pm that day. It is recommended that you go indoors in advance. 】

Because Science Daily’s publication range is relatively limited, if you mention some places that are too far away, people will not buy Science Daily at all, and the impact and sensation will definitely be relatively weak, so Ding Yun specially picked these two disasters. Happened, and at the same time Science Daily can also be sold, make the first prediction.

Those who bought the newspaper and were not in the prophecy area were mainly curious and discussing privately, and also had some expectations as to whether the natural disasters mentioned in Ding Yun's prophecy would really occur in those two places.

Namely snowstorms and hailstorms.

And the people in the prophecy area.

Some people are cursing, some are really hesitant, and some have an attitude that they would rather believe what they have than not believe what they have. Try not to go out at half past one.

At the same time, some people began to criticize, saying that Science Daily actually started a feudal superstition, and it should be banned. Some people said that this is clearly deceiving people, deliberately creating chaos, etc., and the author should be arrested. Is she an overseas spy or something.

Even many masters who disappeared some time ago also resorted to other media to scold them.

I have to say that some people are really anxious.

I haven't seen the result yet, so I jumped in such a hurry.

That issue of the newspaper was published on February 12th, so it was not long before February 14th. With the release of two more issues of the newspaper and the emergence of two more predictions, February 14th will be arrive.

On that day, many people were waiting.

Then the weather forecast news in the morning has already made a heavy snow forecast for the entire Jihe River. Although there is no mention of Jihe South Road, it is certain that there will be heavy snowfall there, so many people who have read the prediction can’t help but feel more Looking forward to it, the locals on Jihe South Road have basically believed that there is a snowstorm and started purchasing.

By eight o'clock in the morning.

The entire Jihe River began to snow heavily.

Around twelve o'clock, most of the snow in other places had stopped, but the snow on Jihe South Road still didn't stop, and it was even getting bigger and bigger, as if all the nearby clouds had gathered there and poured down.

The locals received an emergency warning in time.

Blizzard Red Alert received.

However, most people who believed in the prophecy and made purchases in advance did not panic at all, and the rest did not believe in purchasing now because the number of people was limited.

It didn't make the scene look too panicked.

In Nanhe City on the other side, it was already dark at 3:58. Many people who have read the newspapers, or because of the recent uproar about this incident, most of the people who know the relevant predictions are a little cautious Yes, try to evacuate into the house as much as possible, and many people even persuaded other people who were still on the road to find a place to hide, even if it is not hail, it depends on the weather.

I'm afraid it will rain and snow or something.

A few minutes later, at 4:03:24 to be precise, hailstones fell from the sky on time.

The small ones are like pebbles.

The big ones can be as big as eggs or goose eggs.

For a moment, it was really crackling, mixed with the screams and cries of pain from the crowd.

More people were amazed inside the house.

I am amazed that I never expected that the prediction of Science Daily turned out to be true. Isn’t this more accurate than weather forecasts? Little science experts are real masters. Sure enough, metaphysics still has to cooperate with science to be true.

Compared with locals who can experience specific natural disasters in real time, outsiders receive the news a little later. Some receive a call from relatives and friends a few minutes later, and some watch the evening news after an hour. I didn't know until now, but no matter what, most people knew it at night anyway.

Although the degree of amazement of those outsiders was not as deep as that of those who had experienced it, they undoubtedly immediately felt that this little science popularization expert was really capable.

This Science Daily has to be subscribed every day.

The specific natural disaster predictions in it also have to be read every day.

The reason is simple. People’s predictions are indeed earlier than weather forecasts and news reports. The earliest can be two days earlier. If this is not true, then what is true? .

It's worth buying a newspaper.

After all, this is a prophecy.

For a while, it was really unknown how many people were discussing Science Daily, discussing science popularization experts, discussing prophecies, and how many people called the newspaper office.

To subscribe to newspapers and the like.

Or ask if you can meet a small science expert.

Can you ask a small science expert to predict natural disasters in more places, and even ask if you can ask a science expert to help calculate when he will make a fortune.

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