Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 493 Omniscient Glasses (13)

However, after two years, Ding Yun, who has made a lot of money and is about to take the college entrance examination, is not very happy.

It's not that I'm worried about the college entrance examination or other problems.

The main reason is that even though Science Daily has been published nationwide and her pseudonym is well-known throughout the country, her influence is still not enough to reach the origin of the world.

Engraved on their own brand.

This undoubtedly made Ding Yun feel quite depressed. After being depressed, he couldn't help but start to reflect on himself, and finally figured out why the current influence is still not enough to imprint his brand into the origin of the world.

The reasons should be multifaceted.

One is the prediction of natural disasters. Although it can cause a great sensation, it is only at the beginning and when there is a large natural disaster prediction, it will be more sensational.

The prophecies have been made many times and over a long period of time.

Everyone is used to it.

No matter how miraculous things are seen every day, it is not worth rare.

Now it is Ding Yun who predicted a large-scale natural disaster wrongly, which may cause a relatively big sensation.

As for the second point.

That is, Ding Yun ignored the difference between this world and the previous world. In the last world, she only worked in one country, and she succeeded in the end.

She didn't even think about affecting the world in this world.

But in the last world, the core of world civilization was on the Dagan side, and the civilization level of Dagan was ahead of all the small countries around it, let alone those farther away, almost all of them could be regarded as those countries in the tribal era of primitive society.

So as long as Ding Yun's influence radiates.

Then it is not much different from radiating the world.

A little omission can also be made up by increasing her own influence and so on, and achieve her goal.

But in this world, although the Yangxia country where Ding Yun is now is not low in civilization and its own influence is not small, there are several countries in this world that are not inferior to them, and the country that is slightly inferior to them is There are more, and except for a few regions where the level of civilization is not high, the civilization level of most of the remaining regional countries has entered industrialization for a long time.

This makes Yangxia Kingdom.

Not enough to represent the whole world.

Naturally, Ding Yun's influence was not enough.

Maybe she has to become a master of prophecy known to most people in all countries in the world, and even recognized, to be able to predict natural disasters alone.

Successfully accumulate enough influence.

Take this world down completely.

But when Ding Yun realized this, she had already finalized cooperation with the country, promising not to spread natural disaster warnings from abroad at will. At the same time, she was also very clear about her ability. It was taken apart and eaten.

Therefore, I can only temporarily give up the plan to continue to expand the influence of my prophet vest, and I cannot get rid of the status of salted fish, and I am going to continue to work hard.

Increase your influence in other ways.

And the first step, of course, is to choose something that is closer, something simple, such as winning the first place in the college entrance examination, and continuing to follow the path of being a top student that she had already planned to give up directly.

Therefore, half a month before the college entrance examination.

Ding Yun worked extra hard for half a month.

And took the college entrance examination with ease.

As for the result, of course there was no problem at all, she became the provincial number one scholar naturally, and then held a school entrance banquet amidst the cheers of her family, and was busy with other things, such as choosing a school and the like.

After tossing for half a month, I barely regained my composure.

However, after a lot of tossing, Ding Yun found that her own increased influence was quite limited, and not long after the end of the college entrance examination period, and even half a month before the start of school, that little influence It also slowly dissipated most of it, making Ding Yun really feel that the contribution and the reward are not equal.

This No. 1 scholar looks like he passed the exam in vain.

He worked so hard to get himself the first prize, but the influence he brought was not as good as sending out a small or medium-sized natural disaster prophecy. It was really not worth it.

But after careful analysis and judgment.

Ding Yun had to admit that this was normal.

After all, there are college entrance examination champions every year, and it’s not like there was only one in the whole country in the past, but now there is one in each province. There are no eye-catching features, and it is estimated that not many people took photos, let alone caused a great impact.

And generally speaking, the so-called number one in the college entrance examination will be popular for a few days after the results are announced. After a while, it is estimated that only those who graduated from high school will often mention it.

It's really hard to make a big impact.

Even talking about the durability of influence.

It's not as good as some 18th-line Internet celebrity anchors.

Thinking of this, Ding Yun felt a little anxious: "No, it's unreliable to stick to the plan of being a top student.

These days, the influence of academic research is too low, no matter whether it is a scientist, researcher or inventor, the influence is relatively average no matter how great the contribution is. If the contribution or research results are really big, the whole world will be shaken If it is, then I am afraid that it is not the first to be famous, but to be hidden and protected first.

It really isn't that easy to engrave a brand!

Why am I not as lucky as Jin Xinxin? Is it because I don’t have enough krypton gold and didn’t sacrifice more original coins? However, Jin Xinxin is also timid enough. I am afraid that I will fail to open up the world for the first time. I will sacrifice directly at the beginning of the game I can't bear to spend a full 30,000 original coins.

Forget it, don't think so much.

Or consider becoming a top student and a scientist. If a researcher is unreliable, what else can you do? You can’t make your debut as a star, or participate in the strongest brain or something? "

The meager influence that the No. 1 pick brought to Ding Yun.

She had to start rethinking and planning her own future. If this is a world where scientists can easily gain prestige and be sought after by the whole people, then her original plan is naturally fine.

But alas, this world is not.

In this world, false masters and liars are more likely to gain attention and gain a lot of influence than scientists.

Therefore, the possibility of her original plan to become a top student is really not high for her to successfully imprint her brand in the end.

If you continue to carry on, and only find that you are unlikely to succeed after 20 or 30 years, and your influence has not been accumulated enough, then you will change careers, say you want to be a singing and dancing idol, and accumulate influence.

That would be really ridiculous.

So if you want to change your future plans, of course you have to take advantage of the fact that you are still in the learning stage. At least in the eyes of outsiders, you are not yet in the stage of becoming a society.

Just making a change is the best option.

But how to change, and which direction to change, Ding Yun has not yet made up her mind. Fortunately, if she does not skip a grade, she still has four years to go to university, and she can continue to study as a graduate student after university.

Ph.D. and the like.

So don't rush into a decision.

She still has time to think slowly.

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