Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 5 New version of ultra-fast growing farm (4)

"Oh my god, why is it so big? Emotion is a big pumpkin, and it really refers to it!"

After involuntarily screaming.

Ding Yun walked around the big pumpkin, feeling worried, worried that he didn't know how to eat it, the original body had nothing but the tattered clothes on his body, before the white radish could be eaten raw, she was not confused, but Pumpkins cannot be eaten raw these days.

Not only did she not have fire cooking tools.

Not even a tool for cutting pumpkins.

There is an inexplicable feeling of nowhere to start.

After struggling for a while, she finally gave up on eating pumpkin, but took out a white radish again to fill her stomach, and went out again after filling her stomach, and threw a thousand or eight hundred white radishes out, and then continued to go. Go south.

This time, in addition to rushing, and occasionally entering the farm with a ray of consciousness to look at the pumpkins, she also wondered from time to time if there were any tools around to cut or cook pumpkins, so as to prepare for eating pumpkins next.

In the next few days.

Ding Yun has been doing good deeds repeatedly, such as stopping in a certain place for a short rest, and then picking some white radishes, and she didn't stop until she used up all the radishes in the warehouse.

Instead, start putting pumpkins after radishes.

In addition, she also explored some basic information on pumpkin planting, and at the same time found tools that were barely at hand, which were slightly sharper stones and slightly thinner stone slabs.

Cut the pumpkin with a sharp stone.

And grilled pumpkin on a thin stone slab.

The cooking method is a bit strange, but how can we pay so much attention at this time, it will be good if it is cooked.

As for the basic information about the big pumpkin.

The limit output of big pumpkins is 600.

It takes a total of one hundred minutes.

Judging from the yield and time, it seems that it is not as good as the white radish, but it is bigger. A white radish weighs three catties, but a pumpkin weighs fifty catties. The only regret is that the planting experience of pumpkins is no different from that of white radishes. Still, a pumpkin only has a little experience value, and it takes a full one million experience points to upgrade from level one to level two.

So for several days.

Ding Yun didn't have enough experience to upgrade.

However, those fleeing people who followed her, passed by the places she passed, and accidentally found the radishes and pumpkins she left behind, have been quite happy in recent days. Many people found those radishes and pumpkins.

under such difficult conditions.

Don't forget to kowtow to thank God, thank the land god.

They didn't feel that someone was looking at them with pity, so they specially made some radishes and pumpkins for them to eat, because in their impression, even if those landlords and gentry did something good, they would definitely do it with great fanfare, so that Everyone knows that he is a great benevolent person, and now the radish and the big pumpkin have apparently quietly appeared in the wild, so it must be a gift from the gods.

Consider again that food appears on the ground.

That is naturally the gift of the land god.

Of course, in addition to this reason, everyone knows that it is not the season for harvesting radishes or pumpkins at all, and they have never seen pumpkins that grow so big. They think that these two foods are given to them by God to help them. The main reason for getting over the storm.

Those victims who had eaten the pumpkin were not willing to throw away a single pumpkin seed, and they put them away properly, and they planned to plant the seeds when they settled down again in the future.

It may grow out by then.

Such a big pumpkin.


Besides, Ding Yun, after traveling for half a month, she finally came to a place that was not so desolate and where she could occasionally see villages.

But she still didn't dare to let her guard down.

Because there are too many problems with her, she has neither a guide nor a household registration. Although these two points can be covered up by fleeing, it must not meet bad people. Can sell her.

There is not even a place for grievances.

After all, who made her a black household.

A black household is not even as good as a slave.

If she was an adult man, it would be a little more convenient in this era. Whether it is going to the county government to register and settle down, or to re-apply for household registration, it is not particularly difficult. If you are lucky, you can do it with a little money. OK.

But she is a woman.

Still a minor.

Without the company of any adult male family members, even if she wants to apply for a new household registration, she can't do it, because there is no head of household, and if she wants to have her own household registration, she can only find a way to establish a female household registration.

But this is also quite troublesome.

After all, if you want to set up a female household, you need at least some fixed assets, such as land, a house, or a shop.

And generally those who set up female households are widows.

Minors, never heard of it.

Of course, these are definitely not the information that the original body can know, but the information revealed by Ding Yun when he chatted outside a nearby city, through the disaster victims who gathered beside the city and waited for the disaster relief from the government office, and analyzed and summarized it. .

All in all, at present, the issue of identity alone has caused Ding Yun a lot of headaches.

All others have to stand aside for the time being.

If this problem cannot be solved.

She'd have to be a Savage, I'm afraid.

But, no matter how much Ding Yun struggles and thinks, he really can't think of a better and safer way to obtain a household registration smoothly, so he can only keep wandering outside the city and try to stay away from places that require household registration.

And it didn't stop there.

Instead, continue to go to a more prosperous place.

I plan to take a step forward.

At the same time, Ding Yun also considered that a penny would be difficult for a hero, and that there are basically no victims of disasters in the places she passes now, and there is no need to bring out pumpkins for emergency, so she specially changed The seeds in the farm were replaced with fruit radishes evolved from big white radishes. Firstly, it could speed up the acquisition of experience points, and secondly, they could also take some fruit radishes and sell them in some small markets.

Even if you can't sell it at a small market.

But at least it can be exchanged for some copper coins.

Not penniless.

As for why you don't sell big white radishes or big pumpkins, it is of course because these two things have already helped the victims of disasters, and they have shown their faces in front of many people. In addition, the appearance of these two things is very distinctive, in order to avoid exposing yourself. .

Of course, Ding Yun can only sell it with other crops.

And fruit radish tastes better.

How can you not sell things that taste good?

That is to say, the fruit seeds are not unlocked. If there are fruits, she will definitely pick some fruits and sell them.

As he saved some copper coins by selling fruits and radishes in various small markets, Ding Yun hurriedly bought some homespun linen cloth woven by the farmers himself, needles, thread and brains in the small markets, and used his inexperienced techniques to give himself Made a few sets of burlap clothes that barely counted as clothes.

This replaced the dilapidated one.

The almost naked suit.

As for why you still have to do it yourself even though you don’t have the technology to make clothes, it is of course because there were no ready-made clothes sold in ordinary small markets in ancient times, and even large shops rarely sold ready-made clothes. There are only three channels for most clothes. Ordinary people basically buy cloth by themselves and go home to make it themselves. Those who are rich buy cloth and let the maid at home do it.

Or go to a tailor shop and ask someone to customize it.

If you want to buy ready-made clothes, you can basically go to a pawn shop to see if there are second-hand clothes that might be suitable.

But there is no pawn shop in the small market.

Tailor shops are also almost impossible to find.

In order to minimize troubles and avoid possible dangers, Ding Yun would rather use his own poor technology to make clothes by himself.

And just wearing those slightly awkward clothes that she made herself, she continued to go south, and finally came to the edge of Jinling City.

It's not that her destination is Jinling.

Instead, she was outside Jinling City, and heard many people entering and leaving Jinling City discussing the gossip about the young master of the Xue family, a descendant of Ziwei Sheren, beating Feng Yuan to death.

The most important thing is the young master of the Xue family.

Also called Xue Pan.

Because of buying Yinglian forcibly as a concubine, she had a dispute with Feng Yuan and ordered her slaves to beat Feng Yuan to death.

People in the city have been pointing at this gossip recently.

Everyone is also staring at the Xue family.

I want to see how they react.

So many useful threads tied together.

It can be said that Ding Yun understood instantly that this was not an ordinary superficial ancient world, but a derivative world of the Red Mansion, but she didn't know what kind of derivative world it was.

But even so, she was interested.

So I stopped in my tracks.

Prepare to see the excitement in Jinling City first.

But before that, she has one more thing to do, and that is to obtain a legal household registration first.

I really underestimated the weight of the pumpkin. I didn't expect to find the largest pumpkin in the world weighing thousands of catties after a random search.

My whole family plus the young and old are not that heavy.

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