Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 54 Hyperspace Used Trader (10)

Ding Yun, who woke up twice in the middle of the night because of the child, also finished feeding the child the next morning, put the child in the pen, and let her watch the early education program for a while.

Then he yawned and sat down at the computer desk.

Start listing your next plans.

"Well, the child's household registration has been completed, but her household registration is with mine, and mine is in my hometown.

So if you want to go to school.

It seems that I have to go back to the place of residence to go to school.

Forget it, let's check the relevant policies first! "

In Ding Yun's view, the child's priority must be higher than revenge on the child's biological father's family, so of course Ding Yun still considers the child's next schooling first, but she has never checked the relevant information in the original body, so Ding Yun You can only check it while sitting in front of the computer.

[Children with non-local hukou need one of the parents to have a formal employment unit and apply for a local residence permit. When the child is enrolled in school, he needs to provide proof of accommodation, a copy of the residence permit, a certificate of the employment unit, a proof of insurance payment, and a copy of the ID card .

Proof of social security payment, proof of immunization.

At the same time, you need to pay a certain borrowing fee. 】

[Children with non-local hukou must have one of their parents and hold a valid residence certificate in the enrollment area for one year or more before they are eligible for admission. In addition to whether they can successfully enter the school, overall arrangements must be made according to the class size of the kindergarten. Or the Department of Education will coordinate within the region depending on the enrollment situation. 】

After reading the information on the computer, Ding Yun immediately began to think about what proof he still needs:

"I don't have an employment unit now, and I don't seem to have paid social security, so I'm missing two certificates. No, there seems to be no kindergarten near the place I rented. Does that mean that I still lack valid residence certificates in the enrollment area and Proof of one year and above?

Wouldn't it be necessary to move?

Have to move closer to the school district?

And judging from the meaning above, it seems that even if you have all the proofs, you may not be able to enter the school smoothly. My God, this is the trouble in kindergarten. If you continue to study in elementary school, it will be even more troublesome!

What if the child finds a job?

There is no one to help take care of the children, so I have no way to get away, and hiring a nanny is worrying. It would be convenient to go home, but my hometown is a small county, and the educational resources will definitely be scarce, so I have to think about it. "

There must be a difference between enrolling in a different place and enrolling in a local area. The two options also have their own advantages and disadvantages. Ding Yun is struggling now and doesn't know how to choose.

She struggled for a while and still couldn't make up her mind, so she could only continue to surf the Internet, constantly search for relevant information, and finally found another way, which was to buy a house locally with full payment and transfer her account.

Children can follow her and have local household registration.

But this brings up another problem, that is, the local house price is very expensive. The house price in a slightly more prosperous area is around 50,000, and the house price in the school district should not be lower than 80,000. School district housing, plus taxes and the like, must be prepared at least 10 million. Her current cash is obviously not enough.

Because more than 3 million after paying taxes.

She only got 2.8 million.

No matter how you calculate it, there is still a shortfall of more than seven million.

"This matter is really troublesome. It's nothing more than an occasional selling point for glass jadeite. If it is sold out continuously, it would be too eye-catching, and I can't tell the source of these jadeites. It is not a long-term solution after all. We still have to find a way to get a serious source of income, so that we can feel more at ease."

Through the problem of lack of money to buy a house, Ding Yun quickly thought about the future, not to mention whether buying and selling things in other worlds will expose this problem, just waiting for the child to grow up in the future, she has not worked, and she will have a lot of money This is not good for children.

It is easy to distort the child's three views.

Therefore, it is very necessary for her to either find a job or find a decent income channel in the future.

With these thoughts in mind, Ding Yun immediately opened the second-hand transaction device of time and space again, and sorted out the things that are currently on sale in it for the second time.

Those second-hand starship mechas are obviously not in line with her low-key ideas, and they are likely to cause a world-class shock. Of course, the most important thing is that the price is too expensive.

She was also reluctant to buy it, so she was directly passed.

Xianxia World scrapped the product before the deadline, and the efficacy of the medicine was uncertain, and it might be able to eat dead people. In order not to face a life lawsuit, it was also passed by Ding Yun.

After such a screening.

In the end, Ding Yun only kept two things. One is a second-hand home robot, and the other is a shark bead that she bought earlier. She plans to buy the home robot to help with housework. Although the price is definitely more expensive than a nanny, it is better than a babysitter. It's safe, don't worry about accidents.

Shark bead is ready to start a business.

She doesn't want to engage in an industry that is too shocking, and she is afraid of danger when taking it internally, so after thinking about it, she only has to apply it externally, which is more reliable and safer.

The shark's tears in the shark's pearl.

But it is very suitable.

The most important thing is that she has tried this product herself, and the effect is indeed impressive. Even if it is diluted a hundred times, the effect is much better than those products on the market. Those skin care products on the market can maintain stability It’s not bad, as for the real anti-freckle and anti-aging effect, there is no way to compare with medical beauty.

As long as she mixes more water in the shark's tears.

is enough for the product to be both effective.

Not too shocking.

Anyway, the child has just turned two years old now, and she will not be allowed to go to kindergarten until she turns four years old, so there is no need to rush to buy a house for the time being.

Besides, in terms of the effect of shark tears.

Ding Yun still didn't believe that she would not be able to earn money to buy a house in two years, so all the original plans were quickly overthrown by her, leaving only three points.

One is to spend three hundred transaction coins to buy that second-hand household robot that doesn't look like a human at all, and help her share the housework so that she can have the energy to do other things.

The second is to start the skin care business by using shark bead.

The third is to never forget to take revenge on the ex-boyfriend's family.

Among the three plans, Ding Yun only took three minutes to complete the first point. He spent three hundred transaction coins, plus a shipping fee of one hundred transaction coins. I bought a home robot, and quickly figured out how to operate this second-hand robot like a fool.

Successfully freed myself from housework.

Even three meals a day and baby food.

It's all wrapped up by that second-hand household robot.

If it wasn't for Ding Yun's desire to get along with the children every day, to cultivate the relationship between mother and daughter, and even take care of the children, that household robot could cover everything.

All in all, it's comfortable to use.

That's really who knows who uses it.

The only downside is that it consumes a lot of power.

I don't know if it is still possible to buy a house and settle down now, but let's take it as it is, anyway, I didn't specify a city.

This is overhead, yes, overhead!

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