Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 60 Hyperspace Used Trader (16)

It may be because similar scams have been circulating on the Internet, so Lin Yu didn't think too much about it for a while, and quickly forgot about the text message, and concentrated on discussing with her future mother-in-law the meeting place of the two families.

At the same time, they said that their bride price has been compromised.

Others cannot be compromised at all.

Otherwise, it would be a little too insincere.

Hu Lin originally wanted to continue chatting to see if she could reduce some expenses, but she could clearly hear Lin Yu's question about the text messages and Zhou Shou's conversation using fraudulent text messages to explain.

At the same time, she knew exactly what the text message was about.

So of course he didn't bother to continue wrangling, Dang even agreed to Lin Yu's request, and decided on the time and place of the meeting in a few sentences.

I am afraid that extraneous branches will arise, and changes will occur if it is too late.

Although Lin Yu didn't know why, she was generally satisfied that her future mother-in-law suddenly became cheerful.

After setting the location, I hurried back quickly.

Prepare to notify her parents.

At the same time, discuss the process of engagement and marriage.

As soon as Lin Yu left, Zhou Shou immediately called his mother Hu Lin again. After discussing the court subpoena emotionally for a while, the two finally decided to speed up the process and must hurry up with the subpoena written on it. Get things done before the court date.

If you can't catch up with the wedding, you have to get the marriage certificate.

As long as you get a marriage certificate, the other party probably won't let yourself become a second marriage just because of this.

It will not be too late to deal with the prosecution slowly.

As for the reason, Zhou Shou also thought of it very quickly.

That is, it will be more convenient to have a marriage certificate to ask for marriage leave.

While Zhou Shou and his mother were discussing how to cooperate with each other, Lin Yu agreed to get a marriage certificate as soon as possible.

Lin Yu also hastily returned home.

Getting ready to talk about the wedding date.

But as soon as she entered the house, she found that the atmosphere in the house seemed abnormal. Her parents, grandparents and grandparents were all sitting in the living room.

They seem to be arguing about something.

Seeing her open the door, the quarrel suddenly stopped.

And they turned to look at her.

"Dad, Mom, what's wrong?

Why are you all here? What are you talking about? "

Seeing everyone staring at him together, Lin Yu felt a little hairy in his heart, and immediately asked doubtfully.

"We're talking about your boyfriend.

Let me tell you, I firmly disagree with the matter between you and your boyfriend, so you break up with him immediately.

This matter was decided by us together. Your mother, grandparents, and grandparents all agreed. You have to break up with him. Later, you have to settle accounts with that old Zhan who is a matchmaker. What kind of heart does he have? "

As soon as Lin Yu finished speaking, her father Lin Haitao, who was sitting on the sofa, yelled in a very blunt tone, with hints of anger. At the same time, her mother echoed:

"That's right, we don't agree with your marriage."

"That little bastard doesn't want to get married, he clearly wants to make enemies, this is clearly a scam!"

"Dad, Mom, what's going on?

Aren't you quite satisfied a few days ago? Why did you suddenly turn your back in just a few days? Is it the issue of the bride price or what is going on? Didn't I report the issue of the bride price to you in advance? "

Lin Yu was still a little puzzled at this time, and had no idea why her father and mother suddenly fell out.

"Oh, Yu, come and sit down.

The same is true for you two, tell Xiaoyu clearly, if you don't make it clear, how does she know why you two are acting like this suddenly, Xiaoyu, let me tell you.

That Zhoushou, at the beginning, your parents thought it was introduced by an acquaintance, and they didn’t know if it would be possible to negotiate, so they didn’t stop you from seeing him. Some time ago, you suddenly came back and said that you were with him. It's time to talk about marriage, even the amount of bride price.

You have already discussed it with others in private.

Then your parents can't ignore it anymore, so they specially asked someone to help investigate the next birthday.

If nothing major.

They certainly won't beat mandarin ducks with sticks.

But now the results of the investigation are here, come here and see for yourself, this guy is obviously uneasy and kind, he is not a good person, let alone the good boy that the introducer said, the guy who is the matchmaker is simply open-minded The eyes are telling nonsense and concealing so much important information, it is almost time to die.

Come over, come over and see for yourself! "

Lin Yu's grandma, He Caixia, felt anxious listening to the conversation between her son and granddaughter. The two chatted with unequal information. Isn't that just a chat with a donkey's lip and a horse's mouth? result.

So she hurriedly stood up and greeted Lin Yu.

And by the way, explain the situation.

After what she said, although Lin Yu didn't know exactly what information her father had found to cause such a sudden change in attitude, she was not as dissatisfied as before, and walked quickly into the living room , took the stack of papers from her grandma.

Look carefully.

The paper clearly stated that Zhou Shou had a puppy love when he was in junior high school and was invited by his parents. In high school, he eloped with a classmate and was almost arrested by the parents of a female classmate. He changed his girlfriend every semester in college, and two of them fell for him. Pregnancy, and then the years when he and Zhu Xin were together, I don't know how many times he split his legs.

And he failed to discuss marriage with Zhu Xin.

Even Zhu Xin gave birth to a daughter for him.

Now I'm in a child support lawsuit with him.

Although the content may not be very comprehensive, the few things that caused a lot of trouble are basically clear.

Zhou Shou and his mother are simply out of their minds. These days, as long as they really love their daughters, how could they not investigate the situation of their daughters, or even their whole family, when the daughters are about to get married.

Including outsider reviews and character.

They want to succeed by deceiving the world, unless either the woman's family members are dead, or the relationship with the family is very bad, or the brain is full of water and they argue with him without notifying the family, otherwise it is not so easy to succeed.

After reading the stack of papers, Lin Yu was in a daze. Is this still the polite, gentlemanly and considerate boyfriend Zhou Shou?

"Dad, Mom, are these true?"

"Where did you investigate from?"

"We asked someone to check whether he had any past criminal records, and then found out that he was being prosecuted, and there were several previous mediation records.

We'll know when we find out.

Something is definitely not right.

So I specially spent money to hire some professionals to help with the investigation. The information was either recorded in his school files, or it was mentioned in some forums of his university, or it was learned from neighbors. If someone framed him, I am afraid there is no need to supplement the evidence to the junior high school stage.

So the accuracy of the information should be quite high.

You block him immediately, and don't contact him again, we will deal with the next thing. "

Lin Haitao doesn't know how to describe his mood now, because he knows very well that his daughter is not to blame for this incident, and his daughter is also a victim.

So I can only hold back the anger in my heart.

While explaining, he instructed his daughter.

Let her stop worrying about the next thing, and they are parents to deal with it.

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