Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 66 Hyperspace Used Trader (22)

"Hey, you go to grandma's house to stay first."

Zhu Wenwen's reaction was quite timely, and he quickly waved his hand to let his son go out first, and Zhu Cong also realized at this time that what he said just now seemed to be inappropriate.

He was afraid that he would be beaten.

Dang even flew out,

Before leaving, I didn't forget to close the door.

At the same time, Xu Ping's eyes were reddish, and she was even more emotionally broken, crying:

"Why am I so unlucky? I gave birth to such a pair of worry-free children. Their children are good at studying and successful in their careers. Some children are already able to make soy sauce. It's not like my family. Studying Those who are not good are not good at studying, and those who are disobedient are not obedient.

I can still hurt him as a mother.

He just poked my heart like that.

What am I trying to do all my life? "

At this time, Zhu Wenwen quickly stepped forward, hugged his wife from behind, and persuaded in a soft voice:

"Okay, okay, it's okay, it's okay, the child is just quick-mouthed for a while, so don't be angry, just treat it as our sin in the previous life and owe them both."

"Hey, you just did something wrong.

I made a crime to marry you and gave birth to these two. "

"Okay, okay, it's my fault, okay, you were a Bodhisattva in your previous life, and you specially saved me who committed a crime, but you also fell into the sea of ​​suffering with me.

Don't be angry, don't cry.

This child is really not good, let him go back to a technical secondary school or a higher vocational school, and he will not starve to death after learning the skills.

His grades have not been good since he was a child.

I think it’s because I’m not good at studying, and maybe it has something to do with us giving birth to him at the age of forty. After all, the doctors have said that the probability of a child born at an advanced age is not as good as a child born at the age of 20 or 30. "


Under Zhu Wenwen's reassurance, Xu Ping's mood finally eased a little, and she was no longer as excited as before.

The two were finally able to sit down and talk calmly.

"Are you really going to let him go to a technical secondary school or a vocational high school?"

After getting angry, Xu Ping still had to think about her son's future and asked worriedly. In her mind, vocational high school is what those who cannot pass the ordinary high school have to study. Although her son just can't pass the ordinary high school, she undoubtedly wants to struggle for her son again, and even has a little bit of hope in her heart. Maybe after high school, the child's grades can be better.

But Zhu Wenwen shook his head directly at this time:

"I just thought about it. Maybe we should have recognized the reality a long time ago. We should have recognized the reality that Zhu Cong is not a material for studying. Since the first grade of elementary school, his grades have increased with the difficulty of textbooks. , Gradually reduced, and did not do less homework and the like on weekdays, and did not indulge in games or anything.

If his grades were very good in the past, and his grades declined because of playing games or not studying hard, then we can still think of a way.

Let him go to ordinary high school and work harder.

Maybe there is still a certain chance to go to university.

But this kid is obviously not. "

"His grades are like that, there is no hope."

"It's better to let him go to a vocational high school to learn a skill, and compared with a technical secondary school, a vocational high school has another advantage. If his academic performance really improves in the future, it's not like he doesn't have the opportunity to go to a junior college or a junior college.

There is a professional skill that does not improve academic performance.

That doesn't mean you can't find a job.

This is the best way I can think of. "

While comforting his wife just now, Zhu Wenwen also thought about the child's affairs by the way, and really felt that there is really no need to force some things.

Since the child really does not have the ability to go to ordinary high school, why force him to go to it? Will he be able to improve his grades or be admitted to a university? People still have to be realistic.

You also have to be self-aware about your kids.

If the child can do it, he can do it, if he can't do it, he can't do it. If the child can't do it, but he has to force the child to do it, it may not be for the benefit of the child, but harm the child.

Parents must accept that people are different.

Some gaps cannot be made up by hard work.

"But it's too embarrassing.

None of the children of his relatives who are of the same generation as him failed to pass the ordinary high school. I can accept that the children are mediocre, but he is no longer mediocre.

He and his sister were both born to the same parents.

Why is there such a big gap in learning? "

Xu Ping's difficulty in accepting it is mainly due to her difficulty in understanding it, because she had a daughter before, and her academic performance is usually quite good. If her previous daughter's academic performance is also like this, she will definitely accept it much more easily.

"No matter what, we have to accept it."

Immediately afterwards, there was another long period of silence, silence, and even trying to accept.

After they fully accepted the matter and made a decision for Zhu Cong, they discussed another child in the family, namely Zhu Xin, and then shared with each other the relevant information they had recently learned.

"You said why is she so cruel, she won't contact me if she doesn't contact me, isn't it all for her?

All told, it's been nearly six years.

Her child is probably already in school, right?

We can't be the ones who give in every time..."

When it comes to the girl, Xu Ping is still worried, because the girl is not like her son who is around every day, and she can see it every day. Now she doesn't even know where her girl lives, and the little understanding is basically from the girl. Some information revealed by the circle of friends.

At this time, it may be because she has already compromised a lot with her son, so she inevitably wants to continue to compromise, and she still misses her daughter in her heart.

We say that we can't be soft every time.

But the word "ba" already means that she has wavered.

"It's true that children are debts. I said a few years ago that girl is more stubborn than you, and you keep saying that she must come to compromise with us and apologize to you, but you forgot that there are many infatuated parents in ancient times. The heart is really hardened, much harder than our parents.

So, forget it.

Later, I will contact my daughter, just like last time, I will contact my daughter first, and then you don't talk about her, just ease the relationship between each other.

If the girl is willing to come back.

Just stop urging her to go on a blind date, or expose her past scars, and just pretend to be deaf and dumb and leave her alone.

Children and grandchildren have their own blessings, and she is not a child,

I'm already in my thirties, so I can do whatever I like, as long as I don't break the law or commit a crime, okay? "

Zhu Wenwen could also clearly hear the regret in his daughter-in-law's words, so he immediately pushed the boat forward and said that he would still be the icebreaker.

At the same time, he still didn't forget to tell his wife to stop meddling in her own business when the mother-daughter relationship eased later.

Whatever the child likes to do.

In spite of being in control, revenge is coming out of control.

"Understood..." Xu Ping replied helplessly.

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