Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 69 Hyperspace Used Trader (25)

In the next few days, when Ding Yun and her parents deliberately shielded themselves from outside speech, they were barely happy, but Ding Yun couldn't keep the child from going downstairs, and the agency also had something to report.

So go home after a week.

Ding Yun bid farewell.

Before leaving, Xu Ping specially gave Ding Yun a bank card: "You can keep this card, don't refuse it.

The money in this card was originally the dowry money prepared for your marriage back then. Although it didn’t work out, we didn’t touch the money. We could have saved a little more over the years, but you also know your brother’s grades It's too bad, spent a lot on him.

It will cost a lot more in the future.

So I couldn't save much.

But we have not moved the 300,000 in this card. I heard that it costs a lot of money for children in big cities to go to elementary and middle schools, and you don’t know if you have any plans to get married in the future, so you can use this money Let's use it first, it's all for the children, but if you get married in the future, I'm afraid we won't be able to pay much dowry. "

As she said that, Xu Ping had already handed Ding Yun her bank card, and told her the password along the way: "The password is your birthday, six digits."

Ding Yun wanted to refuse at first, but seeing her mother's resolute attitude, she finally decided to accept the money, and at worst it would be kept for them.

Or help the family more in the future.

Just give them a good old age.

So after a little politeness, I accepted the card, and then hurried back with the child.


After Ding Yun returned to his home and arranged for the child, he immediately made an appointment with the manager who was in charge of Zhou Shou. It was he who called Ding Yun to tell Ding Yun that something had happened to Zhou Shou, and Ding Yun came back in a hurry.

"What's going on? Tell me clearly!"

Because he was worried that he would not be able to explain clearly on the phone, Ding Yun asked for details only after he came back.

"Boss, something happened to Zhou Shou."

"He was paralyzed in an accident, and now he is paralyzed!"

As soon as we met, manager Hu Wei hurriedly said.

When Ding Yun heard this, he couldn't help showing a slight smile on his face, and then kept smiling like this without doing any expression management at all, and asked:

"What's going on? Tell me!"

Don't be too obvious about gloating.

"There was a scene yesterday where he needed to do some dangerous moves, but he didn't know whether it was because of his inattention or what happened. Anyway, he lost his mind and fell directly from upstairs. Then, unfortunately, a piece of The stone hit his waist directly, and it was said that it was a nerve injury, and there was basically no possibility of recovery."

"Didn't you say last time that you don't want to give their family a penny of compensation, but in his current situation, if we don't pay a penny of compensation, I'm afraid it will be bad for the company's reputation, so you see? "

That's right, what Hu Wei was worried about was not that Zhou Shou was paralyzed in an accident, but that Ding Yun had said before that Zhou Shou should not be really tossed to death, because she was unwilling to give Zhou Shou family any death compensation.

But if something happens now, if you really don't pay for it.

It's really hard to justify.

It's also not good for the company's reputation.

Besides, the crew lost money, so they have to be humanitarian no matter what, so they should pay a little bit.

"Then give it according to the minimum standard. In addition, the contract will be voided directly if the other party cannot continue to perform. Hey, after all, I still can't deal with him completely shamelessly.

Otherwise, follow the rules stipulated in the previous contract.

They can sue him for breach of contract and ask him to pay liquidated damages.

It is a pity that moral public opinion does not prevail in doing so.

I don't want to bear the name of a black-hearted profiteer because of him, but it's not bad, if I don't find him those dirty, tiring and dangerous jobs, considering his own temperament, how can he accept this job live! "

Although the result was somewhat unexpected, Ding Yun was still satisfied, letting him paralyze with such hemiplegia.

Perhaps it was more difficult than letting him die directly.

So she quickly gave orders for the next arrangement, and she was going to let Hu Wei do as she said, and she felt that she had acted out of humanity by doing so.

After Ding Yun finished his instructions, Hu Wei quickly understood the meaning, and quickly followed Qiao Mu's instructions to complete the relevant compensation, termination of the contract, and so on.

Although the process has some twists and turns.

But it was handled very well by the legal department.

In addition, they still have the trump card to directly sue Zhou Shou for breach of contract regardless of public opinion.

No matter how dissatisfied the Zhou family is.

That can only helplessly accept the result.

And take people back to take care of them.

Originally, Ding Yun thought that the matter was basically over at this point, and she was not going to continue to deal with the Zhou family, and even thought that it would be the best ending if the karma of the previous debts was wiped out, and no further contact would be made.

But she still underestimated the Zhou family's shamelessness.

Especially underestimating Hu Lin's shamelessness.

On the third day after Ding Yun came back, she suddenly received a call from Hu Lin. Out of curiosity about what the other party wanted to do when she called, Ding Yun didn't hang up immediately, but listened.

Then, what Ding Yun heard was——

"It's Zhu Xin. I'm Zhou Shou's mother, Hu Lin. I've thought about it for a while. There must be some feelings between you and Zhou Shou. As a mother, I really shouldn't beat mandarin ducks, let alone What's more, you and him have children, and you are not married yet.

I think you have never been married until now.

It must be because I have my son in my heart.

I think about it now, and decided to do good deeds and agree to the marriage of the two of you, so that you can not only avoid the difficulty of not getting married, but also have a biological father for your child, which is a great thing for you.

You pack up quickly and get ready.

I'll go to the local Civil Affairs Bureau later to get the certificate with my son. I can accept the dowry your mother mentioned last time, 130,000 is 130,000, okay?

Where are you now? Let's meet. "

If Ding Yun didn't know her son's current situation, he would probably be a little puzzled, wondering what she was trying to do, but Ding Yun, who knew her son was paralyzed, could be said to have understood Hu Lin's behavior immediately. The intention of doing it, she clearly wanted to find a free long-term nanny for her son.

Perhaps it is also possible that she felt that it would be difficult for her son to find a new partner to marry, so she could only make the next best contact, maybe she still had feelings for her son.

She still misses her son Zhu Xin.

I have to say that after hearing her shameless words, Ding Yun was almost laughed at by her. He had never seen such a shameless person who took it for granted.

It's just that Ding Yun's self-restraint made her unable to utter some vicious curse words, so in the end she could only sneer and angrily reprimand, then hung up the phone angrily.

And immediately decided that the matter was not over.

Don't let Hu Lin suffer.

She was really upset and angry.

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