Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 74 Hyperspace Used Trader (30)

After still being silent for a long time, Xiaozhu Lingyun understood and replied:

"I probably get it.

That is to say, I have to follow the future without you, otherwise bad things will happen. That's probably what you mean.

Although there are some aspects I don't quite understand.

I don't know what will happen if there is chaos in the future.

But I believe in you, let's do it, you just tell me what to do next, and I will do it. "

Because Ding Yun has never explained the basic knowledge of time and space to Xiao Zhu Lingyun, the little information revealed during the communication process is not enough for Xiao Zhu Lingyun to understand the knowledge of time and space.

So she still only has a little understanding.

But she trusted Ding Yun very much.

Therefore, even if she didn't understand very thoroughly, she immediately said that she could do as required, no problem.

Immediately afterwards, of course, it was Ding Yun who described to Xiao Zhu Lingyun in detail what she was going to do next. To be more concise, it was actually Ding Yun who described to Xiao Zhu Lingyun her original destiny trajectory.

And I hope Xiaozhu Lingyun.

Still follow her original track.

However, as soon as Ding Yun finished explaining and hung up the communication with Xiaozhu Lingyun, she immediately found that the time-space second-hand trader clearly showed that the current time-space was slightly disordered, and the timeline was changing.

Under normal circumstances, after she communicated with Xiaozhu Lingyun and brought about minor changes in the future, the current time-space adaptation should be displayed on the time-space second-hand trader.

It means that her communication with Xiaozhu Lingyun has indeed brought about some changes, but the changes are not big, and only need to make minor adjustments to the future time and space where she lives.

There will be some changes in the world after the adjustment.

Everyone's memories will change accordingly.

Only Ding Yun was protected by the golden finger from being affected.

But this time, something was clearly not right.

"how so?

Why is there a slight disorder in time and space, and the timeline has changed. Isn't this a sign of parallel planes, but haven't I already done what I should do? What went wrong? "

As soon as he saw that message, Ding Yun couldn't help but screamed in panic, his mood was extremely complicated, and he was rarely panicked.

I don't know how to deal with it at all.

She originally thought that she had done a good job, and there were no problems in all aspects of the process. Even if Xiaozhu Lingyun's fate trajectory might change slightly, the changes would never be too big, and would not affect the future.

But the current situation clearly means that.

The change of Xiaozhu Lingyun's destiny trajectory.

It may be bigger than she imagined, but it's not so big that parallel time and space will appear immediately, but it's also very dangerous, because she doesn't know why this happens, and it means that the next time she and Xiao Zhu's Lingyun exchange meeting There are two possibilities, one is to bring the deviated trajectory of destiny back on track, and time and space return to normal, and the other is that the trajectory of destiny completely deviates from the general direction.

A new parallel plane appears.

mission failed! ! !

Thinking of this, Ding Yun became even more emotional, because the reward for Zhu Lingyun's mission was a very rare high-paying mission she encountered, and if she failed, it would definitely be a huge loss for her.

"That's right, that's right, don't panic, don't panic.

Since there has been a slight change in time and space, it also means that Zhu Lingyun, yes, let's quickly find out what is going on with Zhu Lingyun, and what changes have occurred in her experience in the encyclopedia? "

Ding Yun was a little flustered at the beginning, but because the parallel plane did not appear directly, it also meant that the matter was not without redemption, so Ding Yun quickly calmed down, and then quickly turned on his phone to search for Zhu Lingyun, Check her encyclopedia information again.

Sure enough, her encyclopedia has changed.

The main change in Baike is that in 1998, her mother was diagnosed with advanced gastric cancer.

In order to save her mother, she accelerated the experimental process of new drug research, and even used herself as an experiment, but in the end, not only was the experiment unsuccessful, but she almost had an accident due to the side effects of the experimental drug. own mother.

Her mother died at the beginning of the new century.

Afterwards, she continued to study cancer-specific drugs, and successfully developed a cancer-specific drug one year earlier than the original fate track. However, her body left many sequelae because she used herself as an experiment. Ten years ago She was already lying in a hospital bed, but according to her original fate, she should have been healthy ten years ago.

If it weren't for the effect of the cancer specific medicine and the time of research and development, and the trajectory of fate, it is estimated that there is not a slight disorder in time and space, but a parallel plane.

"If her mother was critically ill, she would indeed have collapsed, and therefore did not follow my advice to do some things, and even used herself as an experiment, hoping to develop a specific anti-cancer drug as soon as possible, which is reasonable.

It seems that the key lies in her mother.

But didn't I give a lot of supplies? How could her mother have advanced gastric cancer before she was 60?


By the way, in 1960, her mother was almost 30 years old, and eating big pot meals in the years before 1960 should be full of nonsense. If you count forward, life is also not good. How about it, it is estimated that she will be hungry and full after a meal, so if she is full after 60 years, it does not mean that she will be fine.

But didn't I give a lot of shark beads?

Is it because they didn't use the shark bead, or the effect of the shark bead is not very good, and the effect of regulating the body is very poor? "

When the specific reason is clarified, Ding Yun can easily start to deduce the reason through the final result.

And I already had some guesses in my heart.

But Ding Yun still needs to think carefully about how to solve the problem. She needs to think more carefully than ever before, because she doesn't have much room for trial and error. A new parallel plane will be split.

For this reason, Ding Yun specially allocated a lot of time.

Start doing special research.

There are mainly two aspects of research. One is to focus on Zhu Lingyun. She no longer only looks at Encyclopedia, but begins to investigate her more detailed and specific past. She also rented the right to use a supercomputer from a nearby university. What kind of changes will be brought about by deducing some of the changes she plans to make next?

Although supercalculation can only infer the possibility.

It is not guaranteed to be absolutely correct.

But no matter what, the accuracy rate should be higher than my guessing out of thin air, and as long as enough relevant data is substituted, the accuracy rate can also be greatly improved.

Ding Yun investigates Zhu Lingyun's situation in more detail.

Undoubtedly, it is to increase the estimated data.

As for the second research direction, it is mainly to hire a lot of graduate students or doctoral students who graduated from the Department of Biomedicine, Chemistry and other related majors, and sign contracts with them such as confidentiality agreements and compensation for breach of contract.

Then let them analyze and study the Merman Tears.

It is the light blue gel inside the Shark Bead.

To study the specific effects of the shark's tears on the human body, so as to determine whether she chose to use the shark's tears to help Xiao Zhu Lingyun's mother to recuperate her body.

If it does work, it's a small effect.

Then she can give some more Lingyun to Xiaozhu, if it doesn't work, then she has to find other things to regulate her body, this is very important.

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