Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 80 Hyperspace Used Trader (36)

Not long after Ding Yun saw the message posted by Zhu Lingyun, a strange call came.

"Long time no see, Miss Zhu.

You have helped me so much, and I finally have a chance to help you once. Can we meet? "

After Ding Yun's final change, the Zhu Lingyun who is now in the same space as her not only has all the memories of the little Zhu Lingyun who had been in contact with Ding Yun, but also has a part of it as the client in the original fate trajectory. A small part of the memory of Zhu Lingyun.

So she actually knows about the Shark Pearl.

But she was also worried that contacting Ding Yun would have some impact, so she never recognized Ding Yun. Until this time, she felt that Ding Yun encountered something that was not easy to solve, and at the same time, her mother's shark bead had long since She has finished eating, and now her body is getting worse and worse, and even her own body is getting older.

There is an urgent need to supplement the shark bead for health preservation.

That's why I rushed to help express my opinion, not only because I want to connect with the relationship, but also because I am worried that those people will make things worse, which will delay the release of the Yurenlei Yangsheng Pill.

What's more, can she not know whether the food is good or not, and whether it has any side effects? Her mother has been taking it for decades. Is there any problem? He is not deaf, and he can still work in the fields on weekdays.

It was only recently that her health was a little weaker, but that difference was only compared to her mother's own past, and compared to other elderly people of the same age, she was already extremely healthy.

"Ah, so, you are Mr. Zhu!

Speaking of which, we can indeed be regarded as friends for many years. I have known you for fifteen or sixteen years, and based on your memory, you should have known me for more than fifty years, and you have been in private contact for thirty years. .

But anyway, thank you.

Your words really saved me a lot of trouble, but will it affect you? "

As the leader of this space-time exchange transaction, Ding Yun naturally understood Zhu Lingyun's state at this time, and asked worriedly while thanking her.

On the other hand, Zhu Lingyun chuckled lightly:

"If the product you produced is indeed extremely harmful, or even a large-scale accident occurs, it will indeed affect me, but my mother and I have not used your product less, is there any problem? I don't know, since there is no problem with the product.

What's the big deal if I speak for you? "

"Speaking of which, I still want to thank you. Anyway, you did help me erase the biggest regret in my life, and at the same time made my childhood a little lighter. It is only right for me to help.

Don't worry, I still have some contacts in the medical system, and I also know many people in various universities. I will say hello to them, don't worry about this! "

"Also, when will your health medicine be launched? I can't wait to buy some!"

In the end, Zhu Lingyun not only gave Ding Yun a guarantee, but also made her own request along the way.

Of course, it was impossible for Ding Yun not to hear it, so she also chuckled lightly and replied very straightforwardly:

"How can you still need to buy it?

In this way, you give me an address, I will send you some, and I will send you some regularly in the future. "

What Ding Yun didn't say was that.

It was sent to Zhu Lingyun and her mother to die.

It is unlucky to say this, but it goes without saying that they should be well aware of each other.

It may be because Xiao Zhu Lingyun had never been polite to Ding Yun except for the first transaction in the early years, so Zhu Lingyun is the same at this time.

He expressed his gratitude very bluntly, and accepted the matter, and then specially warned:

"Ms. Zhu, there are some things you and I should know very well, that is, the source of your shark pearls is absolutely unusual, and may not even be a product of our world. I don't mean to threaten you by saying this.

I just hope you can be a little more vigilant.

If it is possible, it is best to crack the technology to synthesize the effective ingredients of shark tears in the lifetime.

Otherwise there will be no peace for your descendants.

I'm afraid I won't live for many years, and I won't be able to protect you for a long time, so you must pay attention to yourself.

What's more, I have also studied the shark beads and the shark tears inside the shark beads these years, and have made some breakthroughs, but these years I have lost energy, and there are no more raw materials available I research experimentally, so progress has stalled for years.

I don't intend to continue my research either.

After a while, I will send someone to send you all my research results and experimental data over the years. I hope you can continue to advance research on my research results. "

"I understand. In fact, I have already tried to decipher and study the Merman's Tears a few years ago, but I have not made much breakthrough. I believe that with your research results and experimental data, the deciphering process will be greatly accelerated.

At that time, you must be one of the heroes!

Don't refuse, not to mention that you have provided a lot of help in the first place, just marking your name on the final result can provide great authority, so this is actually us taking advantage of you, trouble! "

"Well, if you encounter any problems, you can ask me at any time. Even if I don't know, I can help you and ask other colleagues. You will not live up to this title. So be it, when you are free goodbye!"

"Okay, I'll meet you when I'm done!"

During the period of time when Ding Yun and Zhu Lingyun were communicating on the phone, the orientation on the Internet suddenly changed drastically. Many people were either busy deleting posts, or busy apologizing, and there were even many People are already actively helping to scold those skin care companies and so-called experts and professors who made troubles before.

You can say a word of Zhu Lingyun.

It works better than any navy.

It also convinces the public.

This is the authority of real authority figures, and it is by no means comparable to those ordinary so-called experts and so-called professors. Human beings, the authority that talents who have made great contributions to society and even to the country can bring.

The people respect the strong.

More respect for contributors and sacrifices.

Therefore, Ding Yun’s crisis this time can be said to be resolved very easily. Not only did the sales of Yurenlei skin care products hit a new high, but the health pills that had just opened for sale were emptied in a few seconds, and the time was even postponed to a month. The same is true for subsequent pre-sales.

After all, everyone knows that Zhu Lingyun's mother is over ninety this year, and she is still in good health, and Zhu Lingyun also said that her mother has taken a lot of Yurenlei health pills. Who can believe such a living sign? ?

In this way, everyone can buy like crazy.

After all, this is a good thing that can prolong life.

I’ll start with an update today. I have a terrible toothache. I’ll come back and write when I feel better after seeing the dentist. (-へ-,)

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