Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 820 Extra Story - A Century of Prosperity, From Split to Unification

The interstellar calendar is 2973 years.

It was the first time that human civilization discovered the pure cultivation civilization of aliens, and after completely crushing or killing its top powerhouses, it was read on their fellow human beings.

It is specially allowed to call itself a human race.

Then the entire planet was brought under its rule.

And that cultivating civilization knelt down quite wisely after several Mahayana monks and Sanxians all fell.

After kneeling, he specially selected some elite disciples from various sects, head disciples and the like to go to the core area of ​​the human race, not only to act as protons, but also to learn and understand by the way, so as to find out the origin of these extraterritorial demons.

Just how powerful it is.

And whether it is possible to fight back and so on.

And the one who took the lead was Duan Chang, the holy son of Tiandaozong, who was the number one sect in the world. Their group could be said to have the belief that they would give up their lives and lose their souls.

Step into the interstellar portal.

Enter the core of the Terran territory, Immortal Star.

It is the original Orc Planet. Ding Yun has been on the throne for many years, and the Orc Planet has gradually become the core area of ​​human beings, and its status is even higher than the original Emperor Star. Many people feel that it is too narrow to continue to use the Orc Planet to describe Conducive to the unity and harmony of mankind.

So a name change vote was specially conducted, and in the end Panda Star, Immortal Star and Empress Star occupied the top three.

And because of Ding Yun's special name Immortal Star.

So in the end it was changed to Immortal Star.

The group of orthodox practitioners headed by Duan Chang, had just stepped into the Immortal Star, and their three-view thinking was greatly impacted. They were surrounded by unfamiliar things, and everything they saw was completely different from their previous cognition.

"Why is the house built higher than the Demon Locking Tower?"

"Oh my god, is that a hanging island? That hanging island is more than a hundred times bigger than the hanging island in Yao Chi!"

"Holy Son, among these people, none of them seem to have a blood strength lower than that of the Jindan realm."

"Why does someone have a monster aura?"

"Their portals can be teleported across different worlds, which is too scary. Could it be that the heavens and myriad worlds are real, how could we be opponents."

"Shut up, calm me down, don't be like a country bumpkin, let people see a joke, and give me a cold face later, don't talk nonsense, if you have any questions, you will have a chance to understand them later, don't ask casually."



After being surprised and flustered for a while, everyone remembered that they represented their respective sects, and even the face of the world they lived in. Even if they lost, they couldn't show too cowardly and ignorant, so everyone hurriedly restrained their emotions and suppressed their hearts. Curious and apprehensive, he followed Duan Chang with a cold face, and went to the designated place to apply for a certificate.

Then there is the entry certificate and identity certificate.

With the entry certificate, it means that they do not belong to black households and belong to normal entry. The identity certificate is related to their future basic necessities of life. Without identity certificates, they are still similar to black households, and it is difficult to move. Local currency, filled in their identity certificates, and arranged basic teaching courses for them.

It is to help them get a rough understanding of the situation on the human side, popularize some legal knowledge, common sense of daily necessities of life, so as not to go out, do not understand anything, run around, and when the time comes, whether it is an accident or a violation of the law , is clearly a nuisance.

So it is natural to teach them in advance, and then break the law after telling them, then it is not that those who do not know nothing are not guilty, but that they know the law and break the law, and it is easy to deal with it.

It didn't take long for them to enter the classroom together.

Officially began to accept basic knowledge teaching, superficial history teaching, and detailed legal teaching.

But, no matter how shallow the history teaching is.

When it comes to the Panda Immortal Empress.

The teacher could not help explaining in depth:

"There are two major turning points in the history of our human alliance. The first turning point lies in the era of aura recovery, which is also the era of catastrophe. I have just told you about it, and the second turning point lies in it.

A hundred years after the Immortal Panda Empress ascended the throne.

Before the Panda Immortal Empress ascended the throne, although the Human Alliance still defaulted to belong to a whole, it had actually split. The orcs belonged to the orcs, the genetic humans belonged to the genetic humans, and the superhumans belonged to the superhumans. Later historians generally believe that if Without the Panda Immortal Empress suddenly ruling the world, the three will inevitably break out in a war.

The best result is that Emperor Star Gene human beings won miserably.

The worst result is that both sides will suffer. It is not impossible for civilization to retreat under the circumstances of heavy casualties, and even the destruction of several living planets.

It was the birth of the Immortal Panda Empress.

eliminated this crisis.

With absolute crushing momentum, she led her disciples to dominate the world. In the end, only a few high-level officials died, and she forcibly reunited the four major life planets. "

"That, sir!

I don't quite understand that the three human beings who choose different cultivation methods have been divided for so many years. Even if the Panda Immortal Empress forcibly unites them, the internal conflicts are still unresolved. Is this really possible?

Won't there be civil unrest afterwards? "

Before Duan Chang practiced cultivation, he had been a prince for several years, so he still had a good understanding of state affairs.

At this time, the point of direct poking is very clear.

"Don't worry, haven't I talked about it yet?

It is obviously impossible for the Panda Immortal Empress to fail to see that the internal conflict has not been resolved, and it is still a major hidden danger. Therefore, the final method chosen by the Empress is to cut off the root of the contradiction directly from the source.

As we all know, the core contradiction between genetic humans, supernatural beings and orcs lies in the recognition of the purity of human blood, genetic human beings despise the impure blood of supernatural beings, and supernatural beings despise the mixed blood of orcs.

And the Immortal Panda Empress officially announced two cultivation secrets in the third year of her ascension to the throne, one called "Bloodline Incarnation Aspect Technique", and the other called "Shangdantian Supreme Golden Elixir Secret Technique".

"Bloodline Incarnation Technique" can extract the beast blood in the orc's body, practice alone, and finally form a beast blood incarnation. If you continue to practice deeply, you can return this incarnation to the ancient gods and beasts, and then feed back the body. It not only guarantees the purity of the blood of the human race, but also guarantees the cultivation base.

"Shangdantian Supreme Golden Elixir Secret Art" uses the golden alchemy secret technique to condense the supernatural blood in the body, transform all the supernatural blood into the crystal nucleus, and transform the crystal nucleus into golden elixir, which will last forever The upper dantian nourishes the soul, and supernatural powers can also be displayed normally through the golden elixir.

It also makes the blood of the supernatural being pure.

In the end, if you insist on pursuing it, it is the genetic human race's exploration of genes, and even evolution, which makes their bloodlines the biggest gap with the ancient human race.

However, the empress did not favor one over another.

In the fifth year of enthronement, after letting those genetic humans experience the feeling of being despised, he launched the "Supreme Body Refining Technique", which attributes all the mighty power derived from genes to the flesh, to the flesh and blood, to the cells, and no longer goes deep into the body. At the genetic level, in this way, no matter what kind of human being he originally belonged to, what kind of skill he cultivated.

In the end, the blood can be guaranteed to be pure.

No one can criticize others with contempt.

This contradiction can be completely resolved and eliminated. "

"Afterwards, other contradictions and problems in all aspects were basically resolved or alleviated under the various measures of the Immortal Panda Empress, which successfully opened a new century of prosperity after the interstellar era, and fields such as science and technology and culture blossomed in an all-round way. .

After the empress abdicated, the successors were basically Xiao Gui Cao Sui, and there were no new measures. Everything was developed step by step according to the hundred-year plan set by the empress back then, and the millennium plan. If you want to learn more, you can buy courses yourself later. study.

Now we are starting the law class, please listen carefully, this is more important than any previous class, because this class is related to whether you will break the law in the future, don’t think you have any privileges, you break the law on our side, we They will be punished according to the law! "


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