Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 830 Blank Copy of the Book of Life and Death (10)

After writing down the content of Ding Yun's epiphany, Emperor Qianyu immediately sat down cross-legged to understand carefully, and the deeper he understood, the more painful, frustrated and helpless he became.

Because even Ding Yun didn't say he couldn't practice.

He can also pass the in-depth understanding of exercises.

Understand the characteristics of this technique.

During the process, he even imitated the running track of the "Hunyuan Scripture" in his body a little bit without giving up. As a result, this exercise, which was supposed to be the most neutral and peaceful exercise, made his injuries aggravated again.

Just outside, with the help of Ding Yun's epiphany to repair the injury, all of it was returned at once.

Even more serious.

At least three months of life was shortened.

"Father, are you okay?"

Seeing that Emperor Qianyu vomited a mouthful of blood in front of him, Ding Yun could only rush forward to care.

And use his own real energy to help him relieve his injuries.

The newly added injuries in his body were caused by forcibly refining the "Hunyuan Mantra", and Ding Yun's Hunyuan Zhenyuan was naturally the most suitable for healing his injuries. After a while, he became much better.

"It's okay, I took it too much for granted, you can change your foundation and cultivate successfully, it should be the merit of heaven and earth in the process of epiphany, after all, I don't have such a blessing.

This is a happy event. In this way, you continue to stabilize your cultivation at the Sutra Pavilion, and go to the court with me tomorrow morning to officially announce the news to the public. I want to see the clan and officials. Is there any reason to stop it? You are the empress dowager, an eighteen-year-old celestial being, how rare! "

Although a little disappointed, Emperor Qianyu had accepted his fate for more than ten years after all, and he had been disappointed countless times during the process, so he easily accepted it calmly and continued to make other arrangements.

Arrange for Ding Yun to go to court with him tomorrow.

Hope to take this as soon as possible to determine the identity of the Empress Dowager.

Ding Yun, on the other hand, regretted that the exercises she had realized suddenly could not help her father, and then began to express that she obeyed all orders and did what she was asked to do.

The determination to fully cooperate tomorrow.

Immediately afterwards, of course, they discussed in detail the problems they might encounter tomorrow morning and how to deal with them, and the two hurriedly separated and went their separate ways.

One is busy stabilizing his cultivation.

By the way, open the blank copy of the book of life and death, and check the recent changes and life changes of the key people.

Another one, of course, is to prepare for the matter of setting up the emperor and the empress dowager tomorrow morning, not only verbally, but also by the way.

This matter cannot be dragged on indefinitely over and over again. You must know that sometimes things are done in one go, then decline, and exhaustion. Now his daughter needs qualifications and strength. If it is not successful, the probability of success next time will be very low. Once it is really dragged by them for more than ten years.

Then this matter is probably suspended.

So you still have to settle down early to be at ease.

However, that night, the emperor's palace suddenly realized that it was Empress Yunxia, ​​and the news that she had successfully broken through the realm of heaven and man spread from the palace. After receiving the news, many officials and clans stayed up all night worried.

They originally thought that Emperor Qianyu would be able to settle down for a few years since the last time he tried to establish an emperor and daughter in the court, and at least he had to wait for Empress Yunxia's cultivation to make a breakthrough, and Wenzhi was slightly recognized by the people. .

Then mention the matter of making her the emperor's daughter.

But who would have thought that in less than a month, Empress Yunxia had an epiphany breakthrough, and directly crossed the two great realms of grand master and grand master, directly reaching the realm of heaven and man.

Regardless of whether other methods were used or shortcuts were taken, it is a fact that the Empress broke through the Heaven and Man.

Therefore, regardless of the officials or the clan, it is generally felt that Emperor Qianyu will definitely make a fuss about this matter.

Tomorrow morning is bound to be another verbal battle, and the matter of setting up the emperor's daughter will definitely be put on the agenda again.

This was something they didn't want to see, and they didn't want to carry it out, so naturally they stayed up all night to check the history books or the ancestral system, trying to find something to stop Emperor Qianyu from setting up the emperor and his wife.

What's more, they started to communicate in private.

If the plan is really not good, they will be shameless, don't abide by the rules and decency, directly and resolutely write a letter against it, and force the palace. Otherwise, it would be too shameful to let a woman ride on their heads.

Of course, the most anxious ones are actually those clans who feel that their heirs have hope of succession. Some of them even plan to unite and go to the Taimiao to cry together, to see if they can cry for the founding ancestor who has broken through the legend of the god of war and has not fallen himself. come out.

Even if you can't cry your ancestors, create some public opinion.

It's also more beneficial that they aren't.

All in all, in one sentence, they have prepared quite well this time, and even have the idea of ​​fighting it out. It is really hard to say who will win.

In such a tense atmosphere.

Time flies still.

After a while, the moon rose to more than half, and after a while, the sky became twilight. At the end of the fifth watch, the early morning began.

Everyone entered the hall one by one and stood still.

Afterwards, Emperor Qianyu walked out of the side hall together with Ding Yun, who was dressed in costume, and went straight to the dragon chair.

The ministers and the clan kings who came here specially to go to court, saw this scene and immediately understood that their guess was right. If it is said that the last time, Emperor Qianyu didn't bring people over to mention the establishment of the emperor and the princess, it was a temptation.

This time it should be regarded as a poor picture.

If they want to prevent the establishment of the emperor and the princess, they must do their best to ensure that the stop is successful, otherwise, if they fail, after the emperor officially ascends the throne, can they not trouble the officials and kings who oppose her as the emperor?

What will happen to them then?

Of course, if you turn against the water and support it now, you might be able to take advantage of this opportunity to make a comeback.

Out of these thoughts, many ministers became entangled, entangled whether to not get involved, not to express their views, to protect themselves wisely, to fight for the merits of the dragon, or to still firmly oppose it. It is really embarrassing for them.

However, their entanglement did not affect Emperor Qianyu and Ding Yun's ability to act. Before some ministers made a decision, Emperor Qianyu sat on the dragon chair and arranged Ding Yun in front of him on the left. , the left back of the dragon chair is the position of the empress dowager to listen to the government, and the left front is the position of the prince. The meaning of Emperor Qianyu should not be too obvious:

"Today morning, I have a great joy to announce to the public. That is my daughter, Empress Yunxia, ​​who was blessed by the heavens yesterday and suddenly realized. I have added a Martial God level skill.

Such talent, such state, such contribution.

There should be no objection to being an emperor and princess. "

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