Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 855 Transformation Spring Eyes (15)

Although Wu Hua and the others knew some secrets of resisting Yin Qi from Ding Yun, they still had Wen Lingyu with them after all, so there was no need to resist Yin Qi at all.

So there is no chance to test it yet.

Can only temporarily press do not mention.

Not long after, they went back to their houses to rest.

In the early morning of the next day, regardless of whether it was those who felt cold last night or those who didn’t feel cold, they all actively sunned themselves in the sun, even those who were most worried about tanning and ultraviolet rays accelerating their skin aging Everyone, wear a layer of sunscreen.

Run after the sun like a sunflower, looking for sun.

What's even more outrageous is that some people who have money and leisure even take a train or a plane to bask in the sun because the area where they live is cloudy or rainy and there is no sun.

However, these operations are compared with those who bought an annual card, or bought a private jet, and are ready to run after the sun in a real sense, and don't show up at night.

It's all just pediatrics.

Of course, this is money, leisure and ability.

Ordinary people don't dare to be late for work in order to be fully present. At this time, they can only do what they can do, barely coping with the dark night in the future.

And because there is no official guidance for the time being.

So everyone prepares their own.

There are many kinds of Buddhist and Taoist scriptures. Some have prepared scriptures in print, some have prepared scriptures copied by themselves, some have prepared scriptures copied by masters, and some have prepared scriptures. Added scriptures with gold powder, or scriptures copied from black dog blood, cockscomb blood, or boy urine, and even more outrageous, even menstrual blood, placental blood, etc. dare to add to the scriptures.

It's really comparable to a group of demons dancing wildly.

And other things like garlic talismans, relics, consecrated statues, etc., not to mention people who buy them, some related online stores that can’t do a few transactions in a year are directly sold short, until they are taken off the shelves. .

Ding Yun didn't do too many superfluous things at this time, she was pure, and told the senior management of the group what she said to her mother yesterday through the internal group group of the group, and asked them to keep it informed.

Believe it or not, she doesn't care.

believe it or not.

What's more, when things really happen, there will always be people who will die in a hurry and try all kinds of methods, and then they will naturally know whose method is useful.

Whose method is useless.

But, although everyone is flustered, the integration of the Yin and Yang worlds cannot be achieved overnight. Coupled with the influence of the strong Yin Qi on the human world, most of it will be dispersed by the sun in the daytime, so the speed of the current weird recovery is generally Speaking is relatively slow.

That is to say, people who are already physically weak, the area where they live is inherently more yin than other places, or people who are close to the cemetery will feel more deeply.

People who are in good health don't feel bad in the short term, and they don't feel uncomfortable. If they really feel uncomfortable, most of them are scaring themselves.

Therefore, with the passage of time, many people soon lost the panic at the beginning, and no longer deliberately pursued those fake talismans, magic tools, etc., but started to exercise, and even the public opinion on the Internet became optimistic because of this.

Even officials are actively advocating fitness.

This undoubtedly makes the general public further feel that fitness is useful, and a healthy body is definitely very conducive to coping with today's special night environment.

However, the few insiders are not optimistic at all.

Because no matter how slow the strange recovery is, it is still recovering after all, and it is constantly changing. This quantitative change will eventually turn into a qualitative change one day, and the night after the qualitative change cannot be resisted by a healthy body.

One day or two days, one month or two months.

Just half a year after everyone was familiar with the purple blood moon, a qualitative change occurred. The purple blood moon still did not dissipate after the sun came out. Although the color became much dimmer, it was still purple blood, and it was the same at night In this way, it is no longer like the past, it will only change after twelve o'clock.

Instead, it has been showing purple blood.

In the past, the moon didn't change color until around twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, and then the sun came out the next day.

The color gradually fades away.

Now it doesn't matter whether the sun comes out or not, and whether the moon is visible or not, the moon will appear purple blood, and the same is true with satellite observation, that is to say, the moon has completely mutated into purple blood.

The change of the moon is not the key point, the key point is that after the change of the moon, the blessing of Yin Qi has increased many times. Originally, as soon as the sun comes out, it can immediately sweep away 90% of the Yin Qi that has increased at night. Now it can’t, under the blessing of the moon , can only sweep away half of the Yin Qi.

All kinds of newly born weird monsters are not as afraid of the sun as before, and some can even walk under the sun by relying on the completely mutated moon, and kill people.

Therefore, reports of various strange events began to rise crazily from the day when the moon completely changed.

Even ordinary people can clearly perceive this.

It was only at this time that the method of restraint of humane beliefs proposed by Ding Yun was gradually used by some people when life and death were at stake, and they found it useful and survived, and made a lot of publicity.

Soon even the relevant official agencies noticed this incident, and found it useful after trying it out, officially started to promote it, and even used it to fight against the enemy.

However, they also know that this is a temporary solution, not the root cause, so related research has not stopped, and various weapons that specifically target weirdness and monsters have been continuously developed.

The number of weird monsters is increasing, and the countermeasures of human beings are also increasing. Generally speaking, a relative balance can still be maintained. Although there are many casualties, at least they are not defenseless. The country is still orderly and stable.

But at this time, Ding Yun accidentally discovered the special magical effect of the transformation spring water in the current situation.

With the increase in the integration of the yin and yang worlds, not only all kinds of weird monsters appeared, but also some yin-type spiritual creatures born under the nourishment of yin qi, such as Jiuyin Zixuezhi, ten thousand souls and undead vines.

These Yin-type spiritual things are great supplements for weird monsters, but for ordinary humans, they are definitely highly poisonous things. Let alone eating them, they may be directly poisoned to death even if they touch them, or even get close .

Ding Yun also relied on his own mental strength to be strong.

That's how I managed to get some research done.

But no matter how she researches, there is no way for normal humans to absorb and use it without changing the attributes of the species. A special poison for demons.

Until recently, Ding Yun suddenly thought that the transformation spring itself has the effect of reversing yin and yang. It can change males into females and females into males. Why can't the yin attribute of plants be transformed into yang attribute?

Anyway, she has a whole spring, and she doesn't lack the transformation spring water at all, so she soon began to try to use the transformation spring water to irrigate those Yin-type spiritual creatures.

And the end result is quite surprising.

That is, there is nothing wrong with her thinking.

As long as she irrigates enough transformation spring water at one time, she can directly make those yin attribute spirits reverse yin and yang, and finally transform into yang attribute spirits.

A yang attribute spiritual thing that ordinary humans can also use.

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