Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 859 Transformation into Spring Eyes (End)

With the end of Ding Yun's press conference, not only many people in China, but also many enterprises and related agencies in many countries became busy, and many foreign governments also became busy, busy introducing spiritual objects and trying to interpret the exercises.

Under the pattern of Star Village.

Many things are difficult to hide.

Fortunately, there is no need for Ding Yun to come forward in this regard, the country will naturally come forward to help, and the benefits obtained will be shared with Ding Yun, and everything is developing in an orderly manner.

For example, Yang-type spiritual plants began to be gradually planted in large quantities, and even began to gradually replace the original crops, appearing in the vast farmland.

For example, various formations appeared one after another, constantly conquering and destroying some strange areas, and along the way began to generate aura, eliminate yin qi, and spread yang soil.

For example, the Qi Refining Martial Arts Academy was established.

And recruit students on a large scale.

Many people say that they don’t practice and wait for others to protect themselves, but in practice, they finally choose to practice. At most, they are half-hearted, fishing for three days and drying the net for two days, and they are not so diligent.

At the same time, most people's cultivation speed is indeed not fast.

But there is no way around it. After all, most people can’t practice off-duty. They can go to work and do housework on weekdays. It's no wonder that the speed is not slow if you spend a few hours practicing.

As far as the current situation is concerned, those who have money and leisure are completely supported by the state, the soldiers who specially let them practice, and the students who join the corresponding cultivation academy.

Only then can we truly practice wholeheartedly.

Not disturbed by any debris.

As for the ordinary students, they should still attend classes, and at most spare a few hours for them to practice. It is impossible to give up their studies completely.

Don't say whether your parents allow it or not.

The state does not allow it either.

Because the country has always believed that the current situation is temporary, and it is impossible to continue like this, and a solution will always be found. The general direction in the future is the development of science and technology, or at least the development of science and technology and cultivation in parallel, and it is absolutely impossible to give up the development of science and technology .

Therefore, cultural teaching cannot be discarded naturally.

Even have to intensify.

But in any case, with the increase in the number of practitioners and the growing number of yang-type spiritual plants planted, the fusion of the yin and yang worlds has finally begun to slow down, and the yin qi that was raging everywhere is constantly being either Purify it, or it will be transformed into ordinary aura by the yin and yang fortune formation, and lose its ability to corrode.

The situation that was originally difficult to contain was contained.

The human side finally regained the initiative.

Start to eliminate the strange monsters on a large scale, and the areas polluted by those weird monsters and Yin Qi erosion.

And after that, it is natural to make persistent efforts.

Ding Yun made persistent efforts to continuously launch higher-level Yang-attribute spiritual plants, and introduced more formations and potions. The country and ordinary citizens continued to improve their cultivation and expand the cultivation range of Yang-attribute spiritual plants.

Many things are all about trade-offs.

Under the condition of energy conservation, the continuous disappearance and transformation of yin qi naturally means the continuous weakening of the entire underworld, but within five years, the underworld has been weakened to the point that the purple-blooded moon has become much dimmer and has become Not very stable, prone to crashes.

At this point, Ding Yun immediately knew that the time had come.

She had to separate the yin and yang worlds.

Although theoretically speaking, even if she doesn't do anything, as long as it continues to develop like this, the underworld will inevitably collapse and disappear, but the world must have the conservation of yin and yang, and there must be yin and yang. It won't last long.

Without the reconciliation of yin and yang, the human world will be completely out of balance. The biggest change is that it will be much more difficult for life to reproduce in the future. Even if life can be born, the soul of life is unlikely to be complete.

Because the foundation of the soul of ordinary living beings lies in the yang in the yin, the soul belongs to yin, the body belongs to yang, and the two are reconciled to create good fortune, and only then can a new life be born.

This is also the reason why yin qi breeds weirdness. The soul is originally yin and is nourished by yin qi.

Changes are normal.

Therefore, the underworld can be suppressed, but it must not be destroyed and disappeared. In the past, Yin and Yang merged, and the fusion of the two was very stable. It was really difficult for Ding Yun to separate them. Now that the underworld has begun to decline, there is also some instinctive resistance to the fusion of the two. , there is a gap between each other, Ding Yun can naturally do it with confidence.

It's just that in order to gain enough influence, Ding Yun can't be a hero behind the scenes quietly, so she directly made a global preview in advance, and then waited until the number of people in the live broadcast room reached 80% of the total number of people in the world , which appeared and flew to the moon.

Immediately afterwards, of course, in front of more than 80% of the humans in the live broadcast room, he manifested his terrifying soul power and forcibly divided the moon.

The whole process looks very simple, just reach out and pull it, but the actual operation is quite complicated, requiring mental power to accurately grasp every spatial node.

Quickly and accurately separated Mingyue from the moon.

From the perspective of the audience in the live broadcast room, Ding Yun stretched out his hand, and one moon became two, one was the original bright moon, and the other was a purple blood moon.

The purple blood moon is the heart of the underworld.

After Ding Yun took control of the purple blood moon, it will be easier to divide the Yin and Yang realms.

Originally, the whole process could have been carried out silently, but for the sake of influence, Ding Yun could only expend more of his mental power to forcibly reveal the underworld.

So in an instant, everyone in the world can see an overlapping space that is completely different from the human environment and full of Yin Qi around them, and at the same time, this overlapping space is constantly emitting Yin Qi outside.

This is what hell really looks like.

However, under Ding Yun's operation, the entire overlapping space is not only becoming more and more obvious, but also the overlapping part is still decreasing. People who are close to those weird areas that have not been completely eliminated for the time being can see it clearly. Those weird areas were all taken away in the overlapping space, getting farther and farther away from them.

The original area has been restored to its former appearance.

turned into normal land.

It's a pity that the vegetation and animals are all dead.

Not long after, the entire underworld was completely stripped away by Ding Yun and returned to the original track. At the same time, Ding Yun also set up a Yin-Yang balance transformation array at the intersection of the two worlds to ensure the balance of Yin-Yang in the two worlds.

If the yin qi in the underworld is too heavy in the future, then the formation will transform the yin qi into yang qi, and if the yang qi in the yang world is too heavy, it will transform the yang qi into yin qi. Only when the two are in balance can they avoid fusion again.

Because of the so-called fusion, in fact, most of them are the strong one swallowing the weak one, and there are very few evenly matched fusions. As long as the two worlds maintain a balance, the possibility of fusion in the future is very low, and even if they merge, it will not happen. One sided situation.

At the same time, naturally relying on his own performance and actions, Ding Yun not only gained enough influence, but also won enough favor from the world, and successfully engraved his own brand on the origin of the world.

Then, she still didn't leave immediately.

Instead, some remaining problems will be solved.

Only then did he feel relieved to withdraw from this world.

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