Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 918 Almighty Workshop (18)

Compared with the first two methods, the foreign world combat command, of course, prefers Ding Yun's direct attack, but they are a little worried about whether Ding Yun, a cultivator of immortality, has the ability to deal with the heavenly way of the foreign world.

After all, in their view, there is still a big gap between an ordinary cultivator and the way of heaven. According to myths and legends, even saints are subject to the way of heaven, even though Ding Yun may be the only remaining cultivator in the world, she can easily deal with it. The probability of Heaven's Dao is also very small.

Facing their worries, Ding Yun didn't explain too much, he only said that Shanren has his own tricks, so don't worry.

Even if it really fails.

Isn't there the first two methods?

Seeing Ding Yun's insistence, and they didn't think that Ding Yun would deliberately send him to death, they finally agreed to do so dubiously, and then they led Ding Yun into the world of martial arts through the Shuangchuan Gate.

As soon as she got there, Ding Yun felt very keenly the world's rejection of her, and all kinds of negative energies were also gathering on her body. As time went by, everything would inevitably go wrong, and bad luck would skyrocket, but Ding Yun was different from ordinary people. People, she got rid of all those negative breaths in the next second, and added an isolation barrier to herself:

"The world's rejection is indeed very serious. My plan still needs some time to prepare, so don't act rashly for now. I'll talk about it when I come back in a few days!"

Although Ding Yun already had a plan, she still lacked some key tricks to make the plan go smoothly and perfectly, so after explaining these few words, she immediately disappeared and went straight to the current small court And go, collect the corresponding materials.

The main thing is to observe what their Temple of Heaven looks like, and by the way, learn about the specific process of the ceremony, and compare it with the process of the ceremony in my memory, so as to facilitate future planning.

The process did not encounter any difficulties, after all, she is now at the Nascent Soul Realm, mixed into a small court that does not even have a Martial Saint comparable to the Golden Core Realm.

What can be difficult?

In just one day, Ding Yun successfully obtained all the information he wanted, and began to fly around the world, looking for raw materials everywhere. It took another three days to finally collect all the information, and then of course It is to bring raw materials to connect with the foreign combat headquarters, and let them cooperate to build the altar of worship, as well as sacrificial supplies and so on.

At the foreign combat headquarters, although they still couldn't figure out what Ding Yun wanted to do, they obediently followed suit. With their help, a standard altar for offering sacrifices to heaven was built entirely by ordinary people. The project was successfully completed in three days.

All kinds of sacrificial objects have also been fully prepared.

Then Ding Yun started fasting and bathing that night, and at noon the next day, he appeared under the Temple of Heaven on time and started the process of offering sacrifices to heaven.

The kind that doesn't go too far.

As for whether it can be successful, whether it can attract the Dao of Heaven, it depends on whether the sacrifices prepared are enough. The small imperial court sacrificed several great masters with blood, and sacrificed some remaining luck.

It was only then that the Heavenly Dao was successfully awakened.

Moreover, this is the price that the emperor's lineage, which has been recognized by the way of heaven, needs to pay when offering sacrifices to heaven.

A person from another world wants to attract Heaven.

No matter how the offerings are, they have to be of several grades.

Only then is it possible.

However, Ding Yun is quite confident about this. After the previous process was completed, she took out the Almighty Workshop and put it on the main altar.

That is, on the platform where the core offerings are placed.

Then he stripped off the portable space of the original body, aroused the original power of the world contained in the portable space, so that Tiandao could perceive it, and then Ding Yun put the portable space into the omnipotent workshop.

And officially complete the last step of the sacrifice.

Next, we will see whether the way of heaven will come or not.

Tiandao has an instinctive desire for the origin of the world. The omnipotent workshop may not be attractive to Tiandao, but the attraction of the portable space she took out to Tiandao is beyond doubt.

With the completion of the sacrifice, within a few seconds, a vast consciousness of the Dao of Heaven came, and that consciousness of the Dao of Heaven went straight into the Almighty Workshop, wrapped the portable space inside, and prepared to destroy the world contained in the portable space on the spot. Source absorption and digestion.

At the same time, it has not forgotten to separate a ray of consciousness to communicate with Ding Yun, and promise Ding Yun that if he is willing to sacrifice all the origins of the world in other worlds to it in the future.

It can seal Ding Yun as the emperor of heaven and live forever.

What's the situation?

It's just that Tiandao thought that Ding Yun sacrificed a treasure containing the origin of the world to it, just to show favor, it was a compromise, and he wanted to get some benefits from it.

The previous lineage of the Son of Heaven is basically abolished, and at the same time, it is not very reconciled to a world origin that is not weaker than it, so it just missed it. Now seeing that Ding Yun may be used by it, it is naturally unwilling to let it go.

As for promises, let’s draw cakes first!

It doesn't hurt to give the position of Emperor of Heaven if you succeed.

It's a pity that Ding Yun had no intention of cooperating with the consciousness of heaven, which has been made more human by the blood sacrifice. When the time came, he immediately activated the omnipotent workshop. When she activated the omnipotent workshop, the omnipotent Inside the workshop, they also quickly read the drawings of the Small World Beads that Ding Yun had stored earlier, and began to frantically absorb the consciousness of heaven that had already entered the omnipotent workshop and those that had not entered the omnipotent workshop.

Integrate it with the portable space.

Smelt in the direction of the Small World Bead.

That's right, Ding Yun intends to use the Almighty Processing Workshop to plot against the Dao of Heaven. Even if the Almighty Processing Workshop cannot integrate all the Dao of Heaven in this world as raw materials into the portable space, it will still severely damage the Dao of Heaven in this world, making it difficult to continue deliberately targeting outsiders. By.

As for whether it will fail or not, before making this plan, Ding Yun has checked the omnipotent workshop and confirmed the highest level of items that the omnipotent workshop can manufacture. Now, the highest-level item that can be produced is the small galaxy pearl, which can be used to smelt a piece of galaxy, even the galaxy can handle it.

Dealing with the living planet Tiandao is not easy.

It wasn't until the Almighty Processing Workshop was officially launched and smelting began that the consciousness of heaven came to its senses, and hurriedly tried to break free, but it obviously couldn't break free, and could only watch helplessly as its original source continued to be lost.

Until the Small World Bead was officially smelted successfully.

The omnipotent workshop stopped absorbing the consciousness of heaven.

At this time, one-third of the consciousness of the Dao of the Martial Dao World has been lost, and it is no longer able to stay awake for a long time. At the same time, out of fear of Ding Yun, it dare not stay in place for a long time, running faster than anyone else Disappeared, hid in the origin of the world, not daring to stand out.

And the deliberate targeting of the previous world consciousness.

It also began to collapse at this moment.

However, because the consciousness of the Dao of Heaven has no entity and will not appear, Ding Yun's operation seems a bit inexplicable to other people around him.

After Ding Yun put away the Almighty Workshop and the Small World Beads still in the Almighty Workshop, he came down.

Everyone immediately surrounded the past to ask what happened.

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