Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 925 Virtual Kingdom of God (5)

Hong Xingwen at the old house had decided to divorce Ding Yun after a night of thinking, because he was not sure whether his wife's depression could be cured, and he was more worried about future troubles.

There are so many young women in the world.

There are also many good-looking young women.

There is no need to hang from a sick crooked neck tree.

However, he also listened to his mother's words, and did not plan to bring up the matter of divorce immediately. He planned to delay it for a year or a half, or at least wait until his daughter-in-law's condition improved. Anything bad will not affect their family's reputation.

Then he comes back at noon.

Then I received the divorce agreement from Ding Yun.

Good guy, he was so angry that he almost yelled and jumped up like a monkey. He never thought that his wife would be one step ahead of him and throw the divorce agreement at him in advance. It's really embarrassing over this matter.

He's always the one who dumps people.

No one ever dumped him.

He is still tangled up here, worried about his daughter-in-law's mood and illness, and did not dare to mention divorce. His daughter-in-law has already acted preemptively, which makes him angry, so kind that he will feed the dog a feeling of.

This was just his reaction when he first saw the words of the divorce agreement. After he saw the content, including the content that the two children belonged to Ding Yun and the content of dividing half of the assets, he was undoubtedly even more angry. It's not about splitting up the assets. After all, the assets in his hands are only a drizzle compared to his family's assets. The big head is still in the hands of his father, and he has not been allocated at all.

The main reason is that Qi Dingyun wants a child.

For so many years in and out of the circle, there is no female celebrity who can snatch away the child in case of divorce after marrying into a wealthy family.

Even if it can be taken away.

There is a high probability that the wealthy family will go bankrupt.

So in Hong Xingwen's opinion, this point is completely wishful thinking, not to mention that he disagrees, his parents will definitely not agree, so after reading the divorce agreement, he immediately called Ding Yun, wanting to have sex with her. Argue and let her give up on child custody.

But he didn't get through, and Ding Yun blocked him.

And when he was desperate and wanted to go directly to Ding Yun, the email that Ding Yun sent him regularly finally arrived in his mailbox, and he also saw the new message popped up by his mailbox software in due course.

【Crime and Punishment of the Hong Group】

The mailbox he used was a private mailbox, only some close people knew about it, and the title of the email was a bit sensational, so he opened it as a matter of course, and then found that it was sent to him by his wife, threatening him Mail for Custody.

And also saw the huge attachment below.

Seeing this, he immediately resisted the idea of ​​going out to find Ding Yun, and went back to the house, opened his laptop, downloaded the attachment, and checked it carefully.

Then the more I looked, the more cold sweat broke out on my back.

Because there are too many criminal proofs in the attachment, not only a lot of content he knows, but also a lot of content he doesn't know, through the analysis of the content he knows.

Those big probabilities that he didn't know were also true.

At this moment, he has no idea how to deal with it, and he doesn't know where his daughter-in-law collected the evidence. A daughter-in-law, or married a forensic officer.

He even had some doubts about the real purpose of his wife's marriage to him, maybe it was to come undercover in the Hong Group to collect all kinds of illegal evidence from their family.

This thing is actually a little scary, and a little big.

He didn't dare to make a decision by himself, so the next second he quickly picked up his laptop to find his dad, pulled him into the study, locked the door behind him and closed it, and then showed his dad the contents of the attachment.

Needless to say, his dad was also in a cold sweat.

And then, there was extreme anger:

"Damn it, damn it, what did you marry back? Didn't she stay at home all the time? Then where did she find these evidences? Did they fall from the sky or were they given to her by someone?"

"How dare she have the courage to threaten me and want custody of her two children!"

For people who have been in high positions for a long time, even if it is a normal appeal, as long as it violates their will, they will feel angry, not to mention that Ding Yun threatened him with evidence that made him break out in a cold sweat. Slapping him in the face is like riding on his head and domineering, how can he not be angry?

It's perfectly normal to be furious.

And this can actually be regarded as an external expression that he is covering up his inner panic. After all, if he is not panic, he can just smile contemptuously, and then say that?

After a lot of flirting, the father and son finally calmed down a bit and started to discuss countermeasures, mainly discussing how to deal with Ding Yun, and how to explore these evidences, where did they come from?

How many copies and such.

Although these evidences are not so terrifying that they can be sent to jail, it is certain that they are extremely detrimental to their group. Now that the real estate industry is already going downhill, and their company's debts are not low, once a major scandal really occurs, blow Definitely not small.

One mistake, and everything could be lost.

So in the end, the father and son unanimously decided to have a chat with Ding Yun, but they didn't plan to chat right away, but planned to investigate the specific situation in depth first, and it would be best if they could find out the ins and outs of how Ding Yun obtained these evidences In the end, we will talk after we are prepared.

After all, if you don't know anything, you can go to Ding Yun.

Then they are too passive.


Ding Yun didn't know what was going on with them. She had a showdown with her parents after returning home with big bags and small bags, and incidentally told about the grievances she had suffered in Hong's family, including that she was not voluntarily pregnant two times, but was calculated to be pregnant. , and my prenatal depression, postpartum depression and other things, I told my parents again.

Her father Ding Huai and mother Xu Aiju said a few words about her at the beginning, saying that she did not listen to the old man's words and that she had committed crimes on her own, but in the end they couldn't help but feel distressed, and they expressed their support while blushing.

And help Ding Yun tidy up the next bedroom.

Afterwards, his elder brother and sister-in-law heard the news and rushed over from the neighborhood next door to visit Ding Yun.

He also asked Ding Yun if he wanted to find a lawyer or something.

He knows a few good ones.

In short, Ding Yun's treatment when she returned to her natal family was good, and she was not rejected. Everyone supported her decision. The only thing that worried her was the child. They all felt that it would be difficult for Ding Yun to win custody of the child. Perhaps the custody of the daughter can be obtained, but the custody of the son is likely not to be obtained.

The Hong family will never let go easily.

However, they didn't persuade Ding Yun to give up. They just gave Ding Yun an inoculation in advance, telling her not to have too high expectations. There must be a lawsuit, and the custody rights must also be contested. Just don't expect to succeed easily.

But Ding Yun didn't tell them that he had taken advantage of the Hong family, he only said that he wanted to give it a try, and he didn't want the two children to have to face the stepmother all the time in the future, and even if he failed in the end, he at least fought for it.

Everything was fine when she returned to her mother's house this time.

Didn't encounter any bad things.

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