Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 978 Heavens gourmet sign-in device (1)

After entering the new tasker's body, Ding Yun first used his mental power to expel all the water that had choked into his body.

Then he struggled desperately to swim ashore.

And use mental power to control the water on your body.

Only then did I find a safe place to sit on the ground in a relatively remote and desolate place, sorting out my memories.


Originally born in a very ordinary single-employee family, she is the eldest daughter in the family. Her father is a bit patriarchal, but fortunately, she has a mother to protect her from the wind and rain, and her mother later gave birth to two younger brothers, so generally speaking , Yuanshen's childhood life was actually much better than other families that were more obviously patriarchal.

At least it can meet food and clothing, but also go to school.

She doesn't even need to do housework on weekdays, and she doesn't even know how to cook when she is a teenager. Of course, this does not mean that she is favored at home. The main reason is that her mother can't bear her daughter to be troubled and is willing to Work harder and finish all the housework, so that my daughter can have time to do homework, read books and so on when she gets home.

Change it to something else, a mother who wants to be a little lazy.

Or a mother who wants to take it easy.

I have already started to make my daughter work.

But it may be because of precepts and deeds. Even though her mother didn't make her daughter work much, the original body was still under the influence of her mother, or she couldn't bear to see her mother too tired, so she would often do some work within her ability to help her on weekdays. Mother reduced some housework.

This was more than a dozen years ago. After graduating from junior high school, I did not get admitted to a technical secondary school. If I went to high school, not only would the cost of studying be relatively high, but I might not be able to enter a university.

In addition, she has two younger brothers who want to study.

Her father was the only one making money in the family, so the pressure was still relatively high, so Yuanzhen finally stopped her studies under the persuasion of her family, did not go to high school, and found an internship in a local food factory.

Don't think it's strange. In that era, technical secondary school students were more popular, and the admission requirements were relatively high. It can be said that they were higher than the requirements for high school entrance examination. students, then technical secondary school students, and high school students have to be ranked behind the technical secondary school students.

In addition, the admission rate of the college entrance examination was low at that time, and the university had not yet expanded its enrollment. It was very difficult to pass the college entrance examination to become a college student or a junior college student.

Of course, in addition, the level of technical secondary schools in that era was indeed relatively high. Many technical secondary schools at that time went to college later, which is a different concept from those technical secondary schools that became more popularized education later.

After work, the original body still continued to work in a serious manner, and the family didn't ask her to hand over her monthly salary, so she kept it by herself. In the end, she relied on thrift and frugality. With a salary of 1 yuan, I have saved more than 1,000 yuan in deposits.

Then give it all to her dad in the fourth year.

It was used to help the family build a house.

Her father paid the bulk of the money, and she only helped buy some bricks and tiles with the thousand dollars. At the same time, the family also suffered from a little famine and owed some money to others. In order to help the family pay back the money earlier, Yuanshen resolutely gave up the local food factory, which has been getting worse and worse in the past six months, and even barely paid the wages, and went to work in first-tier cities where the wages are said to be relatively high.

I have to say that a big city is a big city. Even if you just work as a female worker in a private garment factory, your salary is much higher than before. The monthly salary can exceed 60, and overtime is paid for overtime, one yuan an hour.

It's a pity that there are not many opportunities to work overtime.

Therefore, Yuanshen's monthly salary is about 70 yuan, and occasionally it will be more, up to 80 yuan when he is busy, but no matter what, it is definitely better than his hometown.

It's just that the original body only stayed there for two years before being urged to go back by the family, because the family felt that she was old, over twenty years old, and if she didn't get married, others would gossip and even suspect their family I want to trap my daughter at home and make money for his family.

And the original body was also obedient, and soon resigned and went back to accept the arrangement of the family, and started blind dates, and after many blind dates, he reluctantly met one, and after getting along for a month, he began to talk about marriage, as well as discussing certificates and getting married.

At this time, the original body no longer had a job, so he could only wash his hands and make soup at home, and by the way, he did farming. No one thought there was any problem with this. After all, he became a housewife after marriage and took care of all the housework at home.

It seems to have always been quite natural.

Her family was like that when the original body was not married, and it is natural for her to continue to be at home after she gets married.

At the beginning, the original body was not very good at cooking, nor was it good at farming, because she had never done it before, but time is the most tempered person. Without the help of others, she can only learn slowly. these skills.

And gradually adapted to married life.

And then, of course, having a baby or something.

She became pregnant in the second year after marriage, and gave birth to a pair of twin daughters in the third year. After that, it was a more ordinary day of raising children and being a housewife.

After the child can go to elementary school, the little money and dowry money saved in Yuanshen’s hands have long been spent, and he feels more and more that he has no job or income, and the feeling that he has to ask his husband for money to buy anything is really uncomfortable. Comfortable.

So she quickly found a job again, and found a job in a rather tiring glass factory nearby. Fan.

Five years later, the glass factory collapsed, and she looked much older than her actual age. She found another catering job and continued to work while taking care of her family.

After the children went to live in high school, Yuan changed to a job with a slightly higher salary, but she still had to cook three meals a day for her husband and do housework.

In order to hurry up and not be late, sometimes after breakfast, I have no time to eat it.

Then the children went to a normal university, and after graduation they worked, got a boyfriend or girlfriend, and so on. At this time, the original body had to be busy saving the dowry money for their brothers and sisters, the down payment for buying a house, and so on.

Really except those ten years when I was a child.

Live for others almost all your life.

Two years later, my son was talking about getting married, and my daughter's side was almost in progress. The down payment was paid for the house, and the next loan was paid by my son himself. Everything seemed to be fine. You can completely resign and go home to help with grandchildren and so on.

It was also in this year that the original body found that the stomach pain that she had often experienced before seemed to become more severe, and even began to bleed. Once, she was so painful that she fainted at home alone, so she felt sorry for Qian. The hospital did a more comprehensive examination.

The test result was stomach cancer, advanced stage.

The disease can be controlled, and there is a certain survival rate, but it costs money and the family is bankrupt.

After learning about the situation, the original body sat alone for a long time, and struggled for a long time, finally found a place where no one was around, cried a lot of grievances, then tore up the inspection report in his hand, and bought some painkillers medicine.

After that, she began to urge her son to get married.

Urging his daughter to marry.

And with a smile on his face, in the next six months, he didn't know what kind of perseverance he had to persevere until his son married a wife and his daughter married, and his body completely collapsed.

Out of fear that in case he faints again next time.

Then the family also spent money to treat themselves.

She sneaked out by herself, found a remote and uninhabited place, and intentionally let herself slip and fall into the water.

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