Quick Transmigration: Rescuing Supporting Male Leads Plan

Chapter 216: Military sergeant is too difficult

After more than three years, Gu Jinxi has not heard the system completion tips, can not help but some troubles, should not! It stands to reason that Qiao Jingyan can say that he is obedient! Is it true that Qiao Jingyan is in his heart...

"What's wrong? Jiner." When Joe Jingyan entered the door, he saw Gu Jinxi sitting on the sofa and the TV was on.

"Ah! You are back!" Gu Jinyi turned and smiled and walked over and took the clothes in the hands of Qiao Jingyan.

"I asked you how it happened. In the recent period, your attention seems to be not concentrated! Tell me, what are you thinking about?" Qiao Jingyan’s face was stunned and smashed by the kosher’s scattered hair. Said.

"No, no!" Gu Jinyi said that he was uncomfortable. She can't always say that she is thinking about her status in the heart of Qiao Jingyan!

"It's really okay." Qiao Jingyan frowned, although he knew that Jiner had something in his heart, but he still respected Jin's own opinions and waited until Jiner wanted to say it!

"Well, that, time is not early, I am going to cook!" Gu Jinxi was somewhat uncomfortable to see by Qiao Jingyan.

"No need." Qiao Jingyan grabbed Gu Jinxi's hand and said, "Tonight, let's go out and eat."

"Go out to eat?! Why? What's the matter today?"

"Why, nothing, can our family not go out to eat?"

"No, no, I don't mean that."

"Oh, well, well, let's clean up first, Xiao Nan should come back soon. We will leave when we get there."


Qiao Jingyan came to the five-star hotel with Gu Jinxi and Qiao Yunan.

Gu Jinxi looked at Qiao Jingyan with a strange look. "Jingyan, this?"

"Oh, rest assured! Your husband will never want his wife to wash the dishes."

"Hey, Joe Jingyan, you are serious, good!" Gu Jin said with a look at Qiao Jingyan.

"I am very serious! Wife."

"Mother and Dad, I am still here, how are you! Is it really good to show love like this?"

Gu Jinxi was made a red face by a sudden pop-up from Qiao Yunan! Looking down, seriously looking at Qiao Yunan said, "Joe Nan, you told me who said this to you." Really, children are children! What show is love! Who is this to teach him?

"Mom, you are out, now the primary school students are very fashionable, good! I don't just know what Xiu En loves, I also know what is called a single Wang!"

Gu Jinxi looked at the proud face of Joe Nun, and he was speechless. He reached out and knocked on Xiao Nan’s little head and said, “What is so proud of this! I will not say these words later. The children will have children’s appearance. do you know."

"Mom, this is good to keep up with the times!"

"Qiao Jingyan, you care about this child!" Gu Jinyan looked at the side of Qiao Jingyan said. No way, in recent years, my position in the heart of Qiao Xiaonan can be said to be a straight drop! So if you can cure this little devil, you still have to take it out!

"Joe Nan!" Qiao Jingyan stared directly at Qiao Yunan and said, "If you want to listen to your mother, you don't know."

"Know, I know."

Gu Jinxi looked at the pair of funny fathers and sons and couldn’t help but smile and said, “You two fathers and sons know a nostril.”

"Oh, well, well, my wife. Let's go ahead!"

After the meal, Qiao Jingyan took Gu Jinxi and her mother and son out for a while and went home.

Gu Jinxi was lying in the arms of Qiao Jingyan, and he said with a comfortable voice, "Do you have anything to say to me today!"

"Oh, no!"

"Please, we are husbands and wives! Anyway, we have been married for more than ten years. What do you know about your every move! When you are in the hotel, you have a word." It looks like it."

"Oh, Jiner really knows me! Think about the time is really fast! We have been married for more than ten years in a blink of an eye." Qiao Jingyan looked at the baby in the arms of Gu Jinxi Said.

"Then what do you want to say!" Gu Jinyi turned over and laughed at Qiao Jingyan.

"You have worked so hard for so many years."

Gu Jinyu looked at the guilty face of Qiao Jingyan, and reached out and pokeed the face of Qiao Jingyan’s cheek and said, “Jingyan, I am doing this for you, I am willing to do so, so you don’t have to feel guilty about it. For your sake, I am willing."

"Oh, thank you. Wife. But my wife will never let you take care of this family anymore."

"Ah! What do you mean!" Gu Jinxi said with a strange look at Qiao Jingyan.

"I want to retire."

"Retired?! Why!" Gu Jinyi quickly sat up and looked at Qiao Jingyan as soon as he heard this. You must know that in the original book, Qiao Jingyan did not think of retiring until he was in his 50s! "You, your parents are not always looking forward to seeing you in the army."

"Oh, rest assured! I have seriously considered it. In the past few years, you have been doing anything for your family, and I have not paid a little effort. I feel very guilty about this. Years have always caused you to be wronged. Although you have no opinion on this, I know that you must be a lot wronged behind the scenes."

"I, I didn't feel bitter! I am very happy to be able to share these things for you. And you are already suffering enough in the army. You can't come back a few times. Of course, you have to relax and relax! Back to top, why are you going to retire?" Ah! Don't you really like life in the army? And your wish is not to be able to contribute to the country?"

"Yes, I am hope. But I can't ignore you and the children! I have owed you enough, so I want to compensate you."

"King Yan."

"Listen to me to finish the conversation first. And even if I am not retired now, my current body can not stand such a strong training, and I am not as good as this, so I will go back to spend with you."

"Your body? What happened to your body? Injured. No, we will go to the hospital tomorrow to see it!"

Qiao Jingyan looked at Gu Jinxi’s anxious appearance and quickly smiled and pulled Gu Jinxi into his arms and said, “Do not worry! I am fine, but I can say that I am powerless now. And I have already 37, 8 now. It’s time to retire. Besides, my parents have always wanted me to go back and accept the small company at home. So it’s just right.”

"Ah!" Speaking, she seems to have never seen Joe Jingyan's parents!

Qiao Jingyan knows the question in Gu Jinxi’s heart and smiles and says, “In fact, when I decided to join the army, the family was very opposed, and I was alienated from my family because of this. In the past few years, I have nothing at home. Contact. But recently, my mom called me and said that my dad’s body has some problems, so I hope I can go back and inherit the family business."

"So when we got married, my uncle and aunt did not come." Gu Jinyi looked at Qiao Jingyan with some surprise. Now this is what the story is! It seems that this thing is not mentioned in the plot!

"Well, that's right. But over the past few years, my relationship with my family has gradually eased. Although my parents still disagree with me, I have not opposed it before."

"Does the parents know the relationship between us?"

"Oh, that's natural! What are you thinking about! How can I be wronged by such a big thing!"

"Hey! Counting your knowledge, but this is also good. After all, parents are older, and I hope that there will be a child around me. In the past few years, you have never fulfilled the responsibility of a child!" "Gu Jinxi looked at Qiao Jingyan with some disapproval."

"Yes, I know that I have been wrong for a few years, but at that time, I was so young, how could I consider so many things! In fact, I have always regretted my heart in recent years. I also want to go home, but at that time If you don’t have the following, you can only die and face your sins!"

"Hey! You know it! But it is still wrong for you to say it. After all, the parent who does not want his child is good! Parents are just worried about you."

"I know, so when I go back this time, we can make a good compensation for our parents. Let them enjoy their old age and bring their grandchildren." Qiao Jingyan said with a smile and looked at Gu Jinxi.

"When are we going back? I will pack my luggage at that time."

"Well, it’s almost a month or so! After all, these documents are not so fast, and I have some follow-up things to explain to others. In addition, Xiaonan’s things must be solved first."

"Well, okay. Then I will pick up the big things first, send them in the first place, and save the time."

"Okay, depending on you. You should look at it first. After I have done all the things, let's clean up together. It will take you hard again."

"Big stupid, I am your wife, doing all this is what I should, okay!"

"Oh, yes, yes, yes, Jiner, I can meet you in my life is definitely the luckiest thing in my life." Qiao Jingyan said with a happy face holding Gu Jinxi.

"Oh, I am also. I am able to marry you such a good man, and I am fortunate in my life."

"Okay, okay, let's not exaggerate each other here. It's not too late. Go to bed early! Your body has always been very empty. It is good to go to bed early and get up early."

"Well, well, I know, good night."

"good night."

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