After almost a month or so, Gu Jinxi saw the tiredness on Smoyan's face and the obvious dark circles at her eyes, and she suddenly felt distressed. It was all because of her. "Mo Yan, take a break! You haven't slept a good time during this time."

"Nothing, I am not tired."

"I still don't feel tired, your eyes are already so heavy, no, you have to take a good rest."

Si Moyan saw the care of Gu Jintao's face and smiled. "Do not worry! It's okay. I am not very tired. Then I said that if the company was really busy, I could not look at it for more than two months!"

Gu Jinyi knows that someone is happy when he hears this. He said helplessly, "Smoyan, you will lose your body when you go down. If you get rid of your body, how can you help me!" Besides, there are still about half a month! Come slowly, I am not in a hurry. If you are tired of your body because of this, I will die inside."

Si Moyan looked at Gu Jinxi’s body day and day, and he was really anxious. It was like an ant on a hot pot, but he had already dispatched the forces in his secret, although there were some signs, but it was still not enough. what! Seeing that Gu Jinxi is weaker little by little, I have seen Jiner almost every time in the past few days. In this way...

"Nothing, hey, I am not tired."

Gu Jinxi was dissatisfied and said, "If you are not tired, I am tired. You will accompany me to rest. Go, go, go." After that, he pushed Simoyan to go to the bedroom. If you go on like this, you can't stand it!

Smoyan was helpless and was pushed down on the bed by Gu Jinyu. Gu Jinyan looked at Smoyan and said, "You give me a good rest. Otherwise, I will ignore you any more. Believe it or not."

Simoyan gave Gu Jinxi a smile in his arms. "Good, good, good, I will listen to you. This is the head office! But you have to accompany me."

"Well, quickly close your eyes and sleep." Gu Jinxi was somewhat uncomfortable by Simoyan, and quickly reached out and grabbed Simoyan's eyes.

Smoyan may be really tired. The beauty of her arms and the beauty in her arms soon fell asleep.

On the other side, Gu Jinxi looked at Smoyan’s sleeping face and yawned. She was tired too, take a break! Gu Jin licked the chest of Ms. Mo Yan and slept in the beauty.

When Smolyan woke up, she found that she had slept for three hours. She looked at the scented Jin Er in her arms. On the one hand, she was happy and worried. The recent spirit of Jiner is really...

Suddenly the phone rang, and Smoyan carefully climbed out of the bed and covered the quilt for Gu Jinxi. He said, "Hey, who."

"President, it is me, you have to look at the things we have already looked at."

"Really? Quickly."

"President, according to our survey, there is a girl in the neighboring city who meets the conditions you said by the president. Three years ago, he became a vegetative person because he accidentally fell down the stairs, and he has not woken up until now."

"what is it call?"

"Well, it seems to be the daughter of the family, and you have a bit of a relationship with the president."

"No more nonsense, what is it?"

"It seems that it is called Gu Jinxi! The brocade of Jinser, looking for 觅."

"What, really!" Smoyan said, raising his voice.

"Well, yes, president."

"Really, it’s great, I pushed my trip for the next few days, and I quickly booked my flight ticket to the neighboring city."

"But the president has a very important meeting in the next few days! Can't push it!"

"Do not talk nonsense, look for what I said, otherwise, you will wait to get out!" After talking about Simoyan, he hangs directly.

After hanging up the phone, Si Mo Yan was very excited!

After hanging up the phone, Si Mo Yan was very excited! I finally found it. I finally found it. It’s great, great.

Si Moyan walked excitedly into the room and looked at Gu Jinxi, who was still asleep. She reached out and touched Gu Jinxi’s cheek and said, “Jiner, it’s finally saved. We are leaving now.”

After Smoyan packed up the luggage, he called Qi Xianwei and gave a notice. Just holding Gu Jinyu, who is still in sleep, got on the plane.

After coming to the neighboring city, Simoyan looked at Gu Jinyi, who was getting weaker in her arms, and said to Qu Xianwei, "What the **** is going on!"

Qi Xianwei met and said, "Well, Miss Gu's body is getting weaker and weaker. If I go on like this, there will definitely be something wrong! In the current situation, it can only last for three days."

"Then we went to the hospital."

"Hey, don't be so anxious! This matter can't be impatient, you have to wait for time. We can't know why Gu is so isolated. If the trade is doing this, not only for Miss Gu's body. Ok, but it will accelerate the disappearance of Miss Gu’s soul."

"Then you don't hurry to find the reason."

"Oh, ah, don't worry so much! Now that Miss Gu's body has been found, the reason and method of leaving the soul will definitely be easy to solve. But you should take me to the hospital first!"

"Okay, go."

"Wait, I said President of the University, you should not want to take someone off the car!"

"How can I not?"

"Crap, of course this is not ok!"


"I said President of the University, can you not fall into the IQ of a female ghost! Please, people are ghosts! As a normal person, others can't see, you go like this. It’s polite that others don’t send you to a mental hospital.”

Si Moyan looked at Gu Jinxi, who was still asleep, and couldn't bear to wake her up! It is worth it, it is the mental illness. "Nothing, how do people love to say it! Anyway, I don't care."

"Big brother, you really haven't saved, you don't care, I still have the so-called! I don't want to be treated with a different look." Yan Xianwei took out a box from his arms and said, "Let the female ghost stay in the box first." !! Don't look at me like this! Rest assured that this box is good for her, no harm."

Si Moyan thought about it and said, "If that's the case, then it's okay! But she is not a female ghost. She is called Jin Er. You will call her Miss Gu directly afterwards."

"Oh, I don't think it will take long, I should call her Mrs. Oh!"

"If you don't mind, you can call her now."

"Hey, hello, you really haven't saved. The original big iceberg turned out to be a show of love, I really can't stand it!"

When I came to the ward, Smoyan looked at the woman who was lying on the bed, and she was so distressed! Jin Er was weak and sick from an early age. She has been relying on traditional Chinese medicine to nurse her body. However, she did not expect that her condition suddenly increased three years ago. This was sent to the hospital! The doctors in the hospital have nothing to do with this. If it is not the family's wealth, I am afraid that the hospital will give up Jiner!

"How, how is Jiner."

Yan Xianwei frowned and said, "This situation is not very optimistic! Although Ms. Gu’s body has always been maintained by traditional Chinese medicine and various medical equipment, it has already hurt the root. If so, give the soul of Miss Gu. If I go back to the body, I can’t stand it with Ms. Gu’s current situation, but it will also aggravate Gu’s death.”

"What to do! I tell you, no matter what, you have to save back Jin, otherwise I will remove your signboard."

"Oh! Don't be so anxious! I haven't said that there is nothing to save! It's just a little risky. It's a little careless..."

"You don't care about the consequences, tell me how to do it."

"Concentric spell."

"What do you mean."

"Well, it is to take a person's heart and blood in Miss Gu's heart. If this is the case, it will play a certain role in Miss Gu's body, so that Miss Gu's soul will return to the body without causing any damage. ""

"Then what are you waiting for?"

"Oh! Don't always be so anxious! You wait for me to finish the conversation! Although it is said that there is nothing for Miss Gu, but the problem lies in the person who takes the blood of the heart! To know the most The important thing is the part of the heart. If you take your heart and blood, then the person’s physical condition will never be better. In addition, this concentric spell is as the name suggests, that is, everything between two people will be connected together. It is like a The life of a person. This is equivalent to one person giving her life half to her!"

"How about that. I am willing to give my life to Jiner. After all, if Jin is not there, what do I mean by living in this world!"

"You, Simoyan, you are the owner of the family, you are not just a person, you have to think clearly, this thing is not that simple."

"I think very clearly, anyway, the embarrassing things behind the Secretary, you are not very clear. I am so hard to meet Jiner, how do you let me let go!"

Yan Xianwei sighed and said, "Oh, anyway, I know that even if I say something, you will not listen to it. But I tell you that there are exceptions to everything, and this concentric spell can be said to be a ban, I I have never tried it. In case of any failure on this way, you can't."

"Do not worry! I naturally understand. In the end, I will accompany her to walk along the Yinyang Road."

Qi Xianwei was stunned by Smoyan’s words. He knew that Si Moyan was really crazy for a woman. But this kind of madness has several people who can touch it! "In this case, I will take a few medications. You will have three pairs of children every day. Let's talk about the body first!"


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