No, the point is not this, she wants the shares to do what, and can not take this thing. Still not right, Chu Bailu wants to give this kind of thing to her.

"You said that the settlement will not refer to this?" Shen Mubai can not be channel.

The teenager squinted slightly and his lips smiled a little. "Yes."

Taking a deep breath, Shen Mubai thought he was crazy and took things back. "I won't want it."

"What does Dr. Shen think is that you have to be on the side of the job for me?" The boy's lips were sly, and the light was looking at her.

On the means, she will never play with Chu Baimo, Shen Mubai could not think of it.

"Forget it." Shen Mubai simply gave up the struggle, and wanted Chu Baiyin to suffer losses, which was harder than going to heaven.

However, from another point of view, she is three years older than the other party. In fact, Chu Baiyin suffers.

Shen Mubai’s mood is suddenly clear. “If the shares are counted, people will leave it difficult.”

The smile on the lips deepened, and Chu Baimo couldn't help but turn to pick people up.

Suddenly, Shen Mubai was shocked and quickly hugged the other's neck. "Chu Bai Mo, you will let me down."

The teenager raised his face slightly and his eyes filled with hunger. "Doctor Shen, I like you, love at first sight."

Shen Mubai thought, at first sight, you can really pretend.

But still on the mouth, "So your favorite is to follow me, put a bug, steal my clothes, right?"

Chu Bai ink is beautiful, and his eyebrows are all joyful. "I just can't help it, I want to touch Shen."

Shen Mubai remembered one thing and looked at him with suspicion. "What do you do every time I drink milk and fall asleep?"

I regretted after asking her, but I don’t even think about it.

Chu Baimo smiled softly, and filled her waist with a sly sigh, and sighed with a low voice. "If Dr. Shen wants to know, I can demonstrate it again."

Shen Mubai didn't want to know that she was struggling to get down.

Chu Baimo did not let her go down, clutching her tightly.

Shen Mubai glared, "If you don't let me down, I will break up."

The hands at the waist shrank a bit, and the dangerous voice that belongs to Chu Baiyin sounded in the ear. "I don't like this joke."

The scalp was numb, and Shen Mubai turned his face. "Chu Bai Mo, you will let me down."

"Kiss me a bite." The other party smiled at the gentleness of Yingying.

Shen Mubai wanted to pretend not to hear, but the high posture was too much, she whispered, "You close your eyes."

The younger lips were slightly tilted, and the eyes closed.

Shen Mubai leaned over and quickly kissed him. Before he could retreat, he was put down. One hand held the back of the head and the other kissed.


About a few minutes later, Chu Baimo let go of her.

Shen Mubai panted and gave him a look.

The two confirmed the relationship, and Chu Baimo was more sticky every day.

Shen Mubai is very painful. She has a deep sense of fear for the possessive male. In order to complete the task, it is simply a matter of taking the kidney.

"When are we engaged?" I was eating the oranges handed over by the other party. The Shenmu who heard this sentence was almost not killed.

" Engagement?" She coughed and died, and took a sigh of relief. "What do you mean? We have just confirmed the relationship soon, it is too early, let alone I have not promised to marry you."

The young boy smiled and bathed in the spring breeze, and the look he looked was very gentle. "Does Dr. Shen think we will break up?"


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